
  • 网络the big wave;Deep Wave;billow
  1. 克里斯汀身穿红色紧身连衣裙,一头红色假发充满魅惑的大波浪。

    Kristen wears a red figure-hugging dress with a red wig styled in large , glamorous curls .

  2. 使用假发或发夹来短时间改变你的造型。小贴士:大波浪或蓬松的头发让你看上去更加妩媚迷人。

    Use a wig or clip-in hair extensions for a less permanent option.Tip : Wavy or tousled hair makes you look alluring and unpredictable .

  3. 我效仿科琳·麦克沃特斯,吹起大波浪,挤出事业线,矫正视力,

    So I took a lesson from Corynn McWatters , I blew out my curls and pushed up the girls , corrected my vision ,

  4. 我喜欢简简单单的扎个凌乱又性感的小圆髻。如果你喜欢把头发放下来——那么就让头发自然风干,或是卷成大波浪。

    I 'd simply go for the messy sexy bun . If you prefer to keep your hair down - then just leave it air dry or curl it into some loose waves .

  5. 也许我们对历史无休止的模仿(是的,我们曾模仿70年代的风格以及80年代的大波浪头和高垫肩)才会最终停止。

    Perhaps the history hamster wheel that we seem to be on - which has seen us cycle through the 1970s as well as some of the big hair and bigger shoulder pads of the 1980s ( yes , we are there again ) - will finally stop turning .

  6. 一些科学家认为人们很快就会在这些冰冷的海水中看到更大的波浪。

    Some scientists think people will soon see even bigger waves in these icy waters .

  7. 大空间波浪型钢结构屋架防火保护的性能化分析

    The Performance-based Analysis to the Waved-Roof Frame of Larger Steel Construction

  8. “风吹过海面,把小的波浪推向前进,变成越来越大的波浪。”

    " The winds blow across the sea , pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones . "

  9. 抛物线形缓坡方程波浪数学模型是进行大范围波浪计算的有效方法。

    Wave mathematical model of parabolic gentle slope equation is an effective method for calculating waves of wide scope .

  10. 头昏眼花在一个大的波浪中在我之上洗而且使我非常高兴他们正在向上捉住我。

    Dizziness washes over me in a large wave and makes me very glad they 're holding me up .

  11. ·运用小参数方法及变分原理,推导了考虑流影响的缓坡方程,在此基础上给出了一个可对大范围波浪场进行数值模拟的联合折绕射线性单频波模型。

    Utilizing small parameter method and variation principle , the mild-slope equation in presence of current is derived . Based on above equations , a refraction-diffraction combined numerical model of wave is given .

  12. 大直径圆筒波浪力计算方法研究进展

    Advances in the Research of Calculation for Wave Force on Large-diameter Cylinders

  13. 采用显式形式表达非线性弥散关系,可以克服上述缺点,大为简化波浪变形数值计算的计算量。

    The explicit nonlinear dispersion relation can simplify the computation of wave transformation .

  14. 大尺度物体波浪荷载杂交元分析

    Hybrid element analysis of wave loads on large bodies

  15. 大开口船波浪载荷长期预报和弯扭强度整船有限元分析

    Long term prediction of wave loading and bending-torsion strength analysis of open hatch ship on entire ship FE model

  16. 在计算大构件的波浪载荷时,主要介绍了用数值方法求解的基本思想和基本思路。

    When calculating the large volume wave loads , the basic idea and clue of solution in numerical method is mainly introduced .

  17. 接着以非线性的抛物型近似波浪缓坡方程为基础,提出了扇形坐标下的波浪传播模型,模型包括了风、底摩阻、波浪破碎等因素的影响,可以用于大水域的波浪场的确定;

    Based onthe nonlinear parabolic approximate wave reflection-diffraction equation of mild slope , a model of wave propagation on a fan-shaped coordinate is put forward considering winds , bottom friction and wave breaking , etc.

  18. 与对应的串型算法得到的结果比较表明,本文的并行数值方法不仅可以提高数值模拟效率,而且可以大大减少单机的存储容量,从而使该系统可以进行更大区域的波浪变形的数值模拟。

    The comparison with the calculation result by means of serial solution method shows that the proposed method not only elevates the computational efficiency but also reduces the storage on a single computer making the parallel system can be used to numerically simulate the wave transformation in large area .

  19. 波浪传播变形数值模型的抛物型近似在近海工程大范围水域的波浪推算中应用十分广泛,本文就抛物型缓坡方程(PMSE)数值计算中波浪方向的计算作了分析。

    Parabolic equation method for water wave is widely used to simulate the wave propagation from offshore to inshore .

  20. 其次,将包含底摩阻耗散项的缓坡方程化为等价的控制方程组,采用Crank-Nicolson格式离散方程组,建立了适宜于大范围水域内波浪传播的数学模型。

    Secondly , a mathematical model suitable to large coastal region is developed , whose governing equations are deduced from the mild slope equation with dissipation terms and discretized with Crank-Nicolson scheme .

  21. 大数量桩柱波浪力的机理研究

    On Mechanism of Wave Forces on Large Number of Piles

  22. 大开口型船舶波浪诱导载荷研究

    A Study on the Long Term Prediction of Wave Induced Loads for the Ship with Large Hatch Openings

  23. 该种大鼠触须呈波浪状卷曲,这使它们出生后2-3天就可以从其它大鼠中分辨出来。

    These rats could be distinguished easily from other rats in 2 or 3 days after birth because of its curly vibrissae .

  24. 基于特征函数展开和块矩阵求逆方法,导出了一种计算大数量桩柱波浪力的递推算法。

    Based on characteristic function expansion method and block matrix-inverse method , a recurrent algorithm for the wave forces on large number of piles is established .

  25. 基于回归分析,考虑淹没、越浪、波陡、相对水深和相对筒径等的影响,给出了作用在大圆筒上的波浪力和波浪力矩的计算公式,可用于工程实践。

    On the basis of regression analysis , the relationship between wave parameters and wave force as well as moment acting on the large diameter cylinder structure is given .

  26. 能源和环境是当今社会的两大热门问题,波浪能作为储量丰富的可再生绿色能源是可再生能源领域的研究热点。

    Energy and environment have always been the two main issues of the world today , as the abundant renewable green energy , wave energy has become a hotspot in the area of renewable energy .

  27. 在索道上我被周围的景观惊呆了,我看到了四周白茫茫的,仔细看原来是一大片一大片的大白云,像波浪一样在流动!

    In the cable , I was shocked the surrounding landscape , I saw the white around , take a close look at the original is a large area of a large great white clouds , like waves in the same mobile !