
ɡū kōnɡ
  • sell short
  • short sale
  1. 2011年卖空者通过沽空在美国上市的中国企业大赚了一笔,今年他们加紧了对香港上市企业的攻击。

    Short sellers have stepped up their attacks on Hong Kong-listed companies this year , having made a fortune shorting US-listed Chinese companies in 2011 .

  2. 沽空者一度对这些存在隐患的公司进行围剿,但他们并未意识到雷曼兄弟同时也导致政客们对大型金融机构的看法发生了改变。

    Short sellers circled these sickly companies , not realizing that Lehman had also created a paradigm shift with regard to the way politicians thought of big financial institutions .

  3. 一种可以让全球投资者从香港沽空中国内地股票的新机制,在启动首日未能吸引任何订单,凸显出这一机制的内在缺陷。

    A new scheme allowing global investors to short sell mainland Chinese stocks through Hong Kong failed to attract a single order on its first day of operation , highlighting the flaws in the programme .
