
  • 网络sculpture art
  1. 古代印度雕刻艺术的美学特征

    The Aesthetic Features of Ancient Indian Sculpture Art

  2. 感言&写在《中国雕刻艺术节》之后

    Impressions : after China Sculpture Art Festival

  3. 开启了雕刻艺术划时代的历史意义。

    It has opened the carving art to epoch history significance .

  4. 气势雄伟的龙门石窟,是佛门珍贵的古代雕刻艺术。

    The magnificent Longmen Grottoes are ancient sculptures priceless to Buddhists .

  5. 论徽州建筑雕刻艺术在现代设计中的应用特点

    Application of the Carving Art of Huizhou Architecture in Modern Design

  6. 神圣与苍凉&吴哥的建筑和雕刻艺术

    Sacred and desolate & architecture and carving art of Angkor

  7. 在此你可以看到登峰造极的英国雕刻艺术。

    Here you can see English carving at its best .

  8. 在人物雕刻艺术上,唐朝和宋朝是具有不同风格的。

    Figure engraving art in Tang and Song Dynasties showed different styles .

  9. 绘画和雕刻艺术得以发展。

    The arts of painting and carving were being developed .

  10. 谈寿山石雕刻艺术在非物质文化概念下的生态情境

    Talk about the Ecological Condition of Agalmatolite Carving under the Intangible Cultural Concept

  11. 论古希腊雕刻艺术所体现的美学思想

    On Aesthetics Ideology Embodied by Ancient Greece Engraving Art

  12. 云冈石窟佛像雕刻艺术

    Art of Engraving Buddha in the Yungang Grotto

  13. 中国民俗艺术和古代雕刻艺术风格

    China 's Folkways Art and Ancient Carving-art Style

  14. 论印度的早期佛教建筑及雕刻艺术

    On Indian Early Buddhist Architecture and Sculpture

  15. 《中国雕刻艺术节》部分参展作品选

    Selected Works of china Sculpture Art Festival

  16. 它的雕刻艺术形象逼真。

    Such carvings are vivid and lifelike .

  17. 秦皇岛明长城券门雕刻艺术特色及现状调查

    The Features and Investigation Status of Vaulted Door Carving Art of Ming Great Wall in Qinhuangdao

  18. 尼泊尔古代雕刻艺术的风格

    Sculptural Styles in Ancient Nepal

  19. 同样,这一时期的雕刻艺术更是这一时期文化类型中的经典之一。

    Also , the sculpture art in this period is one of the classics of cultural types .

  20. 方兴未艾的曲阳雕刻艺术

    Burgeoning Quyang carving art

  21. 贝宁象牙雕刻艺术

    Ivory Carvings in Benin

  22. 于材质中立精神&晚明文人意趣与明式家具雕刻艺术

    The spirit of material & Furnature sculpture of Ming dynasty and civilian interest of the late Ming dynasty

  23. 骨雕牡丹设计既有中国工艺品的韵味又有独特的雕刻艺术,被誉为“独特技术”之称呼。

    Being Chinese handiwork and unique sculpture , peony bone sculpture is then well-known as " unique technique " .

  24. 意料之中的意外&第四届中国雕刻艺术节暨惠安杯石木雕刻大奖赛综述

    An Expected Accident Summary of The Fourth Chinese Carving Arts Symposium i.e. " Huian Cup " Stone Wood Carving Competition

  25. 力图真实生动地反映这一时期的雕刻艺术在生成和发展过程中的艰难旅程。

    Trying to vividly reflects this period of sculpture art in the generation and development process of the difficult journey .

  26. 它是中国传统的青铜、陶瓷、绘画和雕刻艺术与国外掐丝珐琅工艺有机结合的产物。

    It is a combination of Chinese traditional bronze and china arts , paintings , carving arts and foreign enamel techniques .

  27. 在调查研究常家庄园装饰手法的基础上,浅析了常家庄园的建筑装饰语言主要为:雕刻艺术和彩绘艺术。

    Through investigating and studying the decoration technique of Chang 's manor , we analyzed the architectural decoration languages in the maner .

  28. 雕塑艺术理论与实践的双飞跃&第三届中国雕刻艺术节暨第十届中国雕塑论坛纪实

    Double Advancements of Theory and Practice of Sculpture Art-Event Record of the 3rd China Carving Art Festival and the 10th China Sculpture Forum

  29. 显然,这两乘铜车马俑是秦朝写实风格的绘画和雕刻艺术最杰出的代表作之一。

    It is obvious that the chariots and horses are among the finest examples of the realistic style of Qin painting and sculpture .

  30. 响堂山石窟是南北朝时期北齐王朝的最高雕刻艺术成就,是古老的艺术成就。

    Xiangtangshan Grotto is the highest achievement of statuary art during Northern Qi Dynasty ; it is a kind of ancient art achievement .