
  1. 根据史料统计,在短短3个月里,仅在平一县860余庄中,习拳者多至800余处,几乎村村皆有。

    The local poor peasants and groups of homeless people responded and rose up . According to the statistics of historical data , there were more than eight hundred places that had the boxers in more than eight hundred and sixty villages in only Pingyi County in short three months . Almost every village had the boxers .

  2. 得气后,风池用平补平泻法,余穴用补法,留针30分钟,间隔15分钟行针1次,每日针刺1次,共针刺2周。

    After get gas , the wind pool with a reinforcing-reducing method , other place use reinforcing method , needle for 30 minutes , to analogue for once 15 minutes , once a day , treatment for 2 weeks .