
  • 网络Dazhai;Tachai
  1. 文章从旅游资源的资源价值、景区环境、公共管理三个方面出发,采用层次分析法(AHP)对大寨的旅游资源进行了定量评价。

    In this paper , analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) was used to study the quantitative assessment of tourism resource from resource value , scenic environment as well as the public management in DaZhai .

  2. 旅游开发背景下大寨的文化资本及其再生产

    Cultural Capital in Dazhai and Its Reproduction under the Backdrop of Tourism Development

  3. 大寨成为旅游新景区

    Dazhai Is Becoming A New Tourist Attraction

  4. 云南思茅大寨井水位同震阶变的初步研究

    Preliminary study on Coseismic steps of water-level in Dazhai well , Simao city , Yunnan Province

  5. 大寨步入市场经济

    DaZhai Village into Market Economy

  6. 作品多次在全国性的书画大寨中获奖,并在多家报刊发表;

    His works repeatedly won prizes in national calligraphy and painting competition and were published in several newspapers .

  7. 为了巩固农村发展的社会主义方向,国家树立起社会主义农村发展的样板&大寨。

    In order to consolidate the socialist direction , the government establishes a model for rural development - Dazhai .

  8. 本文从社会组织结构角度出发,解读肇兴大寨在村落生长方式、村落公共空间乃至建筑的各个方面,所具有的团聚、同构的特征。

    This paper unscrambled the conglomeration and equi-configuration characteristic in village growing style , village public space and each aspect of buildings .

  9. 近十几年来,农业学大寨运动的研究取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

    This academic thesis holds that the research of " Emulating Da-Zhai on Agriculture " campaign has achieved spectacular achievements in the past two decades .

  10. 从桂林开车大概三个小时就到了大寨——周围是被誉为“龙脊”的梯田。

    The village is about three hours from Guilin by car and is at the base of the remote " Dragon 's Backbone " rice terraces .

  11. 当这种农业集体化体制形成并深深扎根在农民心中的时候,包产到户的改革浪潮给大寨带来了巨大的冲击。

    When the system of the agricultural collectivization had been deeply rooted in the farmers ' hearts , the tide of Household reform brought huge impact to Dazhai village .

  12. 在大寨,有很多像老李家这样的小客店,向客人提供南瓜炒笋片或竹筒饭这样的应季农家菜。

    Farmer Li 's guesthouse is one of many lodgings that serve simple home-cooked dishes according to the season , for example : stir-fried pumpkin with fern shoots , or sticky rice cooked inside bamboo .

  13. 为确保电站建设工地和枢纽的安全,必须对大寨沟、海子沟两流域的泥石流形成、发育和泥石流流量进行研究。

    It is therefore imperative to carry out the research on the formation , growth and discharge of the debris flows in these two gullies so as to safely put into construction the hydropower station and the sites needed .