
  • 网络Monetary theory;theory of money
  1. 但是,他的货币理论中存在若干关键性错误。

    There were , however , a number of crucial flaws in his monetary theory

  2. 西方传统的汇率理论中影响最为广泛的主要有:购买力平价理论(ppp)、利率平价理论、国际收支理论和资产货币理论。

    The Western tradition influence the exchange rate theory , the most widely used are : purchasing power parity theory , interest rate parity theory , the theory of international balance of payments and assets of the monetary theory .

  3. 论货币理论的发展与电子货币的产生

    On the development of monetary theory and emergence of electronic money

  4. 最优货币理论与中国货币统一

    Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and Unification of Chinese Currency

  5. 西方货币理论主要流派的比较

    Comparison of Major Schools of Currency Theory in the West

  6. 西方货币理论的逻辑矛盾及其根源

    Some Logical Contradictions in Western Monetary Theories and Their Roots

  7. 我国通货紧缩现象的货币理论分析

    Theory Analysis of the Deflation of China by Monetary Policy

  8. 马克思货币理论与西方货币数量论比较研究

    The comparison study of Marx 's monetary theory and western quantity theory of money

  9. 马克思的内生货币理论解析

    An Analysis of Marxist Theory of Endogenous Money

  10. 哈耶克货币理论刍议

    The Discussion of Hayek 's Theory of Money

  11. 论马克思宏观性的货币理论

    Discussing Marx 's Macro - monetary Theory

  12. 对马克思货币理论的思考

    A Review of Marxist Money Theory

  13. 由于历史条件的变化,对马克思的货币理论需要进一步认识:马克思把货币看作是充当一般等价物的特殊商品,而纸币并不是具有内在价值的商品;

    With the change of the historical condition , we need to reconsider Marxist money theory .

  14. 因此本文建立了一个货币理论体系来解释中国的宏观经济运行:增长与波动。

    Therefore in this dissertation we establish a monetary system to analyze economic growth and fluctuation in China .

  15. 哈耶克的货币理论包括早年的中性货币学说和晚期的货币非国有化学说。

    Hayek 's monetary theory includes the early neutral money theory and the later denationalisation of money theory .

  16. 供给导向的金融自由化理论和需求导向的传统货币理论的不协调是致使这一现象出现的根本原因。

    The root cause for such fact lies in the disharmony between supply-oriented financial liberalization theory and demand-oriented monetary policy theory .

  17. 根据非均衡市场经济理论,从现代货币理论出发,对我国的货币需求和货币供给进行了建模分析。

    Based on modern monetary theory and disequilibrium market principal , the paper analyze China 's money demand and money supply .

  18. 现代有关国际收支的货币理论对休漠的见解又增一层可信性。

    The modern monetary theory of the balance of payments has added an extra layer of assurance to hume 's dictum .

  19. 现代货币理论中个人持有货币余额的需求动机理论可以引入到政府持有外汇储备的需求动机的分析中,这种需求动机可以分为交易性、预防性和盈利性三大类。

    Modern motive theory of individual money demand can be introduced to the theory of government demand motive of foreign exchange reserves .

  20. 网络银行在给银行业注入新的生机和活力的同时,也对传统货币理论和传统银行经营方式、管理理念带来一定的冲击。

    As it invigiorates banking industry , cyber-bank also brings about great impact on traditional bank in terms of management practice and conceptions .

  21. 凯恩斯货币理论将货币供给定义为外生变量,却不能解释货币供给与市场之间的正相关关系。

    Keynes considered the supply of the currency as outer fact , but it can 't explain the connection currency and the currency market .

  22. 本文在分析我国传统货币理论局限性的基础上,提出货币的本质不是充当一般等价物的特殊商品,而是信用的观点。

    The author presents a new point of view that currency is credit , not the special goods regarded as general equivalent of all other goods .

  23. 在西方的货币理论文献中,货币政策的有效性特指货币政策能否稳定产出等真实经济变量。

    In the literature of western monetary theory , the effectiveness of monetary policy means that whether the monetary policy induces the corresponding real economic variables .

  24. 理论方法上,对货币理论、货币政策传导机制进行了梳理,作为本文进一步分析的理论依据。

    Methodologically , the essay makes an effort to sort out monetary theories and monetary policy transmission mechanisms which will serve as theoretical basis for our further analysis .

  25. 马克思与萨缪尔森的总量货币理论在两大经济学体系中占有重要的地位,其理论对世界各国货币政策的制定影响至深。

    The total monetary theory of Marx and Samuelson occupy an important position in economics system , their theory have a deep influence to the world monetary policy .

  26. 总量货币理论对于货币政策有效率的实施起着至关重要的作用,而货币政策有效率的实施对经济的发展产生直接的影响。

    Total monetary theory for the implementation of monetary policy efficient plays a vital role , and the implementation of monetary policy efficient for economic have a direct impact .

  27. 本文试图论证实物分析建立在商品货币理论上,存在明显的逻辑缺陷,而货币分析的货币理论更符合经济史实。

    The dissertation tries to demonstrate that real analysis , basing on commodity money theory , has obvious deficiencies , and the monetary theory of monetary analysis is more realistic .

  28. 货币理论揭:示了货币演变的历史逻辑:从自由货币到国家货币再到世界货币,是货币一般等价物性质的螺旋上升过程。

    Currency theory demonstrates the historic logic of its transformation from free currency to national currency then to global currency . It 's a spiral progress of " general equivalents " .

  29. 我国传统货币理论认为:货币的本质是商品或一般等价物,而西方经济学则认为:货币的本质是任何被普遍接受的东西。

    The traditional monetary theory in China considers that the nature of money is commodity or universal equivalent . The western economics considers that the nature of money is anything which can be accepted universally .

  30. 运用货币理论分析我国当前通货紧缩的成因,认为应当从货币性无效分析以及货币政策紧缩效应两个方面分析通货紧缩的原因;并进一步分析了通货紧缩对我国金融的危害;

    Using the monetary theory , this paper analyzes the causes of deflation from the aspects of fruitless analysis of monetary and deflation effect of monetary policy , it also discusses the harmfulness to chinese finance .