
  • 网络HPSC
  1. 通过提高单个脉冲能量、改进伺服进给系统判别能力,能实现热压碳化硅陶瓷的电火花加工。本文对电火花加工HP-SiC的工艺规律进行了初步探讨。

    With the help of raising single pulse energy and improving distinction of the servo mechanism , the EDM of HP-SiC ceramics has been realized , and some process regulations have been studied .

  2. 以βSiC为起始粉末,分别选择有、无液相出现的两种热压工艺制备碳化硅陶瓷,并研究了它们的微观结构和力学性能,探讨了热压工艺对SiC陶瓷结构及性能的影响

    The SiC ceramics were produced by solid state sintering and liquid phase sintering using β SiC as starting powder The microstructures and mechanical properties of the SiC samples sintered through different process are studied The influence of sintering process on microstructures and mechanical properties of the SiC ceramics were investigated

  3. 本文分别以碳化硅纤维和活性碳毡为吸收剂,采用热压法制备了碳化硅纤维(活性碳毡)/环氧树脂电路模拟吸波材料。

    In this paper , silicon carbide fiber / epoxy composites and active carbon fiber felt periodical screen / epoxy composites were prepared by compress-molding techniques .