- 名balanced hypothesis

At present , the protease-antiprotease balance and the oxidant-antioxidant balance raised widespread attention , in addition to the pathogenesis mechanism of airway inflammation of COPD was generally accepted .
Polygenic Inheritance Unbalance Hypothesis About Sterility of the Male Yak cattle
There were two hypotheses on the mechanism of resistance cost , resource limitation and disruption of metabolic equilibria .
The polygenic inheritance unbalance hypothesis about male sterility of yak cattle is suggested on the base of the research results about male sterility of yak cattle .
The 4 hypotheses on honeybee sex determination : the complementary allele hypothesis , gene balance hypothesis , synthetic hypothesis , sex gene quantity hypothesis are described in this paper .
These studies confirmed the nutrition imbalance hypothesis in aetiology of the e-sophageal / gastric cardia cancers and provided the preventive possibility of human cancer and some commonly seen diseases in the developing countries .
The article reviews the advance about the calcium homeostasis imbalance hypothesis in recent year .
A New Understanding of the Source of Forces Causing Crustal Movement-Hypothesis of Density Equilibrium Ellipsoid
The clinostat and / or cytochalasin experiments confirm the suggestion that on earth the position of statoliths depends on the balance of the gravitational force and the counteracting force mediated by actin filaments .