
  • 网络SHARK LIVER OIL;Squalene
  1. 国产阔口真鲨鱼肝油中脂肪酸和角鲨烯的成分分析及含量测定

    Constituent analysis and content determination of fatty acids and squalene of shark liver oil true love

  2. 他每天还从不少渔夫存放家什的棚屋中一只大圆桶里舀一杯鲨鱼肝油喝。

    He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the big drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear .

  3. 姥鲨鱼肝油乳抗肿瘤作用的研究

    A study of the effects of liver oil emulsion of Cetorhinus maximus

  4. 鲨鱼肝油胶丸毒理学安全性评价

    Toxicological Assessment on Liver Oil Pill of Shark Safety

  5. 角鲨烯主要来源于深海鲨鱼肝油,具有极强的抗氧化能力及生物活性,广泛应用于医药、保健品及化妆品中。

    Squalene mainly comes from deep-sea shark liver oil , it has strong antioxidant capacity and biological activity and can be widely used in medicine , health products and cosmetics .

  6. 角鲨烯广泛存在于动植物体内,在动物中以深海鱼类,特别是鲨鱼的肝脏中含量最为丰富,在鲨鱼肝油中的最高含量可达69%;

    According to the citations , the most abundant sources of squalene in animals are deep-sea fishes , especially sharks , in which the highest content of squalene is approached to 69 % based on liver oil .