
  1. 53.实行资源有偿使用制度和生态补偿制度。

    Establish a system of paid use for natural resources ecological compensation .

  2. 环境质量资源有偿使用制度的探索

    Exploration of Regulations of the Compensable Use of Environmental Quality

  3. 法律视角下的水资源有偿使用制度

    Reimbursable Usage System on Water Resources from Viewpoint of Law

  4. 我国煤炭资源有偿使用制度的主要问题及原因分析

    The analysis of the question and reason of coal resources paid usage system in China

  5. 我国油气资源有偿使用制度研究的新进展

    The Recent Progress of the Research on the System of Compensated Use of Oil-Gas Resources in Our Country

  6. 水权价格是在水资源有偿使用制度和水权可交易制度基础上形成的。

    The water right price is formed based on the payed-using system of water resources and the tradable system of water right .

  7. 建立健全资源有偿使用制度,确保资源的合理开发和有偿利用。

    The system of utilizing resources with compensation will be established and completed to ensure the rational development and paid utilization of resources .

  8. 健全煤炭等矿产资源有偿使用制度和生态环境补偿机制。

    We will improve the compensation system for the exploitation of coal and other mineral resources and the mechanism for compensation for damage to the ecosystem .

  9. 水权制度是水资源有偿使用制度的前提和基础,而《水法》从法律上确立了水资源的有偿使用制度。

    Water right system is the premise and foundations of reimbursable usage system on water resources , while law of water legally recognizes reimbursable usage system .

  10. 松香工业要持续发展,就必须实行资源有偿使用制度,解决资源培育、木材生产与松脂生产之间的矛盾。

    Putting the resources paid use system into effect can promotes the resin industry sustainable development , and also can resolve the conflict of interests among managers in resources silviculture , timber product and resin tapping .

  11. 分析了水质资源有偿使用制度的设计依据及障碍,论证了我国水质资源有偿使用建立的必要性及可行性。

    Analyze basis and barriers of compensation for the use of the water resources of the system design ; and the paper demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of the establishment the institution of water quality resources paid-use .

  12. 因此,实行海洋资源的有偿使用制度势在必行。

    It is imperative to practice a system of use of resources with compensation .

  13. 由此,文章结合现实中比较突出的四矿问题对矿产资源的有偿使用制度作出了进一步的分析,并说明了有偿使用制度完善的重要意义。

    Thus , the paper makes a further analysis on the paid use system of mineral resources combined with the 4M problems that are very remarkable in reality , and explains the vital significance of consummating the paid use system .

  14. 文章主要就矿产资源有偿使用收费制度体系中的制度因子&矿业权价款的经济内涵做了探讨,在此基础上提出了我国矿业权税费制度体系改进的基本方案。

    The paper focuses on economic connotation of mining right cost , which is the factor of charge system of utilization of mineral resources with compensation . Given this situation , the paper offers the basic plan for improving the system of mining right taxes and administrative charges in China .

  15. 摘要生态补偿法律机制是实现环境资源有偿使用的重要制度和手段。

    Ecological compensation legal mechanisms are the significant instruments and measures to realize payment for environmental resources services .

  16. 改革资源税费制度,完善资源有偿使用制度和生态环境补偿机制。

    We will reform the system of resource taxes and fees , and improve the compensation systems for use of resources and for damage caused to the ecosystem .

  17. 我们必须加强对耕地水树林草原矿产海洋生物等资源的管理和保护,实行资源有偿使用制度,促进资源的节约与合理利用。

    We must tighten control over and protection of arable land , water , forest , grasslands and mineral , sea and biological resources . We should institute the system of paid use of natural resources to ensure economical and rational uses .

  18. 提出了以权利金制度为基础、包括优质资源出让金和矿业权租金在内的我国新的矿产资源有偿使用制度的主体架构,对其中各制度手段的内在涵义及实施思路进行了详细阐述;

    It puts forwards the main structure of new requitable usage system for mineral resources , based on royalty including remising fee of high grade mineral resources and mineral titles rent , which expounds the inherent means and implementation way particularly .

  19. 在水资源日益紧缺的客观形势下,我国需要建立市场机制的水资源有偿使用制度。

    In view of objective situation of increasing shortage of water resources , our country needs to build up reimbursable usage system on water resources under market mechanism .