
  • 网络Hot Slide;hot running
  1. 实践表明,应用此模型可使高速冷连轧时既不发生打滑又不发生热滑伤现象,经济效益明显。

    It ensures that in a high speed cold tandem rolling course , the slippage and hot slide injury don 't happen , and good economic returns are attained .

  2. 同时提出了防止热滑伤的措施,把此措施用于实际生产中,并取得了较大的经济效益。

    The measures of preventing heat-streaks were brought forward .

  3. IF钢以热滑伤防治为目标的压下规程优化研究

    Research of Screw-down Schedule Optimization for Preventing and Curing Hot Slip of IF Steel

  4. 热滑伤判断条件及其影响因素

    Criterion and Affecting Factors of Heat-Streaks

  5. 多年冻土热融滑塌的地温变化及滑坡过程分析

    Analysis on ground temperature changes and landslide process of thaw slumping in permafrost regions

  6. 冻土斜坡的热融滑塌变形破坏机制分析与评估

    The Destroying Mechanism under Thaw Slumping Distortion and Evaluation of Stability of the Frozen Soil Slope

  7. 从环境工程地质学的观点出发,针对热融滑塌这种可控的滑坡地质灾害,提出了基于保护冻土原则的具体的防治措施。

    From environmental engineering geology viewpoint , control measures based on permafrost protection principle for thaw slumping have been put forward .

  8. 基于典型热融滑塌型斜坡失稳,针对不同的渗流条件建立了其稳定性评价方法。

    Through the failure of thawing-soil slope the method for the stability evaluation of the slope with different seepage conditions is presented .

  9. 路基周而复始的冻胀、融沉和热融滑塌是冻土地区道路建设和维护所面临的主要难题。

    The continual freezing and expanding , melting and submerging and melting and sinking of roadbed are the main problem on the building and maintaining of road in frozen earth area .

  10. 结果表明,发育在平缓斜坡上的热融滑塌具有明显的变形特征,其位移主要发生在土层浅部,越往深部,位移越小,这一监测结果通过室内数值模拟得到了验证。

    Monitoring results of nearly one year show that the thaw slumping body developed in the slope of small dip angle has obvious deformation and its displacement mainly occurs in shallow soil area and decreases with depth . The monitoring results were verified by numerical simulations .

  11. 一种具有触觉、热觉和滑觉的仿生神经元纤维皮肤的研究

    Study on the bionics neurofibrils skin with tactile , heat and smooth sensations