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  • line drive
  1. 一个例子是外野手松井秀喜在第七局接杀了铃木一朗击出的左外野强劲平飞球。

    Hideki Matsui on a long fly to left by Suzuki in the top of the seventh .

  2. 当他被淘汰之后,他爸爸开始加入,并帮助他们度过了一个充满希望,失望,平飞球和界外球的夏天。

    When he gets cut , his father steps in and together they spend a summer full of hope and disappointment , line drives and foul balls .

  3. 然后我只能回击一个平击球,对你来说那是一个再打斜射球的好机会。击球手击出一支左外野平飞球。

    Then I could only return it as a flat-shot , an easy opportunity for you to slice again . The batter hit a line drive to left field for a single .