
  • 网络heat supply piping network
  1. 热力管网系统改造中AutoCAD的二次开发

    Development and Research of AutoCAD for Heat-supply Network Reconstruction

  2. 针对无线ANT协议,设计并实现了基于ANT的热力管网终端用户管理系统模块。

    For ANT communication protocol , we designed the heat-pipe-network terminal-user management system module based on ANT .

  3. 正确选用热力管网保温材料的几个问题

    On some problems about properly selecting insulating material for thermal pipeline

  4. 关于热力管网冲洗流速的研究

    Study on the Washing Flow Speed of District Heating Pipe Nets

  5. 热力管网泄漏检测数学模型

    Investigation of mathematical models for leak detection of heating distribution networks

  6. 埋地热力管网非线性复合有限元力学模型及其热胀内力分析

    A non-linear composite-element model for thermal stress analysis of buried pipelines

  7. 深井降水在热力管网工程施工中的应用

    Application of Dewatering by Wells in Construction of Heat Distribution Pipeline

  8. 浅析热力管网的冲洗流速

    Analysis on the Flushing Flow-rate of the Heat Supply Pipeline

  9. 竖直埋管地热换热器的设计热力管网泄漏管理信息系统研究

    Design of vertical geothermal heat exchangers Thermal-Pipe Leak Management Information System Research

  10. 热力管网大型蝶阀故障的试验研究

    Failure Analysis on Large Dish Valve in Thermal Pipe Network

  11. 炉窑、热力管网系统的保温;

    The heat preservation of the oven and heat tube network system .

  12. 如何解决沿海城市直埋热力管网防水防腐问题

    Discussion on waterproof and anticorrosion of direct-buried heat-supply pipelines in coastal cities

  13. 夹套式热力管网的聚乙烯外套管的失效分析

    Failure analysis of polyethylene - cannula enwrapping thermal pipeline

  14. 轴向型波纹补偿器在架空热力管网的应用

    Application of bellow compensator in thermal pipe system

  15. 热力管网的阻力及平衡与调整

    Resistance of District Heating Pipeline and Balance Adjustment

  16. 热力管网泄漏管理信息系统研究

    Thermal-Pipe Leak Management Information System Research

  17. 可作为热力管网的保温管道使用。

    The utility model can be used as heat insulation pipelines of a heat force pipe network .

  18. 热力管网中补偿器的选用

    Choosing Compensator in Heat-supply Pipes

  19. 介绍了一种热力管网多点实时监测系统的工作原理和硬件组成。

    The work principle and hardware component of the multipoint real-time monitoring system for heating pipe network are introduced .

  20. 热水管道无补偿直埋技术已趋于成熟,在城市热力管网建设中得到了广泛应用。

    Technologies of directly buried hot water pipes have been mature and are widely used in thermal pipe network of a city .

  21. 将节点残量修正算法用于热力管网的特性计算,提出了节点残量修正算法在工程计算中的通式。

    The method of nodes remnants amendment algorithm has been used in calculation of the characteristics of an actual heat pipe network .

  22. 埋地管道绝缘连接技术正常运行的直埋热力管网保温层防水方法简介

    Insulation Connecting Technology of Buried Pipeline Introduction of Water-proof Methods of Thermal Insulation Causing the Directly Buried Heating Pipeline System to Work Smoothly

  23. 热力管网的敷设可以采用以下几种方法:地上敷设、管沟敷设和直埋敷设。

    Heat pipe network installation can be used the following methods : on the floor laying , pipe laying and burial trench laying .

  24. 近几年来,城市热力管网发展迅速,尤其是直埋管道敷设技术更是得到了广泛的应用。

    In recent years , the rapid development of urban heat pipe network , especially the buried pipe laying technology has been widely used .

  25. 对高层建筑空调水系统与室外热力管网连接的问题,提出一种新的设计方法。

    A new design method of solving the problems in the air conditioning water system of the high rise building connected with heat distributing network is described .

  26. 介绍了一种套筒型补偿器&自平衡补偿器,它可用在热力管网中消除主固定支架的盲板力。

    Describes a sleeve type compensator-the self balancing compensator , which can be used in heating networks to eliminate the blind flange force on primary fixing trestles .

  27. 对热力管网进行了实例计算、管网改造、优化和设计工作

    For the pipe network in a heating system , it is studied on example analysis , pipe network reform , optimization and design . Heat supply network reform in Bei'an

  28. 现场试验结果表明,改造后的热力管网比改造前年平均节能13.8%,投资回收期不足4个月。

    The test results in the oilfield show that the energy saving of 13.8 % is achieved each year on average after reconstruction and the capital payback lifetime is less than 4 months .

  29. 本项目针对锦州师专热力管网地理信息系统的现有特点,充分了解其工作性质及流程需求,分析其功能和组织结构,开发出热力管网地理信息系统。

    Directed at the present characteristics of the thermal line geography information system , and based on full understanding of its service nature and procedure demands , Geography Information System is a new technology which combines computer graphics with database , and stores up deals with space information .

  30. 青源热力站及供热管网改造设计

    Reform design of Qingyuan heat exchanger station and heating network