
  • DELIVERY;Delivery time;Production time
  1. 我们想提醒你方交货期。

    We 'd like to remind you of the delivery time .

  2. 公司的经营理念:价格合理,品质上乘,货期准确。

    The management ideas of our company : Reasonable price , good quality , nicety delivery time .

  3. 然后,提出采用EOQ控制模型来采购长交货期物料,并分析了在不同服务水平下的长交货期物料采购策略。

    Afterwards , propose using EOQ purchasing model to purchase long lead time materials , also analysis the purchasing strategy when it under different customer service lever .

  4. 我们完美的服务使质量和货期得到保证。

    Those resources let us provide constant and highest quality of service .

  5. 质量第一,货期准时,服务至上!

    Quality first , the issue of goods is punctual , service is above everything else !

  6. 具有相同加工时间单机调度最优交货期和最优排序的确定

    The determination of the optimal due date and sequence for single machine scheduling with identical processing times

  7. 初步设计文件最晚交货期:合同生效之日起5个月

    Latest date of delivery of Basic design documents - 5 months from the Effective date of the Contract

  8. 至今,我们以优质的产品和及时的货期在全球客户中建立了良好的信誉。

    To date we have builded up good reputation with high standard products and timely shipment to worldwide customers .

  9. 必升能将尽力做出合理的努力满足这一交货日期,但不承诺一定满足这一交货期。

    Fisnar will use reasonable efforts to meet such delivery dates , but does not guarantee to meet such dates .

  10. 我们把同时交货的工件看做一批,交货日期称为批交货期。

    We regard the jobs that are delivered simultaneously as a batch , delivery dates is named batch delivery dates .

  11. 该部分首先介绍了国内外交货期研究现状,然后提出了时间优先的最佳交货期算法。

    This part introduces the researches both at home and abroad . Then it gives a time-first best due date algorithm .

  12. 包括一份如下计划:下单和长交货期材料的采购,以及拟定的定标日和到达现场日期。

    Include a plan of purchase requisition placement and material procurement of long-lead items with proposed award dates and on-site dates .

  13. 这些资料会被1LAB用于向您咨询产品技术信息及服务价格、货期等。

    Those materials will be used by1LAB for consulting with you about the technical information , service price and delivery of relevant products .

  14. 如果货物于结货期后到达,来程运费将加收30%的附加费,并加收场地服务费。

    For cargo which arrived after deadline , a surcharge amounting to30 % of inbound movement charges and on-site service charges will be levied .

  15. 本公司以高标准的管理体系,先进的工艺流程,确保每一位客户的质量要求,货期要求。

    The Company to high standards of management systems , advanced process to ensure that every customer 's quality requirements and cargo demand period .

  16. 后来知道他也是经理,后来发现很长一段时间都不问我货期,于是担心把他给得罪了。

    Even it is a long time since I found how quickchange I was . I really feel very sorry for the decision I have made .

  17. 当世界产业进入多品种、小批量、短交货期时代以后,经典工业工程逐渐变得难于使用和见效。

    Today when world industry enters in the age of multi-product , small batch and rapid delivery production , traditional IE gradually becomes less applicable and inefficient .

  18. 并以强大的设计和生产能力、独特的创意、最具竞争力的价格、完整的产品风格、卓越的品质、准时的货期、真诚的服务来赢得客户和市场。

    Integrates design , production , OEM service in integral whole , producing all kinds of men 's , women 's and children 's clothing , scarves , hats , etc woollen clothes .

  19. 当世界制造业进入多品种、小批量、短交货期时代,以及采用先进的生产模式与技术以后,该技术逐渐变得难于使用和见效。

    As the world manufacturing industry enters the multi-specification and small-batch , short delivery date , after adopting advanced production mode and technology , traditional work study become difficult to use and effective gradually .

  20. 较大数量的订单,将根据具体订单另行确定保货期。在对飞行试验与风洞试验进行比较时总有大量的未知数。

    For a larger order , the time of shipment will be fixed upon receipt of a definite order . Any flight test and wind tunnel correlation always suffers from a great number of unknowns .

  21. 对如何利用信息化手段以缩短交货期的方法进行了研究;说明了信息化过程中的一些应当注意的问题。

    Furthermore , the discussion on how to shorten lead-time by IT assistance is also included in this paper , as well as some explanation on those problem which should be cared about during the IT process .

  22. 本文将以供应链理论为背景,从预测方法入手,以交货期控制的三个阶段控制为主线,总结出电子类制造企业对外包服务商交货期控制的一般流程方法。

    Supply chain is the background , from the forecast method obtaining three stage control of the delivery control as master line . Then , I will summarize general flow method for electronics manufacture enterprise in the delivery control of sub-contractor .

  23. 因为她说现在她有很多订单要生产,在旺季她不接受我们最后一次做的这个价格,而且她也需要再次核对货期。

    Because she said now she has a lot of order to produce , she can not confirm us the price we do for last time is ok now for the busy season and she also need to check the delivery time .