
dà zhì
  • great wisdom/intelligence;people with great wisdom/intelligence
大智 [dà zhì]
  • (1) [great wisdom]∶大智慧

  • (2) [a man of great wisdom]∶有智慧的人

  1. 萧红:民族与女性之间的大智勇者?

    XIAO Hong : a Wise Brave between Nation and Women ?

  2. 大智大爱&追忆父亲陈誉

    Great Wisdom , Great Love-A Memory of My Father Chen Yu

  3. 这是大智大哲的慨叹。

    This is pansophy greatly wise sighing with regret .

  4. 大智星火认为,开放,是作为资源整合者必须拥有的第一素质。

    POWERIDEA SPARKS believes openness is the single most important quality a resource integrator must have .

  5. 美国人们胸怀大智正在一步步进行微小的努力,试图能够改革现在的工业界甚至是转变我们的经济体系。

    They 're building tiny startups with big ideas that could revolutionize an industry , maybe even transform our economy .

  6. 创造性的想像力:就是借由创造性想像力,使人类有限的心灵可以直接和无限的大智沟通。

    CREATIVE IMAGINATION : - Through the faculty of creative imagination , the finite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence .

  7. 信心一旦结合了祈祷,便成了一个人与宇宙大智直接沟通的触媒。

    Faith is the element , the " chemical " which , when mixed with prayer , gives one direct communication with infinite intelligence .

  8. 写作策划出版了《大智无谋》、《三水》、《外滩人生》等书,还撰写了上海各行各业精英人物的专访数百篇,在全国各大知名报刊发表。

    Her articles profiling more than one hundred of the most talented people from different kinds of trades have been published in several well-known newspapers and periodicals .

  9. 他若真有大智便不会令你进入它的智能殿堂,反而会引领你跨过自己心灵的门槛。

    If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom , but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind .

  10. 善知识用佛陀大智的教言来开阔我们的视野,使我们心胸坦荡,从而踏上福慧的人生历程。

    A kalyanamitra can help us broaden our horizons and become broad-minded by presenting Buddha 's preaching to us , so that we can lead a fortune and wise life .

  11. 该文就汉口大智门火车站及其周边地区所形成的失落的城市公共空间,来探讨处于历史街区城市公共空间的设计与原则。

    This paper Is to discuss the design and principle of the public spaces in historical block city from the lost public spaces on Dazhimen railway station and surrounding area in Hankow .

  12. 他缔造了美国,因为我们的共和国能有今天,在很大程度上归功子本杰明•富兰克林的深谋远虑、远见卓识、治国之术、进取精神、大睿大智和精明能干。

    He built America , for what our Republic is today is largely due to the prudence , the forethought , the statesmanship , the enterprise , the wisdom , and the ability of Benjamin Franklin .

  13. 在对知与道的认识方面,重视普通知识的现实积极的作用,强调学习的必要性,但主张大智反对小慧。

    As regard to the knowledge and the Tao , Huai-nan Zi emphasizes the active action of knowledge and the necessity of learning , meanwhile , it holds " Great wisdom " and opposes " pretty wisdom " .

  14. 法性与佛影&从《大智论抄序》的义理格局看《佛影铭》他对佛教本体论、佛教人性论、佛教伦理观、佛教中的偶像崇拜行为进行了批判。

    " Faxing " and the " Buddha s Shadow " & Reviewing Buddha Shadow Inscription with the Doctrines in Great Mind s Comment on Transcription and Prelude ; He criticized the Buddhist ontology , humanness of Buddhism , ethics and idolatry of Buddhism .

  15. 现在,试想这个以假象和适度为基础,以艺术为堤防的境界,酒神祭佳节的消魂荡魄的狂欢之声侵入这境界了,在这些歌声中,我们听到一切率性而行的大喜、大悲、大智、大慧、甚至镂心刻骨的呼啸;

    And now let us imagine how the ecstatic sounds of the Dionysian rites penetrated ever more enticingly into that artificially restrained and discreet world of illusion , how this clamor expressed the whole outrageous gamut of nature -- delight , grief , knowledge -- even to the most piercing cry ;