
  • 网络magnetic field control
  1. 磁净化卫星的磁场控制方法

    The magnetic field control method of magnetic clean satellite

  2. 在焊接过程中引入磁场控制成为一种正在发展的先进的焊接技术。

    Appending magnetic field control on welding process is an advanced welding technology which is developing now .

  3. 常导MR机磁场控制系统及故障分析排除

    The System of the Magnetic Field Control for Resistance MR Machine and Analysis and Elimination of Error Information

  4. 利用强磁场控制SiCp/Al复合材料增强颗粒分布状态

    Control of Reinforced Particles Distribution in SiC_P / Al Composites Using High Magnetic Fields

  5. 磁场控制横向MAG焊接焊缝成型工艺的研究

    Study on the Electromagnetically Controlled Horizontal Position MAG Welding Process

  6. 真空波导磁场控制型ECR溅射法的实验研究

    Study of Magnetic Field Control Type ECR Sputtering Method Used Vaccum Waveguide

  7. 磁场控制高效MAG焊接旋转射流过渡稳定性的研究

    Study on the Stability of Rotating Transfer under the Control of Longitudinal Magnetic Field

  8. 针对CO2气体保护焊飞溅大、成形差的特点,利用外加纵向磁场控制CO2焊短路过渡。

    Aimed at the problem of large spatter and bad appearance in CO2 arc welding , experiment research about a rudiment attempt that control short circuiting transfer of CO2 arc welding with longitudinal magnetic field is carried out .

  9. 铝电磁连续铸轧改进型复合磁场控制系统连续改变辊凸度的轧辊

    Improved Complex Magnetic Field Control System of Aluminum Electromagnetic Continuous Roll-casting

  10. 轴向磁场控制的旋转电弧开关的研制

    Development of Rotary Arc Gap - switch in Axial Magnetic Field

  11. 用外加磁场控制气固流化床的气泡

    Checking the Bubbles of a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed with a Magnetic Field

  12. 窄间隙钨极焊接电弧的磁场控制

    The magnetic control of TIG arc in narrow gap welding

  13. 转子磁场控制的交流异步电动机调速系统

    An AC Asynchronous Motor Regulation System Based on Orientation of Rotor Flux

  14. 同步加速器磁场控制状态矩阵的优化乘法器设计

    Improved multiplier used in the state-matrix for magnetic control of a synchrotron

  15. 利用强磁场控制过共晶铝硅合金的凝固组织

    Control of solidified structures of Al-Si hypereutectic alloy by using intense magnetic fields

  16. 直流磁场控制电磁悬浮熔炼旋转稳定性的理论分析

    Theory analysis of steady magnetic field on rotational stability of electromagnetic levitation melting

  17. 磁场控制技术在带极堆焊中的应用

    Application of the magnetic-control technology in strip surfacing

  18. 氢脉泽的支持电子学系统是氢脉泽频率标准中电子学的一个重要组成部分,它包括脉泽的热控制、磁场控制、氢压以及调谐控制。

    The supporting electronics system is an important part in the Hydrogen maser electronics .

  19. 宽带极电渣堆焊的磁场控制电池极片焊机的智能控制

    Magnetic control of welder strip electro-slag surfacing Intellect control for the battery electrode flake welding machine

  20. 此外,本文还引入了磁场控制字来实现旋转磁场的控制时序。

    Additionally , the magnetic control word is introduced to achieve the control sequence of rotating magnetic field .

  21. 本文的研究成果对实现CS-Ⅱ型电磁铸轧特殊组合磁场控制系统的研制开发起了重要作用。

    The conclusion in this paper take an important role to realize the CS-II electromagnetic casting-rolling control system .

  22. 利用静磁场控制磁性纳米颗粒在聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯表面的生长和组装

    The Growth and Assembling of Magnetic Nanoparticles on Poly ( Methyl Methacrlate ) Surfaces by Static Magnetic Field Inducing

  23. 讨论了焊接参数,堆焊位置、磁场控制等对堆焊工艺及堆焊层性能的影响。

    The article discussed the welding parameter , surfacing position and magnetic control to affect welding process and overlay properties .

  24. 特殊组合磁场控制系统研究是实现铝带坯电磁场铸轧的关键环节。

    The microcomputer controlling system of special compound electromagnetic for electromagnetic casting-rolling is the key step to realize aluminum electromagnetic casting-rolling .

  25. 提出了多种具有磁场控制能力的新结构永磁电机,以促使永磁电机的设计理念与磁场控制技术不断变革和创新。

    Promotion of continuous revolution and innovation in design conception of the PM motor and its field control techniques are presented .

  26. 实验结果表明可应用磁场控制结晶器内金属液面的波动。

    The results show that the level fluctuation of molten metal in mold could be controlled by the strength of magnetic field .

  27. 该合金不仅具有可由磁场控制的双向形状记忆效应,而且具有非常大的磁感生应变。

    They are not only having the two-way shape memory effect controlled by magnetic field , but also possessing large magnetic-field-induce strain .

  28. 磁场控制是实现高性能交流调速方法(矢量控制、直接转矩控制等)的基础。

    Field control is the base of high-performance control strategy of AC motor ( vector control , direct torque control , etc ) .

  29. 电机的无功受励磁磁场控制,而电容器和电抗器常通过开关接通或断开来控制。

    The machine vars are controlled by field excitation , and the capacitors and reactors can often be switched for connection or disconnection .

  30. 最后,我们将温敏高分子-紫杉醇复合物包覆在纳米磁颗粒上,研究了交变磁场控制胶体稳定性的可行性。

    Finally , we coated a thermo-sensitive polymer onto the magnetic particles and then used alternating magnetic field to control the aggregation of such particles .