
táng chǎng
  • Sugar factory;sugar refinery;sugarhouse;trapiche
糖厂 [táng chǎng]
  • [sugar refinery] 用甘蔗、甜菜等生产糖的工厂

糖厂[táng chǎng]
  1. 他们建起了一座榨糖厂。

    They built a sugar refinery .

  2. 新型糖厂混合液pH值控制系统

    Controlling System of pH of mixed Liquid in Sugar Refinery

  3. 关停小糖厂、小糖精厂、小造纸厂的工作也已逐步展开。

    The efforts on closedown and suspension of small sugar refineries , small saccharin refineries and small paper mills are also being carried out in steps .

  4. 糖厂pH值在线测量与控制

    A on Line pH Value Measurement and Control System for Sugar Factories

  5. pH值在线测量仪表在糖厂的生产应用

    Application of On-Line pH Value Measurement and Control System in Sugar Mill

  6. 甘蔗糖厂压榨生产线PLC集成控制

    PLC Integrated Control on the Productive Line for Grinding Cane in Sugar-refinery

  7. 通过某糖厂的运行结果,证明了微机Fuzzy控制在甜菜制糖过程应用的可行性与有效性。

    The feasibility and effectivenesS'of Fuzzy control in sugar making process are verified by the productivity results ofa certain factory .

  8. 糖厂中和pH值在线测量、控制系统的新方法的研究

    Research on New Methods of Neutralization pH in on-line Control System in the Sugar Factory

  9. V型斜管沉淀池在糖厂污水处理中的应用

    The Application of V-shape Slant Pipe Clarifier in Sewage Treatment of Beet Sugar Factory

  10. 压滤机洗水全自动PLC控制在糖厂的应用

    Application of Fully Automatic Control System Based on PLC in Plate Filter Three Time Washing

  11. 基于DSP的图像处理系统及其在糖厂PH值检测中的应用

    The Application of Image Process on the Basis of DSP in PH Measure in Sugar Factory

  12. 淀粉糖厂调浆罐粉浆pH值急剧下降的原因调查及应对措施

    Reasons and Counter Measures of Rapid Decline of pH Value of Slurry in Mixed Tank of Starch Sugar Manufactory

  13. EM技术在糖厂废水处理中的应用及评估

    Application and Evaluation of EM Technique for Liquid Waste Disposal in Sugar Refineries

  14. 介绍了PLC在糖厂压榨车间均衡输蔗自动控制系统中的应用。

    The application of PLC to the automatic control of the balanced transportation system of sugarcane is introduced in this paper .

  15. 在分析现有糖厂混合液pH值控制系统的基础上,提出了一种新型糖厂混合液pH值控制系统。

    Based on analysis of pH value controlling system in existing sugar refinery , a newly developed pH controlling system for mixed liquid is presented .

  16. 糖厂废水COD与BOD相关性分析

    The Correlativity Analysing Between COD and BOD for the Waste Water of the Sugar Refinery

  17. 糖厂蒸发站STD总线工控机自动控制与管理系统

    A Process Control and Management System with STD Bus Industrial Computer for Sugar Factory Evaporation Station

  18. 采用糖厂蔗渣锅炉烟道气进行饱充是提高亚硫酸法制糖质量的一种可能技术途径,但由于烟气中CO2浓度较低且存在波动,烟道气饱充实际效果不佳。

    It is a potential technical approach to improve the sugar quality of sub-sulfuric acid method by using bagasse boiler flue gas for saturation .

  19. 它让其他人,不论是政府的自来水厂还是垂直整合的炼糖厂,都投入生产和分销系统,共同完成RealThing(真家伙)(来自可口可乐的广告语)的生产。

    It involved getting others , whether it was government-owned water works or vertically integrated sugar refineries , to invest in the production and distribution systems needed to turn the Real Thing into a real thing .

  20. 本文介绍SIMATICS7系列PLC在糖厂蒸发自动控制系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of SIMATIC S7 series PLC in evaporator control in the sugar factory .

  21. 基于Fuzzy-PID的糖厂煮糖结晶控制系统设计

    A control system design of cane sugar boiling and crystal in sugar - refinery base on Fuzzy - PID

  22. 澄清中和工序是制糖生产过程中关键工序之一,蔗汁pH值及温度的控制好坏,直接影响糖厂的糖份回收率、产品质量和企业效益。

    Clarification neutralize is the key processes in the sugar production . The control of pH-value and temperature on cane juice directly affects the recovery , product quality and private benefits of sugar .

  23. 为了在糖厂的澄清工序上控制糖汁的PH值在6.9到7.1范围内,就必须进行PH值的检测。

    For the sake of within the scopes of 6.9 to 7.1 of PH of neutralization juice in defecate work procedure of the sugar factory , we must proceed to the check of PH.

  24. 当一个糖厂爆炸,CSI成员作出有关的工厂的员工一惊人的发现。

    When a sugar refinery explodes , the CSIs make a shocking discovery about one of the factory 's employees .

  25. 英国人艾礼文(richardelman)控制着大宗商品公司来宝集团(noblegroup),该公司在巴西拥有糖厂,在中国拥有大豆加工厂,在澳大利亚拥有煤矿。

    Briton Richard Elman controls commodity company Noble Group , which owns sugar mills in Brazil , soya bean crushing plants in China and coal mines in Australia .

  26. 糖厂25t锅炉过热器爆管的分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment to Squib of Super-heater for 25t Boiler in Sugar Refinery

  27. 以PSB技术治理糖厂废醪液,可以使糖厂废醪液实现零排放。

    Using PSB technology to treat waste undecanted wine in sugar plants , the waste undecanted wine could reach zero discharge .

  28. 糖厂的生产实践证明,糖浆气浮新技术可以大幅度地降低糖浆中SO2的含量,从而降低白砂糖SO2含量,提高其食用安全性。

    The practice in cane sugar factories has proved that the new technology for syrup floatation clarification can decrease SO2 residual remarkably in white granulated sugar and improve its edible safety .

  29. 以甜菜糖厂废蜜酒精废液为原料,采用热带假丝酵母(landidatropicalis)种内融合株Ct-3为菌株,经过种子培养、发酵、分离浓缩、干燥粉碎工艺过程制取出单细胞蛋白质。

    : The intraspecific fusant Ct - 3 coming from candida tropicalis has been adopted to produce single cell protein with the waste liquid from beet molasses alcohol fermentation . The process of production are composed of culturing seed and fermenting , separating and concentrating , drying and smashing .

  30. 通过索氏提取对甘蔗糖厂混合汁浮渣的醇溶组分进行分离,利用二苯代苦味肼基自由基(DPPH·)分光光度法快速评价浮渣醇溶物抗氧化能力。

    The alcohol soluble substance in the mixed juice scum of sugarcane mill was separated by soxhlet extraction and its anti-oxidative capability was determined rapidly by DPPH · method in this paper .