
  • 网络asset specificity;specialization of asset
  1. 电信、电力、自来水、煤气和铁路运输等行业由于投资成本巨大,资产专用性强,投资回收期长,存在明显的规模经济效益,因此被称为自然垄断产业(NaturalMonopoly)。

    Industries like telecom , railway transportation and supply of power , water and gas distinctly benefit from their economy of scale , due to the immense investment cost , strong asset specificity and long investment payoff period . Therefore , they are called natural monopoly industries .

  2. 从定性的角度分析了不确定性、交易的频率和资产专用性对VMI模式中交易成本的影响。

    From the point of view of qualitative , it analyses the influence of uncertainty , transaction frequency and asset specificity in VMI model . Due to reducing exogenous and endogenous uncertainty , transaction costs will be reduced .

  3. 同时根据资产专用性投资DEA的尝试性测评,其对高技术含量高附加值产品有显著作用。

    Through DEA tentative evaluation of the asset-specific investments , in high-tech high value-added products it has a distinct role .

  4. 当宏观社会资本足以使人们产生普遍信任时,资产专用性也要求契约双方采用关系缔约,因为资产专用性的诱惑是如此之大,以至于普遍信任也不足以阻止敲竹杠(hold-up)的机会主义行为。

    Even if macro social capital is enough to produce general trust , relational contracting is indispensable to both parties because the lure from asset specificity is so big that general trust cannot prohibit the hold-up opportunist behavior .

  5. 按照SCP-R的研究范式,本文首先考察在需求波动、资产专用性和契约不完全性这三个因素的作用下,基于厂商的私人激励,煤炭与电力企业将如何对纵向安排进行选择。

    According to SCP-R paradigm , the paper investigates how coal and electricity firms select vertical arrangements based on private incentives under the effects of demand fluctuation , assets specification and incompleteness of contracts .

  6. 资产专用性与农业结构调整风险规避

    Asset Specificity and Risk Aversion in Adjustment of Agricultural Production Structure

  7. 基于资产专用性的运输业分类监管研究

    A Study on Classified Regulation of Transportation Industry Based on Asset Specificity

  8. 网络式集群存在着资产专用性、网络的稳定性和集群发展以及创新动力不足的问题;

    Special capital , network and innovation are problems in network cluster .

  9. 资产专用性与谈判力基础的关系

    The Relationship of the Asserts Specificity and the Bargaining Power

  10. 技术创新中资产专用性造成的转换成本问题研究

    The Transfer Cost Caused by Asset Specificity in Technology Innovation

  11. 交易费用、资产专用性与企业融资决策

    Transaction Costs Asset Specificity and the Decision of Corporate Financing

  12. 资产专用性、产品市场竞争与资本结构

    Asset Specificity , Product Market Competition and Capital Structure

  13. 企业内部的资产专用性既不能增强也不会减弱其谈判力基础,只有要素的专有性才是各自谈判力的基础。

    Only the exclusive of each factor is the basic of the bargaining .

  14. 资产专用性对企业融资决策有显著的影响。

    Asset specificity has an important impact on the decision of corporate financing .

  15. 资产专用性、网络扩展和私人秩序

    Asset Specificity , Network Expanding and Private Order

  16. 资产专用性、索要高价和科层组织

    Asset Specificity , Charging Highly and Hierarchical Organization

  17. 交易封闭性、资产专用性与农村土地流转

    Transaction in Closure , Property for Special Purpose , and Circulation of Rural Land

  18. 资产专用性、交易成本与组织&军事工业合约治理的经济学分析

    Asset specialization , transaction cost and organization Roles of cost management in development organization

  19. 资产专用性存在与否及专用性的大小,对于采取不同的合约形式及其规制结构具有很好的解释作用。

    Asset specialization is important to the selection of contract form and governing structure .

  20. 基于成本-能力-时间-资产专用性的采购商-供应商关系模型

    Model for Buyer-supplier Relationship Based on Cost-Ability-Time-Asset Specificity ; payable for investment securities purchased

  21. 公司并购协同效应、影响成本与资产专用性

    Synergies of Corporate M A , Influence Costs and Asset Specificity Q A on Sex

  22. 实证检验了资产专用性和公司治理机制对上市公司价值的共同影响。

    Empirical inspect the combined effect of asset specificity and corporate governance on listed companies .

  23. 资产专用性在现代经济理论中的应用分析

    Review on the Theory of Asset Specificity

  24. 本文认为,不同于资产专用性,而是被交易产品的属性决定了组织间的关系的属性。基于项目的组织关系是市场关系和组织界面管理关系两者的综合。

    The organizational relation based on project is the combination of market and management forces .

  25. 当资产专用性很强时,内部组织比市场组织更有优势。

    When asset specificity is very strong , inner organization has more advantage than marketing organization .

  26. 也就是说,企业的员工可能凭借其人力资本的资产专用性要挟企业,即通常所讲的敲竹杠问题。

    In more words it means employees hold up enterprises using assets specificity of their human capital .

  27. 我国农业上市公司资产专用性的区域特征及其财务后果差异性实证研究

    An empirical study on the regional characteristics and financial consequences disparity of assets specificity of agricultural enterprises

  28. 上市公司资产专用性强度对企业融资结构影响的实证研究

    Research on the impact of customization intensity of assets on the corporate financing structure for listed corporations

  29. 资产专用性、文化差异与外资进入模式选择&基于交易成本框架的分析

    Asset Specificity , Culture Difference and Foreign Capital Entry Model : the Analysis Based on Transaction Cost Theory

  30. 但是,中间商对市场的代替程度取决于投入品资产专用性程度;

    However the degree to which middleman replaces market depends on the degree of asset specialty of input .