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  • sweet oak;an evergreen oak
  • 常绿乔木,叶长椭圆形,花黄绿色,果实球形。木材坚硬,可制器具。

  1. 海拔800~1300m山地以温性针叶林、甜槠木荷林等为主;

    Castanopsis fargesii , at the altitude of 800 ~ 1300 m temperature-coniferous forest and Form .

  2. 打印屏幕显示指定卷的挢远槠顶状态。

    PrintDisplays the Automatic Defragmentation status on-screen for the specified volumes .

  3. 井冈山槠等阔叶树播种苗年生长规律研究

    Annual Growth Rhythm of One-Year Old Seedlings of Hardwood Species

  4. 甜槠林是古田山自然保护区常绿阔叶林主要类型之一。

    Castanopsis eyrei forest was one of the main forest types in Gutianshan Nature reserve .

  5. 以槠叶齐为试材,分析测定了炒青绿茶加工过程中主要生化成分的变化。

    Diversity analysis of the main morphological traits of tea plant flower and its biochemical components ;

  6. 捞舳彼槠顶为新创建的文件和修改打开更大的连接可用空间区域。

    Boot-Time Defragmentation opens up larger areas of contiguous free space for new file creation and modification .

  7. 而影响甜槠优势度的首要土壤营养元素为有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷。

    That influencing that of Castanopsis eyre were organic matter , total nitrogen , available nitrogen , total phosphorus .

  8. 结果表明,甜槠林主要植物种群的空间分布均呈聚集分布。

    The result shows that the space distributions of main plant communities in Castanopsis eyrei forest all appear the aggregating distribution .

  9. 槠山刘姓,作为中华民族大家庭中的一部分,保持着自古承袭下来的淳朴民风、民俗。

    Liu phratry of Zhushan , as a part of the Chinese nation , still keep the honest custom and culture descending from ancient times .

  10. 采用定量分析方法,计测天然甜槠林主要乔木树种的生态位宽度、生态位相似比例和生态位重叠值。

    Quantitative analysis method was used to determine the niche breadth , the proportion of niche similarity and the niche overlap value of main arbor species of C.

  11. 软木,也称栓皮,是栓皮栎或栓皮槠树皮的一部分,主要由木栓细胞组成软而厚的木栓层(外皮)。

    Cork , is part of the bark of cork oak or cork White . Mainly composed of cork cells forma soft , thick cork layer ( skin ) .

  12. 研究结果表明,槠叶种鲜叶中存在以顺3己烯醇、芳樟醇及其氧化物、水杨酸甲酯、香叶醇、苯乙醇、苯甲醇等为苷元的糖苷类香气前体。

    The glycosidic aroma precursors in leaves of Zhuye are mainly consisted of glycosides of cis 3 hexenol , linalool and its oxides , methyl salicylate , geraniol , benzyl alcohol and phenylethanol .

  13. 结果表明,甜槠及其伴生树种的相对优势度分别为59.79%和40.21%,说明未来甜槠林仍由甜槠及其伴生树种共优组成,甜槠将支配整个群落。

    The result shows that when reaching balance , the relative dominance of the Castanopsis eyrei ( Champ . ) Tutch . and its associated species are 59.79 % and 40.21 % respectively .

  14. 1993年2月对福建武平米槠林火烧前群落生态现状进行系统调查并对该群落区系和物种多样性进行分析.该群落共有维管束植物39科、58属、95种;

    The floral composition and species diversity in Castanopsis carlesii community were analysed based on the data investigated in Wuping , Fujian , in February 1993.There existed 95 species in the community , which falled into 58 genera and 39 families .