
tào xiàn
  • cash ; realize;convert (an asset) into cash
  1. 辞职的套现动机通过托宾Q理论能够很好的解释。

    Cash by Tobin Q quit motivation theory can explain .

  2. 主要是在新股发行中套现的Facebook早期投资者。

    Primarily , the early Facebook shareholders who cashed out in the offering .

  3. 以后价格上涨时,CEO们就可以套现了。

    When prices subsequently rise , CEOs cash in .

  4. IPO是最好的套现途径。

    An IPO is the best way to cash out .

  5. 那一轮融资即今年1月9.50亿美元的SeriesE融资募得的绝大部分资金都用于了早期投资者和雇员的股票套现。

    The vast majority of that round a $ 950 million Series E deal this past January was used to provide liquidity to early investors and employees .

  6. 由于塔塔汽车配股的认购不足,塔塔集团只得将旗下塔塔咨询服务有限公司(TataConsultancyServicesLtd。)的一部分股份套现以购入配售股份。

    The group plugged a shortfall in Tata Motors'rights issue last month by selling a stake in outsourcing arm Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

  7. 所有的资金都将归facebook公司所有,不涉及公司员工,而在过去的一些交易中,员工曾经能够出售部分股份获得套现机会。

    All the money will go to Facebook itself and none to staff , who have been able to take part in some past transactions .

  8. 近期市场的行情走好也可能会引发大量融资活如IPO、配股等,导致获利套现。

    Recent market strength may also lead to a surge in cash raising activities including IPO 's and share placements and trigger some profit taking .

  9. 正是这些人让安德鲁·梅森在团购网站Groupon首次公开募股之前将所有股票套现。

    And who let Andrew Mason cash out all of that Groupon ( grpn ) stock pre-IPO .

  10. 电讯盈科的代表律师迈克尔托德(michaeltodd)表示,收购旨在让股东有机会退出公司,从而将投资套现。

    Michael Todd , barrister for PCCW , said the offer was designed to give shareholders a chance to exit the telecoms company and realise their investments .

  11. 对于成功者的模仿热情抑制了对于原创商业模式的狂野思考,对于IPO、盈利、套现的饥渴取代了创造历史的冲动。

    Imitation enthusiasm for successful people contained our crazy thought of the original business model ; the need for IPO , profits and cash replaces the impulse of creating the history .

  12. 许多老一辈的私人股本行业高管名义上挣了很多钱,但由于“关键人”(keyman)条款而无法套现;可能有意买下那些股权的初级合伙人则面临复杂的财务问题。

    Many of the older generation of private equity executives have made large amounts of money on paper but are locked in by " key man " provisions and there are complex financing issues for junior partners who may want to try to buy them out .

  13. 富士康科技集团(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)昨日宣布,正在向美国一家法院起诉三家日本企业专利侵权。这个迹象表明,这家苹果(Apple)iPhone和iPad的代工制造商正采取积极行动套现其不断壮大的技术根基。

    Foxconn Technology Group announced yesterday that it was suing a trio of Japanese companies in a US court for alleged patent infringement , in a sign that the maker of Apple iPhones and iPads is moving aggressively to monetise its growing technology base .

  14. 要知道,Groupon已经完成了内部分红,而且从第五轮融资获得的9.5亿美元中拿走了5.73亿美元,用于早期雇员和股东套现。

    Remember , this is a company that already has completed an insider dividend and used $ 573 million of a $ 950 million Series E offering for early employee and shareholder liquidity .

  15. 事实证明,此举非常明智。1995年,杰克逊把ATV一半的股权卖给了索尼公司(SonyCorp.),套现1.50亿美元,创建了Sony/ATVMusicPublishingLLC。这个合资公司的价值实现了爆炸性增长,现在很可能超过了10亿美元。

    That proved a move . In 1995 , Mr. Jackson sold half of ATV to Sony Corp. for $ 150 million , creating Sony / ATV Music Publishing LLC. The partnership 's value grew explosively and likely exceeds $ 1 billion today .

  16. 对rockbridge的投资者而言,“套现”很可能以两种方式实现:要么进行首次公开发行(ipo),让股票上市交易;要么将rockbridge出售给另一家银行。

    For Rockbridge investors , " liquidity " is likely to come from either an initial public offering , allowing shares to be traded publicly , or from a sale to another bank .

  17. 佩尔松和Mojang以前曾多次回绝过其他公司的收购意向,但大约三个月前,微软开始和他们接触时,佩尔松显得比较愿意考虑套现选项。

    Mr. Persson and Mojang had repeatedly rebuffed takeover entreaties in the past , but by the time Microsoft made an initial approach about three months ago , the game developer was more willing to consider cashing out .

  18. Fitbit计划发行2240万股,按照上述定价区间的高端计算,将可筹集3.58亿美元资金用于一般性企业用途。同时,包括创始人在内的现有投资者将出售750万股,最高套现1.2亿美元。

    Fitbit intends to sell 22.4m shares , raising up to $ 358m for general corporate purposes , at the top end of the range , while existing investors , including the company 's founders , will sell 7.5m shares for up to $ 120m .

  19. 辞职套现应该受到法律约束吗?

    The resignation of cash should be subject to legal constraints ?

  20. 这些物业套现贷款中有三分之一以上都是来自遭受危机重创的加州。

    Over one-third of those home-equity loans are in crisis-hit California .

  21. 想过用信誉卡套现来还按揭吗?

    Ever think about paying your mortgage with your credit card ?

  22. 施瓦茨曼明确表示,百仕通是在利用形势的好转套现。

    He made clear Blackstone was acting to capitalise on improved conditions .

  23. 要是我动用物业套现贷款,增加杠杆比率的话,恐怕能赚得更多。

    Particularly if I tapped into the home-equity loan and leveraged up .

  24. 投资房地产,很重要的另一点考虑是套现不容易。

    The illiquidity of real estate is another important factor for consideration .

  25. 换言之,他是想让公司业绩增长,而不是套现走人。

    In other words , he wants to create growth rather than strip-and-flip .

  26. 首先,并没有什么“聪明的热钱”套现离场。

    First , no " smart money " is actually getting out of Facebook .

  27. 企业通过上市使企业家以及投资机构有机会套现。

    An initial offering allows entrepreneurs and institutional investors a chance to cash out .

  28. 消费者通过节俭存储、大额贷款和套现股票利润进行消费。

    Consumers spent by skimping on savings borrowing heavily or cashing in stock profits .

  29. 随着股指的走高,获利盘的套现压力越来越大。

    As the index goes up , there is more and more pressure on cash flows .

  30. 不管从对冲基金行业已套现了数十亿美元,并且没有造成系统性破坏。

    No matter that billions have been withdrawn from the hedge fund sector without systemic damage .