
  • 网络Plane Strain;plane-strain;plain strain
  1. J积分平面应变裂纹扩展阻力曲线的测定

    The determination of the plane strain J - integral crack extension resistance curve

  2. 计算结果表明,与平面应变情况不同,对于平面应力稳恒裂纹扩展,材料的强化指数N对塑性区形状有显著影响。

    In contrast to the plane strain case , the results show significant dependence of the geometry of plastic zone upon the hardening exponent N .

  3. 海冰平面应变断裂韧度KIC

    Plane strain fracture toughness k_ ( ic ) of sea ice

  4. 压力容器用钢和舰船钢平面应变止裂韧度K(Ia)的行为表征

    Behavioral Characterization of Plain-Strain Arrest Toughness K_ ( Ia ) of Ship Steel

  5. 将它用于测定平面应变状态裂纹的应力强度因子K1,K2,获得了满意的结果。

    We can get a satisfactory solution in determining stress-intensity factors K_1 , K_1 of plane-strain cracks by applying this developing method .

  6. 本文讨论了Ⅰ型加载下平面应变断裂韧性K(IC)的两种理论计算方法。

    This paper deals with two kinds of theoretic computational method of fracture toughness property ( Kk ) of plate strain under I type loading .

  7. 试验分析说明采用以平面应变性质为基础的Paris裂纹扩展速率定律应用于实际焊接结构具有一定安全性。

    The test results and analyses showed that the Paris formulas based on plane strain behavior can be applied to practical welded structures with considerable confidence .

  8. 这样,只要通过三轴试验确定了φ,则平面应变条件下的φ(ps)和破坏准则也就确定了。

    Under plane strain condition , thereupon , φ _ ( ps ) and the failure criterion under plane strain condition can be determined by φ .

  9. 平面应变Mindlin曲线单元有限元方程及其在截面分析中的应用

    A Finite Element Equation with Plane Strain Mindlin Curved Line Element and Its Application in Section Analysis

  10. 平面应变条件下的M-C准则的等效广义Mises变换公式及其应用

    General expression of equivalent generalized Mises transformation formula for Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion under plane strain condition

  11. 在自重荷载的情况下考虑地下水的组合,用ANSYS有限元分析软件对32°边坡和挡土坝进行了简化为平面应变问题的应力和位移场的分析。

    Considering gravitationally the groundwater distribution , the finite element analysis of ANSYS software is used to simplify the 32 ° slope and bulkhead dam into a planar stress problem to analyze stress and displacement field .

  12. 针对平面应变弹性波动问题,研究了自由-固定边界无限大弹性板中P-SV波的传播特性。

    Wave propagation properties for P-SV wave in a free-fixed infinite plate in the state of plane strain problem were investigated .

  13. 从而,克服了Gupta所建立之薄膜及平面应变板动态有限元不能与常规分析相协调的缺点。

    It follows that inconsistent shortcomings exhibiting in the finite dynamic element formulations for membranes and plane strain plates may be overcome .

  14. 本文基于非关联流动法则,推导出平面应变条件下两种准则相互转化的关系式,建立了与摩尔-库仑准则精确匹配的D-P准则。

    This paper deduces the accurate equations which can transform one criterion to another under the plane strain condition .

  15. 并且塑性变形大小与其平面应变断裂韧度KIC值大小存在正相关关系。

    And there is a positive correlation between the size of the plastic deformation and the value of KIC .

  16. 采用MARC有限元程序提供的虚拟裂纹扩展方法,计算了平面应变条件下不同强度匹配的含平行裂纹的三点弯曲焊接接头模型在不同载荷下的J积分。

    : J integral of different strength matched three point bend welded joint model containing longitudinal crack under plane strain condition is calculated using virtual crack extension method of MARC finite element program .

  17. 作者对45钢等三种延性金属材料进行了人字形切槽短小柱体平面应变断裂韧性K(IC)测试法的实验研究。

    The experimental study of the measurement method of the plane strain fracture toughness K_ ( IC ) . using the Chevron-Notched short red and short bar specimens was carried out for 3 ductile metals , such as No. 45 steel etc.

  18. 值得注意的是:与平面应变情形相反,在平面应力条件下,较高的J主导水平发生在纯拉伸条件下,而较低的J主导水平发生在纯弯曲条件。

    Contrary to plane strain , it is noted that , for plane stress case , the higher J-dominance level occurs under pure tension condition , and the lower J-dominance level occurs under pure bending condition .

  19. 模型的尺寸是以现场冰情为准,其中河宽为长,冰厚为高。河流的轴向长度远远大于河宽,属于平面应变问题,计算宽度取为1m。

    It is a kind of plane strain problem because the river length is far more than its width so that the width of the model is set to be 1m .

  20. 结果表明:在试样中面附近围绕Ⅰ型裂纹前缘,应力状态均具有明显的平面应变特征,而应力三轴度(Rσ)仅在韧带附近为最大。

    Numerical results indicated that plane strain state ( approximately ) was the main feature around the 3D crack front in the midsection of Mode I specimen , but the maximum values of stress triaxiality ( R σ ) were found only in the vicinity of ligament .

  21. 方法参照人体CT图片,利用平面应变假设建立模型,采用有限元法仿真计算旋转惯性载荷作用下脑组织的变形。

    Methods By referring to the computerized tomography pictures of the human body and using plane strain and finite element method ( FEM ), we applied plane strain hypothesis to establish a model for calculation of the brain tissue deformation caused by rotational inertia loading during vehicle crash accident .

  22. 本文研究和比较了Al-Li合金超塑平面应变和双轴拉伸应变中空洞生长的特点及空洞受到抑制的程度.实验表明,平面应变中空洞生长的速度明显高于双轴拉伸应变;

    The growing characteristic of cavities in Al-Li alloy during the superplastic plane strain and double axis tensile strain is investigated and compared . The experimental results show that the speed of cavity growing during plane strain are higher than that during double axis tensile strain .

  23. 将Stokes方程与线弹性力学中的Lame方程进行类比,给出了用线弹性平面应变问题的有限元分析程序求解Stokes方程的方法。

    Stokes equation is analogized with Lame equation used in the linear elasticity . An approach in which the finite element program for the linear elastic plane strain problem is employed to solve Stokes equation is presented .

  24. 进一步结合平面应变模型,通过Laplace变换和卷积定理等数学方法,求得任意激振力作用下的桩体振动频域响应解析解和时域响应半解析解。

    Further , in combination with the plane strain model , the analytical solutions of longitudinal vibration response of piles in frequency domain and the corresponding semi-analytical solutions in time domain were obtained using Laplace transform and convolution theorem .

  25. 用复函数的Faber级数展开方法,通过求解Hilbert问题研究了含任意曲线裂纹的压电材料反平面应变问题,获得了问题的解析解和场强度因子。

    The analytic solution and the intensity factor of anti plane strain problems of curvilinear cracks in piezoelectric materials are obtained by using the Faber series expansion of complex variable functions and solving Hilbert problem .

  26. 利用背散射电子衍射取向成像技术,定量分析了具有初始织构的AZ31镁合金平面应变压缩时的孪生过程。

    The twinning process in a magnesium AZ31 alloy with initial texture is quantitatively analyzed during plane-strain compression by means of orientation mapping based on EBSD technique .

  27. 应用断裂力学方法对公路钢桁桥的安全性能进行评估中,必须首先测出平面应变断裂韧度KIC。

    In the evaluation of highway steel truss bridges based on the method of fracture mechanics , the plane fracture toughness K IC must be detected firstly .

  28. 基于轴对称平面应变条件,推导了缠绕FRP加固承受内压的损伤金属管线的环向应力计算公式,并提出了预应力FRP加固损伤金属管线的思路。

    Based on the assumption of axis-symmetrical plane strain , the calculating formulas for the hoop stress were derived for the metallic pipelines under internal pressure strengthened by circumferential winding FRP . The use of prestressed FRP for metallic pipelines repair was proposed .

  29. 以Hill唯象理论为基础,建立正交各向异性弹塑性材料的本构关系,给出理想正交各向异性弹塑性材料在平面应变条件下混合型静止裂纹尖端的弹塑性场。

    In this paper , in view of a phenomenological plasticity theory for orthotropic material proposed by Hill , the history-dependent constitutive relation for plane strain case is obtained . The asymptotic solution of the plane strain mixed mode stationary crack problem in an elastoplastic material with plas (?)

  30. 以Barron理论为基础推导了相应的砂井平面应变等效变换公式,该公式能同时考虑井阻和涂抹效应。

    Based on Barron theory , equivalent transpositional formula for corresponding plane strain of sand-drain was deduced and considering well resistance to drain and smearing effect .