
píng dòng
  • Adit;footrill
平硐[píng dòng]
  1. 平硐渗水试验的试验尺度为1~2m,渗透系数为10-4~101m/d,非常离散;

    The permeability value K from water seepage test in adits with the test scale 1-2 m is dispersed between 10-4 and 101m / d.

  2. 立足于大量的地面调查、多个平硐勘探与测试,本文首先介绍了ⅡB大型变形破裂体的变形破裂特征,并应用现场氡气探测裂缝深度等结果,界定了变形体的边界。

    Based on a great deal of site investigation , field exploration of tunnels , and testing , fracture characteristics of the deformable body was firstly described in this paper and some strong evidences were obtained to determine its boundary , which is ambiguous and different in previous studies .

  3. 基于勘探平硐获取的资料,运用围岩工程地质分类法、BQ法、RMR法和Q系统法进行了地下厂区岩体质量评价;

    The rock mass quality was assessed based on the data obtained from exploration adits with the methods of engineering geological classification for surrounding rock mass , BQ , RMR and Q-system successively .

  4. 采场内多条高度大于200m放矿溜井,平硐电机车或1132m长距离胶带机输送矿石,降低采场矿石运输距离和成本。

    Several ore chutes longer than 200m were used and level adit mining electric locomotives or 1 132-meter-width long distance belt conveyers were used to convey the ore so as to reduce the ore transportation distance and cost .

  5. 结果表明,这两种网路具有较高可靠性,降震效果明显,可以确保290m平硐的安全。

    The results show that two detonating network systems with high reliability are obvious in reduction of blasting vibration and possible to ensure the safety of 290m adit .

  6. 露天矿平硐&溜井系统的设计与实践

    The design and practice of tunnel-ore pass system in open pit

  7. 平硐深溜井;露天金矿;应用;

    Adit deep chute ; Open gold mine ; Application ;

  8. 紫金山金矿露天采场平硐溜井技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Adit - pass at Zijinshan Open Pit

  9. 爆破动载荷下平硐稳定性的研究

    Study on the Adit Stability Under Dynamic Blasting Load

  10. 土城煤矿主平硐运输系统供电设计

    Design of Power Supply of Conveyance System of Main Drift in Tucheng Mine

  11. 露天爆破对主运输平硐振动影响的模拟分析

    Simulative Analysis of the Effect of Open-pit Blasting Vibration on the Main Haulage Tunnel

  12. 黄陵一号煤矿主平硐突水原因分析

    Analyzing the reason of water burst in horizontal roadway of No.1 Huangling coal mine

  13. 露天爆破运输平硐允许峰值质点振动速度的研究

    Research on Allowable Peak Particle Vibration Velocity for Transport Adit in Blasting in Open-Pit Mine

  14. 斜井转平硐不同运输方式下的辅助系统优化与快速施工组织

    The Auxiliary System Optimization and Rapid Construction Organization of the Inclined Shaft into Tunnel with Different Modes of Transport

  15. 分布式光纤技术在锦屏一级水电站地质平硐边坡监测中的应用研究

    Study on application of distributed optical fiber technique to monitoring slope structure of geological adit for Jinping Hydropower Station I

  16. 介绍了孔间、孔内和孔间微差爆破的原理、参数、设计施工要点及在降低爆破震动、保护平硐溜井使用安全方面的应用结果。

    The results of shot-delay blasting application in aspects of decreasingblasting-shake and ensuring safety of tunnel & drop shaft are discussed .

  17. 在地表及平硐调查中所见滑坡周界清晰,变形破坏现象明显,为查明滑坡性质提供了客观证据。

    The line of landslide limitation and deformation-failure features are rather certain in the surface , and so are in the drift .

  18. 本文研究成果表明:防渗帷幕和排水平硐对于减少坝肩(基)浸润区范围,降低浸润线高程效果显著,可以有效改善拱坝坝肩(基)及下游边坡的整体稳定性。

    It shows that impervious curtain and drainage adit are very useful in reducing the saturation area of abutment and the elevation of saturation line ;

  19. 随着兰尖铁矿采场水平逐年下降,爆破震动对平硐的安全影响日益突出。

    With the progress of the mining operation in Lanjian Iron Ore year on year the effect of blasting vibration on safety of adit is increasing .

  20. 平硐追脉开采挂帮矿破坏了边坡岩体结构,使边坡岩体内应力重新分布,影响了边坡的稳定性。

    Veining up mining hanging wall ore destroys the slope rock structure , redistributes the body of stress of rock slope , and affects the stability of the slope .

  21. 40年时间,为永久船闸高边坡问题,围绕4条勘探线,在30来个平硐和支硐中开展了大量岩石力学试验研究。

    Since the 1950 's , large amount of rock mechanics tests including both in situ and in laboratory in more than 30 test adits along 4 exploration lines have been performed .

  22. 大瑶山凸起西南缘平硐&旺石铅锌成矿带的地质背景极有利于流体的活动和大型、超大型矿床的形成。

    The geological background of Pingdong-Wangshi lead-zinc deposits , a zone in the southwest of Dayaoshan , is very advantageous for the fluid to extract and transfer the ore elements and form deposits .

  23. 坝区平硐勘探揭露有黄铁矿层分布于震旦系白云岩中,其分布高程低于电站蓄水水位。

    The exploration adits in the dam area reveal that the pyrite layer is distributed in the dolostone of Sinian , the elevation of which is lower than the impounded levl of the power station .

  24. 通过现场爆破地震波的监测,结合爆破震动破坏判据,分析了平硐产生落块的原因,给出了平硐的允许峰值质点振动速度的建议值。

    Through the field monitoring of blasting seismic wave and using the blasting shock damage criterion , the causes for the block-dropping in the adit were analyzed and the allowable peak particle vibration velocity for the adit was given .

  25. 南芬露天铁矿应用露天开采综合技术和主平硐加固与监测的综合技术研究,确保了平硐-溜井运输系统的安全生产,创造了巨大的经济价值;

    By applying comprehensive opencasting technology and comprehensive technical research of the main adit reinforcement and monitoring , Nanfen open pit mine has ensured a safe production of its adit chute transportation system and meanwhile created enormous economic value .

  26. 爆破降震效果明显,可确保平硐溜井在服务期内的安全使用,有利于保护采场高陡边坡的稳定。

    The technology could greatly improve blasting effect and efficiency , dramatically reduce blasting vibration , secure the safety use of side drift and slide in its service time and facilitate the protection of the stability of high and steep slope .

  27. 采用平硐洞壁应力解除&恢复法对边坡应力分布进行了测试,并结合孔径变形法应力测试成果,分析得出了坝肩边坡应力场的基本特征。

    The stress field basic character of the abutment slope is obtained , according to the result of slope stress field test by the method of adit wall stress relief & recovery measuring , combining borehole radial deformation and the method .

  28. 原来的汽车-溜井-平硐-铁路运输方式逐渐报废的过程中,290平硐附近的爆破就显得格外重要,它的爆破后果直接影响到矿山的正常生产。

    Original automobile-slip away in the well-the flat cave-in the course that the railway transportation way scraps gradually , 290 tie near cave to is it seem extremely important to blow up , to blow up consequence influence normal production of mine directly it .

  29. 目前,由于矿石资源紧张,为最大限度地回收境界外矿石,露天边坡上的残留矿体使用平硐追脉开采,开采完成后形成了残采边坡。

    At present , due to the strain on the resources of ore , the residual slope is formed after the completion of the mining to maximize the recovery of ore outside the realm . The residual ore bodies of open slope vein up mining through adit .

  30. 平硐不同位置的最大允许振速因地质、几何形状和支护条件等因素的变化而有所不同,提出了允许振动速度在平硐的同一断面上的不同位置是不同的。

    The maximum allowable peak particle vibration velocity varies with the geology , geometrical shape and support conditions in the different positions of the adit , so it was put forward that the allowable vibration velocity varies at the different locations in the same section of the adit .