
  • 网络Maglev
  1. 磁浮轨检车随机振动时域仿真磁悬浮车辆随机振动响应分析及其平稳性研究

    Time domain simulation of stochastic vibration for maglev track inspection vehicle

  2. 常导磁悬浮车辆支墩支承结构设计探讨

    Exploration on Pier Bearing Structure Design of Routine Conductive Maglev Train

  3. 磁悬浮车辆的运行试验和开发

    Vehicle-Running Test and Development on the Yamanashi Maglev Test Line

  4. 磁悬浮车辆中人员紧急疏散的仿真研究

    An Urgent Call Simulation of Passenger Evacuation under Emergency in Maglev Train

  5. 与磁悬浮车辆现有超导磁体合为一体的线性发电机

    A Linear Generator Integrated into an Existing Superconducting Magnet of a Maglev Vehicle

  6. 利用一系和二系主动悬挂控制降低磁悬浮车辆的振动

    Reduction of Vibrations in Maglev Vehicles Using Active Primary and Secondary Suspension Control

  7. 本文对常导磁悬浮车辆支墩结构的设计理论进行了探讨。

    The following paper describes the design theory of routine conductive maglev train pier bearing structure .

  8. 论文的研究结果为我国中低速磁悬浮车辆的发展提供了一定的理论基础。

    The research result provided some theoretical basis for the development of chinese middle-low speed maglev vehicle .

  9. 试验型铰接式高速客车转向架非线性动态曲线通过性能的计算分析常导吸引式低速磁悬浮车辆动态曲线通过性能研究

    Nonlinear Curving Simulation for High Speed Articulated Train Study on dynamic performance of the Low-speed EMS maglev car in curve negotiation

  10. 文摘:介绍了山梨磁悬浮车辆空气动力制动的构造及试验结果。

    Abstract : The structure and test results of the aerodynamic brake of the magnetic levitation cars on the Yamanashi Line are described .

  11. 磁悬浮车辆&线路耦合动力学仿真模型研究场路结合并考虑耦合的磁力机械分析与设计方法研究

    Dynamical Vehicle-Guideway Coupling Emulation Model of Maglev Train System ; Study on Analysis and Design of Magnetic Machine Based on a Field-Circuit Integrated Way Considering Coupling Effect

  12. 该文从常导磁悬浮车辆转向架在轨道不平顺激扰下的振动分析入手,分析了悬浮电磁铁悬浮气隙的变化特征。

    Analyzing from the vibration of EMS vehicle bogie exited by track irregularity , this paper analyzed the changing characteristic of suspension air gap of suspension electromagnetic iron .

  13. 研究结论:常导磁悬浮车辆支承墩的设计理论及结构设计方法,经工程实验及四年多的运营实践,证明设计合理、结构安全可靠,满足悬浮运行的要求,具有一定的推广价值。

    Research conclusions : The theory and structure design method is reasonable and credible by project experiments and function practices for four years , which can run suspended and be popularized greatly .

  14. 输出流形与设计流形的一致性还可以用来简化系统模型,降低磁悬浮车辆系统动力学分析的复杂程度。

    The coherence of the output and design manifold also can be used to simplify the model of the maglev system and this will induce the complexity of the maglev vehicle dynamic analysis .

  15. 在模型中,磁悬浮车辆被视为多刚体,并具有两系悬挂系统,轨道被视为弹性欧拉梁,并考虑了磁悬浮车辆的控制系统性能。

    In the model , vehicle was treated as a full dynamic rigid multi-body model with doubled suspension systems , Euler beam was utilized to model rails , and the control system of maglev was also taken into consideration .

  16. 为了准确获得磁悬浮车辆结构的动力学特性,结合上海磁悬浮示范线车辆,对磁悬浮车辆结构建模和仿真方法展开研究。

    In order to obtain the accurate dynamics property of Maglev vehicle , the objective of this ( research ) is to find the most efficient modeling and simulation approach of Magnetically Levitated Vehicle ( MagLev ) with Shanghai MagLev demo line .

  17. 仿真结果表明,多体动力学建模可以作为磁悬浮车辆结构设计方案优劣的有效评估工具,有益于磁悬浮结构国产化设计和开发。

    As a result , the conclusion illustrates that multi-body dynamics modeling and simulation can be used as valid tools to evaluate the structure design project quality , and assist the structure design and the development of maglev vehicle system in China .

  18. 这种磁悬浮车辆适合放置于管道中,再把管道中抽成一定真空,由于同时消除机械摩擦和空气阻力,其运行速度能比飞机快许多倍,此即真空管道运输系统。

    Maglev is very suitable for being put into the tube that will be evacuated , namely vacuum tube . Because both mechanical friction and air resistance are eliminated , the vehicle in such kind of evacuated tube could run much faster than airplane .

  19. 笔者将分别建立梁单元和板壳元的轨道梁模型,通过自编车/桥垂向耦合程序,探讨这两种模型在不同车速和轨道状态下对磁悬浮车辆/桥垂向耦合动力响应的影响。

    Guideway 's beam element and shell element bridge models are established respectively . By self-edited vehicle / bridge vertical coupling program , the influence of these two models on maglev vehicle / elevated-beam guideway vertical coupling dynamic response under different vehicle velocity and state of track is discussed .

  20. 磁悬浮列车车辆夹层机械结构模态分析

    Mode Analysis for the Interlayer of a Maglev Train

  21. 走行机构是磁悬浮列车车辆的重要组成部分,也是决定磁浮列车整体性能的关键结构,因此,对走行机构关键零部件进行结构分析就显得尤为重要。

    The Moving Machine is one of the important components of Maglev Train , and it is also the key to influence the whole performance of Maglev Train .

  22. 常导高速磁悬浮列车电磁场的分析与测量常导磁悬浮车辆支墩支承结构设计探讨

    Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Measurement of the High Speed Normal Magnetic Levitation Vehicle System Exploration on Pier Bearing Structure Design of Routine Conductive Maglev Train

  23. 高温超导磁悬浮车运行速度检测仪的研制常导吸引式低速磁悬浮车辆动态曲线通过性能研究

    The Implementation of a Measuring Instrument for Velocity of High Temperature Superconducting Maglev Vehicle ; Study on dynamic performance of the Low-speed EMS maglev car in curve negotiation