
  1. 无尽的爱这尊雕塑美。

    Endless love this is a very beautiful statue .

  2. 一些女人欣赏他具有雕塑美的面部特征。

    Some women admire his beautifully sculptured features .

  3. 不但雕塑美的形象,还牵引人们对恋爱唯美的梦幻。

    Not only beautiful image , also traction sculpture of love people dream of aestheticism .

  4. 论建筑艺术的雕塑美

    Stating Sculpture Beautility of Building Art

  5. 最后结合自己的工程实践阐述了对建筑雕塑美的认识。

    In the end with some the author 's practical projects , many ideas of architectural aesthetics of sculpture are bringed forth .

  6. 再其次,独特美学在形式美、雕塑美等方面的多角度运用,构成盖派艺术浓厚特色。

    Thirdly , the paper explains the multi angle use of unique aesthetics in form and sculpture beauty that makes up the individual artistic features of Gai 's style .

  7. 漆饰雕塑之美

    Beauty of Lacquer Painting

  8. 特别强调建筑雕塑性表象美是与建筑本体因素密切结合的整体体现。

    This article extraordinarily pionts out that it is an integrative embodiment which the architectural aesthetics of sculpturive representation is combined with architectural essential factors .

  9. 在中国古代文化背景的影响下,中国古代雕塑融功能美、意念美,形式美于一体,具有极强的浪漫主义色彩;

    Under the influence of China 's ancient culture background , China ancient sculpture , the form is beautiful in an organic whole , have extremely strong romantic color ;

  10. 谈装饰雕塑中的数学美

    The Mathematic Beauty of Decorative Sculpture

  11. 初探美的规律&从拉奥孔群像和罗丹雕塑的差异分析美

    On the Laws of Beauty : Analyzing Beauty from the Difference between the " Laocoon and His Sons " and Rodin 's Sculpture

  12. 冯至用哲理的诗句实现了意象的雕塑感与写意美,在变式中突破了十四行诗的西方限制。

    Feng Zhi had realized the sculptural and enjoyable beauty of the images in his philosophical lines , and had broken western restraints of Sonnet in changing its forms .

  13. 就如青铜、石膏、大理石等塑像,当这些材料成为艺术品之后,人们不仅仅只是欣赏这些材料的表面,而更主要的是在赞叹那些具有生命力的雕塑整体的质感美。

    Just like the sculpture , bronze , gypsum , marble , after these materials become the artware , people not only appreciate the surface of these materials , but also mainly acclaim the whole sense of reality of the artware .

  14. 她雕塑般美丽的容貌;表现出雕塑般逼真的效果;运动员的身体展现出一种雕塑般的美。

    Her finely modeled features ; rendered with * vivid sculptural effect ; the sculpturesque beauty of the athletes ' bodies .