
  • 网络Balanced Design;Balanced designed
  1. 模拟分析同时应用于双列杂交的平衡设计和非平衡设计。

    Both balanced design and un balanced design based on modified diallel crosses were constructed for simulation analysis .

  2. 模拟结果显示在估算单性状的方差和性状间的协方差时,平衡设计和非平衡设计没有显著的差异。

    The simulation results indicated that both balanced design and unbalanced design had the similar efficiency for estimating the variance components for single trait and covariance components between two traits .

  3. 利用3D技术对非对称薄壁回转零件进行平衡设计

    Method of Balancing-design of the Non-symmetric Rotary Part with Thin Wall by 3D Technology

  4. 本文通过对3D制图软件的研究,提出利用3D绘图技术对非对称薄壁回转零件进行平衡设计的方法。

    A method of the balance design for a non-symmetric rotary part with thin wall is discussed .

  5. 刀翼式PDC钻头的侧向力平衡设计

    Lateral force balancing design of blade PDC bits

  6. RTM成型模具的热平衡设计

    Thermal balance design of RTM mould

  7. 介绍全彩LED显示屏的全套配光方案,包括投产晶片的K-因素管理、封装工艺、白平衡设计以及LED光学透镜的设计等。

    This article introduces the whole optical match scheme for full color LED display , including dice K-factor control , LED packaging technics , white balance and the optical design of model cup ( LED lens ) .

  8. 在具体模具设计过程中,由于浇注系统设计是否合理在同模异穴注射模具中起着极其重要的作用,本文重点研究模具CAE技术在浇注系统流动平衡设计中的应用。

    In the specific mold design process , because gating system design is reasonable different points in the same mold injection mold plays an important role , this article focuses on mold CAE technology in the gating system design flow balance .

  9. 论述了RTM模具热平衡设计的重要性、热平衡设计的内容和方法,以及模具材料的热传递性能、模具的热平衡分析、加热系统和局部加热系统的设计。

    The importance , the content and method of thermal balance design for RTM mould are discussed as well as the thermal transmission of the mould materials , the heat balance analysis the healing system and the local heating of the mould .

  10. 本文探讨了COSAC浸出厂在设计和后来投产期间面临的问题,这些问题涉及合金处理、高压釜设计、高压釜冷却器设计、渣含液的回收以及水平衡设计。

    This paper examines the challenges faced during the design and subsequent successful commissioning of the COSAC Leach Plant . The challenges discussed include alloy handling , autoclave design , autoclave cooler design , residue liquor recovery and the water balance design .

  11. 一个新的交通网络平衡设计模型及其算法

    A New Model for Equilibrium Network Design Problem and Algorithm

  12. 针织服装生产线的负荷平衡设计

    The balance design of workload for the producing line of knitted apparel

  13. 电脑刺绣机针杆机构力平衡设计

    The force equilibrium design of the needle bar mechanism in computerized Embroidery Machine

  14. 桥式拆炉机液压系统热平衡设计

    Thermal Equilibrium Design for Bridge Disintegrator 's Hydraulic System

  15. 四缸柴油机平衡设计的趋势

    The Tendency to Balance Design of 4-cylinder Diesel Engine

  16. 基于流动模拟的注射模流动平衡设计

    Design of the Flowing Balance of the Injection Mould Based on Flowing Simulation

  17. 某小型光电搜索平台力矩的平衡设计

    Method Eliminating Imbalanced Torque of Mini-platform for Photo-electrical Searching

  18. 挤轮的平衡设计法研究

    An investigation of the " method of balanced state design " for gear rolling dies

  19. 注射模流动平衡设计

    Flow Balance Design in the Injection Mold

  20. 数值结果显示,本文提出的算法可以快速有效地求解这类网络平衡设计二层规划模型。

    Numerical experiments show that the solution method in this paper is effective and efficient .

  21. 展位内家具需要用中性色调来平衡设计和颜色。

    You need to counterbalance the design and color with neutral shades for the furniture .

  22. 摩托车电源部分的能量平衡设计

    Energy Balance Design for Motorcycle Power Supply

  23. 一类强部分平衡设计的构造

    A construction to strong partial balance design

  24. 脉冲噪声注入式零平衡设计

    Balance Radiometer with Impulse Noise Injection

  25. 平衡设计单向分类随机模型参数的极大似然比检验

    Maximum Likelihood Ratio Test of Parameters in Random Effect Model with Equilibrium Design and One-way Classification

  26. 聚氯乙烯生产中副产废酸的平衡设计及节能减排效果

    Balancing design of by-product waste acid in PVC production and its effect of energy saving and emission reduction

  27. 该系统包括4个模块:生产数据管理模块、资源需求计划模块、生产线平衡设计模块和设备优化布局模块。

    The system consists of four modules : Production Data Management , Capability Requirement Planning , Line Balancing , and Facility Layout .

  28. 清江水布垭面板堆石坝动态土石方平衡设计堤坝土方填筑施工中质量控制的土工原理

    Earthwork Design for Cubic Meter of Earth and Stone in Qingjiang Rockfill Dam Construction The earthwork principle about quality control in the dike earthwork reclamation construction

  29. 目前,岩壁吊车梁设计所采用的刚体极限平衡设计方法还不能确切反映岩锚吊车梁的实际受力状态。

    At present , the rigid-body limit equilibrium method adopted in the design of crane beam on rock wall can not reflect the actual mechanical behavior of crane .

  30. 本文将上述认识转化为设计方法,包括:动态优化方法、动态拓扑优化方法、动态轻量化设计方法、多轴疲劳寿命预测方法和动态平衡设计方法。

    Based on these functions , a series of design methods has been developed , including Dynamic optimization , Dynamic topology optimization , Dynamic lightening method and Dynamic balancing method .