
  • 网络flat cover
  1. 高压平盖的设计方法

    Design Methods of High Pressure Flat Cover

  2. 同时通过对试验压力取一定安全系数,推导出液压试验专用焊接平盖的计算公式。

    In the same time , a calculating formula of welding flat cover special for hydraulic test is deduced by setting certain safety coefficient of hydraulic test .

  3. 平盖封头结构改进及其强度有限元分析

    Structural improvement of flat head and FEM analysis for its strength

  4. 水压试验用贴合式圆平盖的设计方法

    Design of Combined Round Flat End Cover for Hydrostatic Test

  5. 按大挠度理论计算的液压试验用焊接平盖

    Welding flat cover for hydraulic test calculated basing on large deflection theory

  6. 烘缸平盖封头的加筋与应力强度评定

    Stiffening Flat Head of Dryer and Stress - Strength Evaluation

  7. 焊接密封垫片连接结构的平盖设计

    Design of Flat Cover with Connection Structure of Welded Gasket

  8. 基于平盖改进后的两种加筋封头的强度分析及比较

    Strength analysis and comparison about two improved rib-heads which based on plat-head

  9. 平盖开孔补强计算的讨论

    Discussion of Reinforcement Calculation for Opening on Flat Head

  10. 平盖开孔补强问题的讨论护士长应加强的领导素质

    Discussion of Reinforcement Calculation for Opening on FlatHead The leading qualities that the matron need improve

  11. 可拆螺旋板式换热器大平盖螺栓预紧力估算方法

    The Predicting Calculation of Bolt Load for Seating Gasket in Circular-shaped Cover of Detachable Spiral Heat Exchanger

  12. 超声波探伤在造纸烘缸平盖与筒体对接焊缝检验中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Detection to Check the Soldering Seam of Paper Making Dryer Cover and the Tube Body

  13. 倒锥平盖凭借其良好的强度、刚度特性,尤其适于可拆式螺旋板换热器的端部密封。

    Relying on its excellent strength and stiffness , circular-shaped cover with a topsy-turvy cone is especially suitable for the end sealing of detachable spiral heat exchanger .

  14. 本文以确保螺旋体法兰密封面的密封性能为前提,讨论了一种用以确定可拆螺旋板式换热器大平盖螺栓预紧力的估算方法。

    This paper is based on the sealing reliability of flange for the DSHE and submits a predicting calculation 's method of the bolt for seating gasket used in circular-shaped cover of the DSHE .

  15. 加筋平盖封头比普通平盖封头具有较好的受力性能,这对较厚平盖封头的结构改进设计有重要的指导作用。

    The result shows that head with ribs is much better than the common one when they suffered the same pressure , and this gives us important guiding effect in the design of flat head .

  16. 从而较好地解决了飞机液压结构及着陆系统圆平板的强度计算;同时该设计方法,对压力容器平盖的强度计算亦具有指导意义。

    This strength method is all the better to solve the strength calculation of circular plate of hydraulic structure and landing system and also is better to help the strength calculation of flat head of pressure vessels .

  17. 本文通过有限元方法,基于理想弹塑性材料模型,重点研究了夹套式平盖在机械载荷、热载荷、热-机械载荷耦合作用下的力学性能。

    In this work , based on elastic-perfectly plastic material model , the mechanical properties of flat head with jacket were investigated under mechanical load , thermal load , and thermal-mechanical coupling loads by finite element method ( FEM ) .

  18. 多层筒体与底部球形封头之间用一锻环过渡;筒体端部与圆形平盖之间采用大型螺栓紧固的双锥密封结构。

    The structure of the body had the characteristics of multi plate wrapping , forged ring transition between the body and spherical bottom , and bi taper sealing structure tightened with large bolts between the body and the disk cover .

  19. 结果表明,对于开孔率小于0.5的平盖开孔补强采用均匀增加平盖厚度的方法,不能解决孔边产生的应力集中问题,难以达到补强的效果;

    The result shows that the method of increasing evenly the thickness of flat covers for the reinforcement with an opening ratio below 0.5 could not solve the stress concentration problem induced at the edges of openings and realize the reinforcement result ;

  20. 根据试压用焊接平盖的特点,按受压平板的大挠度分析允许平盖最大变形等于平盖的计算厚度;

    According to the feature of welding flat cover for hydraulic test , analysis is made basing on large deflection of flat cover under maximum pressure to allow maximum deformation of the flat cover being equal to the calculated thickness of the flat cover .

  21. 方案一优化了平盖的开孔位置,通过改进前后热&结构耦合场路径计算结果的对比,得出减少危险截面上结构不连续区域可以改善平盖的受力情况。

    The one scheme is that change the opening position in the flat cover , through the comparison of the path calculating results in thermal & structural coupled field , it obtains that reducing the structure discontinuous area in dangerous sections can improve force-bearing conditions .

  22. 外置式单面角焊平端盖的强度分析

    Angle . Stress Analysis of the External Flat Head with Fillet Weld

  23. 锅炉平端盖的应力分析

    Stress analysis of boiler flat lid

  24. 在用纤维结实的“海鸟粪”展平了叠盖而成的褐色墙壁上,有一幅彩色的耶稣圣心图和另一幅科布莱圣母图。

    On the brown walls of the flattened , overlapping leaves of the sturdy fibered guano there was a picture in color of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and another of the Virgin of Cobre .