
  • 网络flatbed truck;flatcar
  1. 站在一辆平板货车的后面,父亲面对人群,把金博士遇害的消息告诉了大家。

    Standing on the back of a flatbed truck , my father addressed the crowd and told them about Dr.

  2. 他们利用马、骆驼及平板货车充当运输工具,用马和摩托车驱赶牲畜。

    They are using horses , camels and flatbed trucks for transport , and horses and motorcycles to herd their animals .

  3. 我躺在无顶平板货车的车板上,旁边是大炮,上边是帆布,人又湿又冷又饿。

    Lying on the floor of the flat-car with the guns beside me under the canvas I was wet , cold and very hungry .