
  1. 本文分析了Kodak公司在通过98协议提高行业进入壁垒的基础上,如何设计、发展和维护营销渠道,从而形成了其在中国民用感光行业市场中长期的竞争优势。

    Based on the analyzing the Kodak Company advancing the barrier through the " 98 contract ", the paper focuses on Kodak Company how to design , develop , and maintain the marketing channels so that the company could sustain competitive advantages in consumer imagine industry in China .

  2. 因此,必须从提高产业集中度和行业进入壁垒、优化产业结构等环节改善钢铁产业规模结构效率。

    Consequently , industry concentration and threshold to admit have to be increased , industry structure must to be improved .

  3. 故医院的品牌战略对提高行业进入壁垒、保障人民身体健康和提高医院的经济效益都具有十分重要的意义。

    Hospital brand strategy is helpful to advancing barrier to entry , ensuring residents health status and improving hospitals economic benefit .

  4. 随着胶粘带行业进入壁垒的降低和竞争的加剧,原来的高利润变成了现在的微利甚至亏损。

    As adhesive tape industry 's barrier turn lower and because the heated competitive , the industry 's profit turn meagre even deficit .

  5. 无形资产在创造行业进入壁垒,培养顾客忠诚,以及加强竞争优势方面扮演着至关重要的角色。

    Intangible assets play a crucial role in the creating trade entrance barriers , building customer loyalty , as well as to enhance the competitive advantage .

  6. 我国现代服务业的发展水平较低,存在明显的行业进入壁垒,市场秩序混乱。

    The development of Chinese modern services industry is slow , as there are barriers to entry in this industry , and the market is in disorder .

  7. 降低行业进入壁垒,鼓励民间资本进入造船业,推进产业规模经营是中国船舶制造业发展的必然选择。

    The necessary choice of China shipbuilding industry development is to lower industry barrier , to encourage civil capital into the industry , and to enlarge industrial scale management .

  8. 目前,由于快速消费品行业进入壁垒较低,行业内竞争对手和潜在竞争者较多,因此在市场上相互之间竞争相当激烈。

    At present , the fast moving consumer goods industry have low barriers to entry and there are many competitors and potential competitors , so the market is highly competitive .

  9. 从目前来看,我国农村劳动力流向城镇对缩小城乡收入差距没有多大帮助,要有效缩小我国城乡收入差距还应结合消除不合理的行业进入壁垒,发展农村经济等措施。

    Establishing the just mechanism of income , eliminating the bulwark of industry entrance and developing rural economics are the efficient paths to shorten the gap of income between the country and town .

  10. 由于航空业对技术、资金等要求很高,行业进入壁垒很高,因此将部分竞争者挡在门外,先进入这个行业就具有了马太效应,将会收获更大市场份额。

    Because of technology , capital and other industry , trade barriers to entry , will therefore high block in the door , according to the Matthew effect , will reap greater market share .

  11. 要尽快发展我国的信用评估业,就要提高行业进入壁垒,促进行业内现有评估机构的兼并与联合,但同时又要防止垄断的产生。

    Such measures as heightening barriers to entry and promoting merger and alliance should be taken , but the tendency of monopoly should be avoided to develop credit rating industry as soon as possible in China .

  12. 外资并购的动机一般出于:实现规模经济、技术因素、财务效益、规避行业进入壁垒,占领国际市场、纳税效应。

    The motives of foreign investors ' merger and acquisition are the followings : realizing scale economy , technology factor , financial benefit , evading barrier to enter the market , occupy international market , tax consideration .

  13. 促进财富公平分配的有效机制是消除行业进入壁垒,通过劳动力和生产资料的自由流动,将劳动中存在的超额利润抹平。

    The promotion of an effective mechanism for equitable distribution of wealth is the elimination of profession barriers to entry , through the free movement of labor and the means of production , the excess profits will be smooth out .

  14. 商业银行的市场结构再造,必须在借助政府力量重组现有商业银行结构体系的同时,降低行业进入壁垒,导入有效竞争。

    To reform the market structure of Chinese commercial bank , we should use the power of our government to reorganize the existing system of commercial banks and lower obstacles at the same time in order to develop effective competitions .

  15. 信息不对称是导致中国劳动力市场秩序混乱的主要原因之一。我国现代服务业的发展水平较低,存在明显的行业进入壁垒,市场秩序混乱。

    Asymmetric information is one of the main reasons leading to substandard of the labor market order of our country . The development of Chinese modern services industry is slow , as there are barriers to entry in this industry , and the market is in disorder .

  16. 也意味着增加私营部门的参与,消除若干服务行业的进入壁垒。

    It also means increasing private sector participation and removing entry barriers in several service industries .

  17. 几乎所有行业的进入壁垒都已经崩溃,而这给小企业带来了巨大的机会。

    Barriers to entry in almost every industry have come crashing down , opening vast opportunities for small companies .

  18. 以四年为周期的数据显示,除去烟草制品业和水的生产和供应站,几乎所有行业的进入壁垒都是在增长。

    Taking four years as a cycle , the result shows almost all industries ' barriers to entry are elevated except the tobacco industry and water production and supply station .

  19. 同业竞争激烈的驱动因素是行业进入和退出壁垒低,厂商数量多,集中度不高,产品同质化,产能过剩。2.进一步认清和发现市场机会。

    While the driving factors which pressure horizontal competition are the low barriers to entry and exit , the high cost of manufacturing , low concentration ratios , product homogenization and excess capacity . 2 .

  20. 国家和各地方政府针对高新技术企业、中小企业提供了一系列优惠政策,高新技术行业较高的进入壁垒也保护了高新技术企业的生存和发展。

    Country and every local government have offered a series of preferential policy to new high-tech enterprise , small and medium-sized enterprises , the new and high technology trade has protected existence and development of the new high-tech enterprise too more than the high entry barrier .

  21. 通过必要资本规模、规模经济、绝对成本优势、产品差别化和政府管制等在行业内构筑了进入壁垒。

    Entry deterrence has also been built up through capital scale , scale economy , absolute cost advantage , product differentiation as well as government policies .

  22. 从后向关联产业的发展严重滞后、行业的进入与退出壁垒一定程度失效、环境保护要求的日益提高等几个方面分析了我国铅锌冶炼行业发展所面临的威胁;

    It also analyzes the threats in the aspects of relatively hysteretic development of backward related industry , ineffective barrier of entry & exit in some extent , increasingly strict requirement of environment protection .

  23. 但是在本文所选取的33个行业中,几乎二分之一的行业进入壁垒高度指数在0.5以下,说明我国很多产业存在过度进入问题。

    In the 33 selected industries , almost 1 / 2 of the entry barrier height index is less than 0.5 , so it means that a lot of industries of our country exists the problem of excessive entry .

  24. 结果表明,行业的成长性对纵向战略联盟的组建显著正相关,行业资本密度、进入壁垒则对纵向战略联盟的组建显著负相关。

    The results indicate that industrial growth positively affects the establishment of corporation vertical strategic alliance while capital intensity and entry barrier inversely affect it .