
  1. SIFT和相关系数在嫦娥一号月球影像匹配中的应用

    Application of SIFT and Correlation Coefficient in Chang'E-1 Lunar Image Matching

  2. 2008年11月12日,依据“嫦娥一号”卫星拍摄数据制作的中国第一幅全月球影像图正式公布。本次绕月任务将持续一年。

    The mission is scheduled to continue for a year.At November 12 , 2008 , a map of whole lunarsurface taken by Chang'e I was shown to the public .

  3. 对于上述一系列问题,人们采用月球物理、月球化学以及近年来较热门的月球影像地质学来综合开展研究来反映月球的构造演化历史。

    For the above a series of problems , people using geophysics , geochemistry and the moon image geology , which is popular in recent years , to reflect the tectonic evolution history of the moon comprehensively .

  4. 时隔我国发射第一颗月球探测器嫦娥1号一年多,昨天中国科学家发布了第一张全月球影像图。

    Scientists reveal China 's first full map of the moon 's surface yesterday , more than a year after the launch of the country 's first lunar probe , the Chang'e-1 .