
  • 网络Safe Construction
  1. 和谐社会离不开平安建设这块基石。

    The harmonious society cannot exist without the cornerstone of safe construction .

  2. 平安建设与当前社会不稳定因素的关联分析

    The Interrelated analyzing on the construction without mishap and unstable factors of current society

  3. 建立权责一致、权利保障、治安恒定、道德宣化的平安建设承载机制则是实现这一目标的基本保证。

    The construction safe and sound is the basic guarantee of realizing right , public order , moral advance .

  4. 自平安建设广泛开展以来,取得了重要的成绩,但也存在着一些具体的问题。

    Since the peace-building has been extensively carried out , and achieved important results , but there are some specific issues .

  5. 高度重视社会稳定工作,广泛深入推进平安建设。

    We will pay close attention to social stability and make extensive and thorough going efforts to promote peace and security .

  6. 这对于提高公共交通运营服务的安全性,提升乘客的安全感,促进城市和谐平安建设,推动公交的可持续发展具有积极和重要的现实意义。

    This is a positive and important practical significance to improve the security of the public transport operator services , enhance the sense of security of the passengers , promote the city in harmony and peace building , and promote the sustainable development of the Bus .

  7. 深化平安建设,完善立体化社会治安防控体系,强化司法基本保障,依法防范和惩治违法犯罪活动,保障人民生命财产安全。

    We should intensify efforts to ensure law and order , improve the multi-dimensional system for crime prevention and control , strengthen the infrastructure of judicial bodies , and prevent and punish criminal and illegal activities in accordance with the law to protect the people 's lives and property .

  8. 坚持共建共治共享方向,聚焦影响国家安全、社会安定、人民安宁的突出问题,全面提升平安中国建设科学化、社会化、法治化、智能化水平。

    We should focus on prominent problems affecting national security , social stability and people 's tranquility on the basis of pursuing collaboration and common interests . Efforts should be made to make the implementation of the initiative more scientific , and raise its levels of public participation , rule of law and intelligence .

  9. 树立师生正确的安全观,积极推进平安校园建设

    Fostering the Safety Ideal and Promoting the Construction of Safety Campus

  10. 北京平安大街建设工程综述

    On Design and Landscaping of Beijing Ping'an Street Reconstruction Project

  11. 文章阐述了当前我国平安渔业建设的基本情况。

    This article elaborated the basic situation analysis on safe fishery construction of China .

  12. 高校平安校园建设的对策与思考

    Solutions and Thoughts on Building a Peaceful Campus

  13. 平安学校建设浅探

    Construction of " Safe Campus "

  14. 平安渔业建设中渔区社会保障体系建设研究

    Social security system in fishing villages

  15. 平安山东建设中关于加强弱势群体法律保护的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Protection for Weak Group in the Construction of a Safe and Sound Shandong Province

  16. 延长东海区伏季休渔期的渔业效果分析平安渔业建设中渔区社会保障体系建设研究

    Effects of the prolonged summer closed fishing period on fisheries in East China Sea Social security system in fishing villages

  17. 具体到广西,就是构建和谐广西,即大力推进富裕广西、文化广西、生态广西和平安广西建设。

    Talking of Guangxi , it means to construct a harmonious Guangxi with richness , culture , excellent natural environment and peace .

  18. 平安校园建设是构建和谐校园的重要举措,是实现高校自身发展的内在要求。

    The Construction of quiet and stable campus is the important measure of construction harmonious campus and the inherent demands of realizing their own development .

  19. 分析了平安城市建设中两个典型的视频监控联网系统,即模拟接入方式的模数混合型和数字接入方式的全数字型,对比分析了两者的优缺点。

    And then , after the comparison of those two systems , a new analog-digital-mixed type is proposed , which conbimes the advantages of those two systems .

  20. 长期存在的村级财务不良态势,已成为新农村建设、村财务公开、平安农村建设、密切干群关系、理财创益的深层障碍。

    The long-term backwardness of rural finance has become a serious barrier against new rural construction , especially in terms of financial security , carder-mass relationship and finance innovation .

  21. 其中系统工程模式较其他模式来说,在规划的科学性、应用性及保障学校安全和学生平安,建设和谐校园方面具有独特的优越性。

    Among these models , systematic project model is superior to others in its scientific and applications , its unique advantages in safeguarding schools and students and building harmonious campus .

  22. 期冀为更好的推进五个重庆特别是平安重庆的建设提供参考。

    In order to promote " five Chongqing " better especially " peace " reference for the construction of Chongqing .

  23. 对于公共安全突发事件,采取积极有效的心理防范和干预措施,可以促进和谐安徽、平安安徽的建设与发展。

    For public safety emergencies , it takes positive and effective psychosocial preventions and interventions to promote harmonious Anhui , peaceable Anhui building and developing .

  24. 随着平安中国等项目建设的逐步深入,网络视频监控系统在维护社会安全、打击犯罪方面的作用日益突出。

    With the projects of " Security China " deepening gradually , the network video monitoring system has become increasingly prominent role in the maintenance of social security and fighting against the crime .