
tào ɡuǎn tóu
  • Casing head;tubing head
  1. 通过对环形钢板、简易套管头和正规套管头三种井口装置在使用过程中弊病的分析,华北油田研制成ST锁紧式套管头。

    After an analysis of the disadvantages of the three types of casing heads - the annular plate , the simple and the normal casing heads , the ST lock tightened casing head was innovated by Huabei Oilfield .

  2. SL-2(7)型套管头结构应力分析

    Structural Stress Analysis of SL 2 ( 7 ) Casing Pipe head

  3. 位于塔里木盆地的M4井,由于三类封井时间较长,造成套管头上部法兰钢圈槽严重腐蚀。

    Time for the third kind of closing well is so long that flange steel ring groove on the top of casing-head is heavily corroded in M4 well being situated in Tarim basin .

  4. 新型快装套管头的设计与应用

    Design and Application of New Type Fast Makeup Casing Head

  5. 套管头系统有限元分析

    Limit element analysis for the system of casing pipe head

  6. RT-Ⅰ型热采套管头的研制与应用

    Development and application of RT - ⅰ type casing head

  7. 新型卡瓦式套管头的研制与工业试验

    The development of new type slip casing head and Application

  8. 新型套管头研制与应用

    Developing if new type casing head and its application

  9. 105MPa高压深井抗硫套管头设计

    The design of 105 MPa sulfate resistant casing head

  10. 对我国油田使用套管头的几点意见

    Opinions About the Applications of Casing Heads to Oil Wells Onshore in China

  11. 新型井口装置&ST锁紧式套管头的应用

    New st lock - tightened type casing head

  12. 套管头及采气井口是完井采气井口装置,使用可靠关系到一口井长期采气的安全。

    The reliabilities of casing head and gas-producing wellhead are related with the producing safety .

  13. 一种套管头的现场修复方法

    Site Repairing Method of For Some Casinghead

  14. 套管头结构强度可靠性研究

    Reliability study for casing head strength

  15. 该套管头由底法兰体、悬挂头总成和防护盖罩三部分组成,结构简单、操作方便、价格适中。

    It is composed of a base flange , an assembly of suspension head and a prevention cap .

  16. 由于套管头和采气井口油管头牵涉到钻井和试油作业中的井口组合,为保证钻井和试油作业时配套使用的安全,要进行配套技术研究。

    This article presented the research on matching technology of casing head and gas-producing wellhead for guaranteeing the safety of drilling and production test operation .

  17. 针对稠油热采井预应力固井中存在的问题,研制了一种适用于稠油热采井预应力固井的新型套管头。

    Through several year 's research , a new type of casing head in view of the problems encountered in preceding stress cementing in thermal production well .

  18. 为满足在钻井施工中安装套管头、切割套管的需要,改变乙炔气割影响施工质量和时效的不利因素,设计了一种套管切割机。

    For improving need assembling the casing head , the cutting casing pipe on project , we have designed the device of cutting casing head to change unfavorable factors using acetylene gas to cut case .

  19. 使用表明,该套管头能确保预应力固井工艺的实施效果和有效控制井下套管受热伸长,保证了油田对安全生产的要求。

    The wide application of this casing head on site reveals that it can meet the production 's requirements by effectively controlling the casing elongation as the result of heating and thus ensuring the preceding stress cementing operation .

  20. 由气缸控制套管烫印头与裁切刀具的运动;

    The movement of heat printing part and cutter were separately actuated by two pneumatic cylinders .

  21. 测温用烧结钼套管的堵头密封问题

    End seal of sintered molybdenum tube for measurement of temperature

  22. 该设备利用伺服和步进驱动实现套管带和烫印纸的定长传送;由气缸控制套管烫印头与裁切刀具的运动;

    The fed length of insulating sleeve and heat printing paper were respectively controlled by an AC servo-motor and a stepping motor in the machine .