
  • 网络Threading;Pallial line;mantle line
  1. PVC/SBS共混改性波纹套线管的研制

    Development of combinated and modified pvc / sbs corrugated pipe

  2. 介绍了一套线源金属原子蒸气发生装置。

    This paper reported a set of metal atom evaporation device of linear source .

  3. 介绍了聚氯乙烯与丁苯热塑弹性体共混改性生产波纹套线管的工艺过程。

    That introduced the technological process and characteristic of the PVC / SBS general character producing corrugated casing-line pipe .

  4. 目的:探讨微型腹腔镜套线法治疗小儿腹股沟斜疝及鞘膜积液的临床效果。

    Objective : To explore the clinical use of mini-laparoscopy in treating the childrens oblique inguinal hernia and hydrocele by lining .

  5. 应用该套线图,可方便、快捷,卓有成效地进行送料机构的分析和设计。

    By means of these diagrams , we can do the goods delivering mechanism analysis and synthesis with convenience and high speed .

  6. 好,套线排插上电源脚的线有无脱落,节目板的插头有无插好或者更换节目板试试。

    Good set of exclusive plug in the power line without the foot off the line , show whether the plug board plug board is good or try to change the program .

  7. 与墓志同时出土的一套线刻墓门,雕刻生动逼真、线条流畅,反映了唐代石雕线刻艺术的水平和成就。

    With the epigraph , a set of line-engraved tomb door is unearthed , the patterns on which are very vivid and pleasing , which reflect the level of the line-engraved arts of Tang dynasty .

  8. 针对工业中用千分尺人工对工件直径测量的落后方法,文章设计了一套利用线阵CCD对直径实现精密测量的系统;

    A precision measuring system for diameter by use of linear CCD is introduced .

  9. 设计了一套基于线阵CCD光电转换原理的荧光检测系统。利用该系统实现了对啶虫咪农药荧光光谱特性的检测。

    A fluorescence detecting system Based on the optical-electrical conversion principle of linear array CCD was designed and it was used to measure the fluorescence spectrum of acetamiprid .

  10. 依照EIA-481规范的要求,我们精心设计一套生产线,从开模到生产经过严格的制程管理以最快的时间制作高品质的产品。

    We operate our production line according to the EIA-481 standard in order to let the process of marking molds fast with excellent quality control and products .

  11. 设计了一套极线试验装置,并根据试验结果研制出6种改进型的阴极极线。

    A cathode wire test apparatus was installed and6 types of improved cathode wires were developed .

  12. 多功能光纤二次套塑线设计

    Multipurpose Secondary Coating Line Design

  13. 建立了金属粉末和铝熔铸业用熔剂、金属添加剂、细化剂两套生产线。

    Built two product lines of metal powder and aluminum alloy additive 、 metal additive , grain refiner .

  14. 从化石燃料发电,核电厂,霍克提供了一个流动的过程控制元件全套生产线。

    From fossil fuel power generation to nuclear power plants , HOKE offers a full line of fluid process control components .

  15. 通过业内整合,已拥有冶炼、铸造、挤压成型,表面处理等全套生产线。

    Integration through the industry already has smelting , foundry , molding , and surface treatment , such as a full set of production lines .

  16. 克朗斯集团公司总部设在德国的新特劳普林,开发、制造用于灌包装技术各领域的机器及全套生产线。

    The Krones Group , with its headquarters in Neutraubling , Germany , develops and manufactures machines and complete lines for all areas of filling and packaging technology .

  17. 并提供特殊生产的机器,该公司还可以提供从原材料到成品包装的全套生产线。

    As well as delivering machines for specific production steps , the company can also provide complete lines that handle everything from raw materials through to finished packaging .

  18. 基于高精度DEM快速生成技术开发实现了一套公路定线三维仿真系统,并对此系统做了简单的介绍,用实例证明高精度DEM快速生成技术具有稳定性好、效率高、适应性强等特点。

    Based on the rapidly producing technology of high-precision DEM , the three-dimension system about highway locating is realized , which is simply introduced , proving the technology has the characteristic of better stabilization , higher model efficiency and wider adaptability .

  19. 威力(Weinig)集团提供实木加工所需的全套的生产线通过全线型分析方法求得速率常数及有关有热力学参数。

    The rate constants and other thermodynamic parameters were obtained by complete line shape analysis .

  20. 油管套丝自动线执行元件行程程序的设计

    Design of the Running Program for the Actuators on an Automated Tubing Thread Dieing Line

  21. 聚烯烃全套压延生产线;

    Complete calendering lines for Polyolefines ;

  22. 为此,设计本套铸造合金线收缩、热裂检测系统。

    Therefore , this set of cast alloy linear shrinkage , hot crack detection system was designed .

  23. 为适应超长预应力筋,还专门设计了一套机械放线装置。

    In order to meet the requirement of extra-long prestressing cable a set of special machine stripping equipment has been installed .

  24. 公司生产厂房主要分布在东莞和清远,生产设备主要从欧美等地引进,包括欧洲的木材加工机器和美国的全套粉末喷涂线等。

    Our production plants are located in Dongguan and Qingyuan , and are equipped with state-of-the art woodworking machines imported from Europe .

  25. 一架飞机就像其他系统一样,由一套核心装配线和伴随它产生的多套子装配线层层组成。

    An airplane , like most systems , is made up of a set of assemblies that are made up of subassemblies and so on .

  26. 实践证明本文提出的项目风险管理方案是一套适合生产线改造项目特点的、可行的管理体系。

    Practice proves that the project risk management scheme proposed in this paper is a set of suitable and feasible modern management system for BIW production line modification .

  27. 可根据客户的瓶子形状与灌装要求与我们的旋盖机、电磁感应封口机、贴标机配套使用,组成一套灌装生产线。

    And according to bottles'figure and filling requirements of customers it can be matched with our Capping Machine , Induction Sealer and Labeling Machine to compose a whole production line .

  28. 围绕灌装生产线中虚拟实体对象的构建、行为及实体对象间通讯三项关键技术,进行了深入细致的讨论,开发了一套灌装生产线工艺流程三维动态可视化仿真系统。

    Focusing on the three key technologies about construction & action of virtual entity and communication among virtual entities , we studied in detail and developed a three-dimensional dynamic visual simulation system of the technical flow of a beverage-packaging production line .

  29. 建立了一套精确测量谱线位移的CARS装置,用它测量了氮气和液氮、气态和液态硝基苯CARS的谱线位移和形状变化。

    A CARS arrangement for measurement of Raman frequency shift has been established . The frequency shifts and the shape change in nitrogen and nitrobenzene gas-liquid phase changes have been measured .

  30. 腹主动脉灌注法:于腹主动脉分叉上方6cm处做切口,切口近端插管灌注肝、肾,切口远端套入一粗线,插入20F气囊导尿管,深约5cm。

    Abdominal aorta perfusion : The artery 6-cm above bifurcation of abdominal aorta was cut and 20F urethral catheter was inserted about 5 cm from distal incision .