
  • 网络monetary condition
  1. 哈继铭:货币条件宽松是当前经济过热根本原因

    It is a basic reason of the present overheating of economy that the monetary condition is loose

  2. SC公司用名义上(货币条件)的12%的税后资本成本进行投资评价。

    SC Co uses a nominal ( money terms ) after-tax cost of capital of12 % for investment appraisal purposes .

  3. 通胀仍远低于美联储、欧洲央行(ECB)和日本央行的目标水平,这意味着高度扩张性的货币条件,以及日本央行进一步放松的可能。

    Inflation remains well below the Fed , European Central Bank and Bank of Japan objectives , implying highly expansive monetary conditions and the potential for further easing by the latter .

  4. 在信用货币条件下,其基本结论不能成立。

    But the theory cannot be applied to today 's credit currency condition .

  5. 引导货币条件回归常态,其原因是中国出现了资本流动性的严重过剩。

    A guidance to lead monetary conditions back to normal is warranted because of the severe capital over liquidity .

  6. 但在信用货币条件下,不加控制,则可能导致危机和混乱。

    In the case of the honest currency and there is no control , it will be dangerous and confused .

  7. 安信证券的研究认为,货币条件逐步回归常态,应该是让货币政策逐步回归到金融危机前的水平。

    The research argues that the return to normal monetary conditions demands the currency policies back to the pre-crisis levels .

  8. 这证明了人民银行实施了积极的冲销政策,成功地将储备积累对国内货币条件的影响隔离开来。

    This proves that the PBOC have implemented an active sterilization policy and successfully isolated the domestic monetary conditions from reserve accumulation .

  9. 特别是加拿大、芬兰、瑞士等国的中央银行都在本国货币条件指数的基础上构建了金融条件指数。

    In particular , banks of Canada , Finland , and Switzerland construct their financial conditions index based on their monetary conditions index .

  10. 悲观主义者则会辩称,货币条件处于良好状况的时间过长,使得体系内正在积累大量风险,而且这些风险是无法识别和控制的。

    Pessimists would argue that monetary conditions have been so benign for so long that huge risks are being built up , unidentified and uncontrolled , within the system .

  11. 一些分析师担忧北京方面可能在收紧货币条件和抗击通胀方面做得过火,从而引发中国经济硬着陆。

    Some analysts have raised concerns that Beijing could trigger a hard landing of its economy by tightening monetary conditions too much and acting too forcefully in its fight against inflation .

  12. 分析人士表示,这突显出中央政府决心达到其住房建设目标,此举还可能为今年剩余时间经济政策发生微妙而又重要的转变确定基调,即运用慷慨的财政支出平衡限制性的货币条件。

    Analysts say it underscores how determined Beijing is to meet its housing target , and that it could also set the tone for a subtle but important shift in economic policy over the rest of this year , with generous fiscal spending used to counterbalance restrictive monetary conditions .

  13. 这些措施旨在收敛宽松的货币政策条件,但仅在一定程度上取得了成功。

    These attempts to rein-in loose monetary conditions have only been partially successful .

  14. 人民币成为储备货币的条件探讨

    MONEY HISTORICAL stock pile Probe into the Condition for RMB to Evolve into an International Reserve Currency

  15. 基于紧缩货币政策条件下的我国商业银行利率风险管理研究

    Research on Management of Chinese Commercial Banks 's Interest Rate Risk on Condition of the Tightening Monetary Policy

  16. 央行加息,城市商业银行面临新挑战&简论金融加速器效应在我国当前紧缩性货币政策条件下的表现

    With the Central Bank increasing the interests , the urban commercial banks faces the new challenges & Brief discussions on the performance of financial accelerator effects under the current tightening monetary policy in China

  17. 但是我国却满足实施有差异货币政策的条件。

    But implementing discrepant monetary policy suits china .

  18. 他说,这些都是使人民币成为储备货币的前提条件,但更重要的是将它们作为提高资金配置效率的一种手段。

    These were all preconditions to make the renminbi a reserve currency , he said , but they were more important as a means of improving capital allocation .

  19. 首先,就现阶段的条件来看,东亚在经济、政治、社会和文化方面还存在着很多的差异和问题,东亚还不具备货币一体化的条件。

    Initially , at the present , many differences and problems existing in politics , economy and culture in East Asia contributes to not so mature conditions for Financial Integration yet .

  20. 在开放经济和货币自由兑换条件下,当国内公众对本国货币币值的稳定失去信心或本币收益率相对较低时,将可能产生货币替代现象。

    Under the open economy and convertible currency circumstances , when the internal public lose faith in the shaky national currency value or the income rate of native currency turns to be relatively low , the currency substitution would probably be produced .

  21. 取消对人民币的一切管制、特别是针对证券投资流动的规定,并非人民币够格被纳入IMF货币篮子的必要条件。

    China does not have to remove all controls on its currency , particularly rules on portfolio investment flows , for it to qualify for inclusion in the IMF basket .

  22. 国际货币基金组织贷款条件研究:以阿根廷为例

    A Study of IMF 's Loan Conditionality : Taking Argentina for Example

  23. 很简单:保持宽松的货币政策,在条件允许的情况下提供财政刺激。

    Simple : keep monetary policy loose , and provide fiscal stimulus if conditions permit .

  24. 当代中国货币拜物教产生的条件和存在的原因

    The Conditions for Contemporary Chinese Currency Fetishism to Come into Being and the Reasons to Exist

  25. 从理论上讲,中国大力实施新一轮货币紧缩政策的条件已经就绪。

    In theory , the stage is set for a round of aggressive monetary tightening in China .

  26. 五是突出金融监管,为有效执行货币政策创造有利条件。

    Fifth , giving priority to bank supervision to create favorable conditions for the effective implementation of the monetary policy .

  27. 这笔资金中的大部分将流入大型发达经济体,但面临预算压力的较贫穷国家将可以在无需满足国际货币基金组织正常条件的情况下获得新资金。

    Most of this cash will go to the big advanced economies , but poorer countries facing budgetary strains will gain new cash without normal IMF conditions .

  28. 本文阐述了货币自由兑换的条件及宏观经济状况,提出货币自由兑换面临的问题。

    This paper expounded the conditions for currency free exchange and the macroscopic economic situation , and pointed out the possible problems encountered by the currency free exchange .

  29. 根据货币非中性约束条件,货币量变动通过对相对价格体系的影响而影响产出与就业。

    According to the conditions of the non-neutrality of money constraint , the changes in money supply influence production and employment by effects on the system of relative prices .

  30. 尽管最优货币区的形成条件及其标准尚存在争论,但最优货币区理论及其发展将对东亚货币合作发挥重要的指导作用。

    Although the shaping terms and standard of Optimum Currency Areas are debated , the theory of Optimum Currency Areas and its development will play an important directive role to the monetary cooperation of East Asia .