
  • 网络Planet carrier;carrier
  1. 风力发电的行星架与法兰采用过盈连接,在风力载荷作用下,过盈配合的接触表面会产生小幅的相对滑动,该现象被称之为微动滑移。

    On wind power generation planet carrier flange , interference connection is used . Under wind loads , a small relative sliding is produced on the contact surface of the interference connection . This phenomenon is called micro-slip .

  2. 介绍了支持向量机的相关理论知识和算法领域新出现的果蝇优化算法,在此基础上编制MATLAB程序对齿轮箱箱体和输入级行星架尺寸优化中产生的样本数据进行建模和优化。

    Relevant theory knowledge about support vector machine and fruit fly optimization algorithm which is newborn in the field of optimization algorithm is introduced . Then , programme in MATLAB to model and optimize using the sample datas generated in size optimization of the gearbox and planet carrier .

  3. JOY采煤机大行星架轴承拆解办法

    Analysis on the stripping method of planetary bearings of JOY shearer

  4. 基于ANSYS的轮边减速器行星架的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Wheel Reducer Planetary Frame Based on ANSYS

  5. 当给差动轮系的太阳轮Z3与行星架H输入适当的转速,且另一个太阳轮Z1静止时,增大或减小太阳轮Z3的转速,可使太阳轮Z1旋转并改变旋转方向。

    While a suitable rotation speed is inputted to the sun-gear Z_3 of differential gear train and the planet frame H and the other sun-gear Z_1 stayed non-rotating , increasing or decreasing the rotation speed of sun-gear Z_3 will make the sun-gear Z_1 rotates and changes its revolving direction .

  6. 侧板式行星架的有限元分析及结构设计

    FEM and Structure Design of Planetary Carrier in Cantilevered Spindles

  7. 消失模生产重型汽车后桥行星架固定座

    Lost Pattern Casting of Rear Axle Planet Frame of Heavy Goods Vehicle

  8. 为行星架的优化设计提供了重要的依据。

    These results provide fundamental basis for optimization of the planet easel .

  9. 这种方法对行星架设计及改进具有很好的指导意义。

    This method has guiding significance for design and improvement of planet carrier .

  10. 兆瓦级风机主齿轮箱行星架的有限元分析

    The Finite Element Method to Analyze the Planet Carrier of the Megawatt Class Wind Turbine

  11. 带有柔性齿圈和行星架的直齿和斜齿行星传动的模拟

    Modeling of spur And Helical Gear Planetary Drives With Flexible Ring Gears And Planet Carriers

  12. 行星架应力应变理论计算和有限元分析的比较

    The Comparison of Stress and Strain Calculation for Planet Carrier between Theoretical Calculation and Finite Element Analyses

  13. 本文以行星架为例提供了在不同任务剖面下其所承受的动载荷,为进行疲劳强度计算和寿命预测提供了重要的载荷参考数据。

    Data sections . Important reference data of fatigue design and life prediction for planetary reducer are provided .

  14. 进一步通过有限元结构分析,优化了行星架侧壁连接板的结构。

    The structure of the connection board between the two side walls is further optimized by finite element method .

  15. 当齿轮和行星架的轴线不平行时,提出了两对标准直齿圆锥齿轮的基本回路方程。

    Fundamental circuit equations of two pairs of standard conical gears are brought forward when the axes of gear and planet carrier are not parallel .

  16. 在这种情况下,由离合器将行星架和太阳轮连成一体,使两者以相同转速运转。

    The clutch pack is used , in this instance , to lock the planet carrier with the sun gear forcing both to turn at the same speed .

  17. 行星架的结构设计和制造质量,对各行星轮间的载荷分配以至传动装置的承载能力、噪声和振动等有很大影响。

    The structure design and quality of planetary carriers are closely related to the load distribution among planet wheels , the carrying capacity , noise and vibration of gears .

  18. 行星架作为行星齿轮传动系统的主要构件之一,它的结构变形和误差参数对整个系统的均载性能有着较大的影响。

    Carrier is one of the most important components of the planetary gear transmission system , whose structure and error parameter have great influence on system load sharing character .

  19. 在此基础,返回几何模型建立界面,直接对其危险截面进行修正,提高了整个行星架的承载能力。

    On the basis above , we return the geometric model and do an amendment for its dangerous section to improve the carrying capacity of the whole planet frame .

  20. 利用图论知识,可将多自由度多行星架周转轮系的复杂结构简化为拓扑图。

    The complicated structure of the epicyclical gear train with multidegrees of freedom and planet carriers could be predigested into the topological graph by adopting the knowledge of graph theory .

  21. 结果表明,行星架的输出与路况变化能够进行较好的拟合,随着系统转速需求的改变,行星齿轮可以较快速的响应速度的变化。

    The results show that : the following performance of planetary gear system to road conditions is good ; when system demands change , the planetary gear can response the speed change rapidly .

  22. 风电齿轮箱结构轻量化设计。对齿轮箱箱体进行了尺寸优化、形状优化和形貌优化;对输入级行星架进行了拓扑优化和尺寸优化。

    Not only size optimization , shape optimization and topography optimization are applied to the wind turbine gearbox , but also topology optimization and size optimization are applied to the input stage planet carrier .

  23. 分析了一种甘蔗压榨机齿轮传动的特点,并提出基于行星架和齿圈转矩比为定值的保证功率二分支均匀的方法。

    This paper analyses the feature of sugarcane mill gearing and proposes the method to ensure uniform distribution of power between two branches based upon the constant torque ratio of planet carrier and annular gear .

  24. 通过对行星架的优化及结构改进,很大程度上降低了结构的变形和应力,提高了行星架刚度,降低了行星架变形对轮齿啮合状态的影响。

    By the structural optimum design , the deformation and stress is reduced , the rigidity is enhanced , and the influence on tooth engagement state from the deforming of planet carrier is reduced . 5 .

  25. 建立了行星架的刚度模糊可靠性模型,对行星架进行了刚度模糊可靠性优化设计,得到了行星架侧壁厚度的最优值。

    The fuzzy reliability model of planetary carrier is built , and the fuzzy reliability optimal design for planet carrier is carried out . Through the optimum design , the optimum solution of side wall thickness is got .

  26. 分析结果表明:使用行星架作为输出轴、增大混合比、借助于模糊逻辑控制有利于提高车辆在循环工况(特别是市区工况)下的效率。

    Results show that taking the planetary gear as output shaft , increasing the hybridization ratio and adopting the fuzzy logic control are helpful to improve the system efficiency of HEV under driving cycle especially under urban driving conditions .

  27. 接着,对行星架进行有限元强度分析,考虑啮合刚度、支承刚度和花键连接的作用。

    The equivalent of the spline joint surface is obtained by using a variety of layout of spring . Thirdly , the finite element strength of planet carrier is analyzed which consider the gear mesh stiffness and bearing stiffness .

  28. 由耦合模型的仿真结果可知,行星架转速可以维持在理论值平稳运行。(3)针对系统不同的运行状态对太阳轮与齿圈的转速切换过程进行了仿真研究。

    According to the simulation results , the planet carrier can run steady in theory rotation speed . ( 3 ) The rotational speed switching of planetary gear system was simulated with state of starting , low load and hybrid .

  29. 当滚筒的某些尺寸增大引起质量增加时,不可避免的会导致关键部位零部件的载荷、扭矩等发生变化,如太阳轮、太阳轮心轴、行星架处轴承等。

    Mass of the drum will boost too because of enhancing several sizes . Then it will cause the load and the twisting moment of the key sections changed , such as sun gear , roll bearings and so on .

  30. 通过编程计算得到:1推秧和碰撞过程行星架转角与拨叉转角及推秧杆位置的关系,并由高速录像验证;

    By programming calculation , some conclusions were drawn : ① the relationship between the angle of gears trunk and the angle of shifter and the position of seedling-pushing rod in the course of seedling-pushing and collision , which were tested and verified by high-speed Video Tape Recorder ;