
  1. 在干燥、平和的日子里,人们感到疼痛的可能性最低。

    Dry , still days were the least likely to be painful .

  2. 他在一种奇怪的心气平和的心境里安定了下来,再也不着急了。

    He had settled down into a strange and comfortable state of mind .

  3. 四足动物都躲藏起来了,小鸟在这平和的时刻里也休息了,

    Quadrupeds are confined to their coverts and the birds sit upon their perches this peaceful hour .

  4. 我住在一个朋友的公寓里,他外出了,所以那些天我能在一个安静平和的环境里工作,这就是我所做的。

    I was staying in a friend 's apartment who wasn 't there , so I had the peace and quiet to work on it over those few days , which is what I did .

  5. 在平和晴朗的日子里,千万片树叶落在此时色泽渐渐转暗的湖面上。

    On bright and calm days they lie in thousands on the now darkening water .

  6. 区内金矿化受招平断裂带和涧里断裂及两侧的次级断裂控制。

    Gold mineralization is controlled by Zhaoyuan-Pingdu , Jianli fault and secondary fractures on its two sides .

  7. 他跟我似的,喜欢早早起床写东西,这样可以避免炎热的天气的影响,在平和安静的环境里写作。

    Hemingway , like me , woke early to write to avoid the heat and to write in peace and quiet .