
  1. 对于汇聚全球政商两界精英的达沃斯年会世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)来说,这既是最好的时候,也是最糟的时候。

    For the world economic forum , the annual meet-and-greet in Davos for the international business and political elite , these are the best and the worst of times .

  2. 身为美国环境保护基金(EnvironmentalDefenseFund,EDF)主席,弗雷德•克虏伯携同政商两界人士着眼于气候和节能,共同改进相关政策与企业实践。

    As president of the Environmental Defense Fund , Fred Krupp has worked with both politicians and businesspeople to improve policy and business practices for climate and energy .

  3. 最近美国一系列政府网站遭受网络袭击,加之花旗银行(Citigroup)和索尼(Sony)等大公司的被黑,促使政企两界纷纷出手,招揽更优秀的防黑客人才。

    Recent high-profile hacks of government sites , Citigroup ( c ) , and Sony ( SNE ) have added to the rush for more qualified staff .

  4. 英国前首相托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)正试图在日益强硬的产油国首都阿布扎比(AbuDhabi)设立办事处,似乎打算借此强化其中东政商两界幕后经纪人的角色。

    Tony Blair is looking to open an office in Abu Dhabi , the increasingly assertive oil-rich emirate , in an apparent bid to expand his role as a behind-the-scenes business and political broker in the Middle East .

  5. 你忘记太多东西了,两界之主。

    You have forgotten much , O Lord of the Two Lands .

  6. 她就要在阴阳两界永远游荡。

    She 'd have to wander forever , lost between the two worlds .

  7. 这种持续的势头对政商两界领袖都带来了深远的影响。

    The implications of this ongoing trend are profound , for leaders in business and government alike .

  8. 这正好是阴阳两界的巴黎,就像这世界上任何事物一样。

    So it is , the Yin and Yang of Paris , just like everything else in this world .

  9. 所以,这两界的多数人,最后也是可以信任的,他们是可以接受改造的。

    Therefore , the majority in these circles are trustworthy in the long run , they can accept socialist transformation .

  10. 在犹大和便雅悯两界之间,剩下的地要归与王。

    The remaining area lying between the territory of Judah and the territory of Benjamin shall be for the prince .

  11. 这样一来,他也只好通过审美判断来沟通两界以达到物自体了。

    Eventually , only by aesthetic judgment can Kant communicate " two boundaries " and attain " thing in itself " .

  12. 这些事实,加上政经两界的腐败,很容易造成一种很不健康的状态。

      these facts , and the corruption in business and politics , have tended to produce a very unhealthy condition .

  13. 论文从三个方面分析了竞技运动对人类的哲学化救赎:一、竞技运动桥接人类身心两界。

    The paper analyses this philosophical salvation from three aspects : firstly , competitive sports combine the body and the spirit of human .

  14. 尽管如此,美国政商两界的许多高级官员一直在为如何让中国企业承担责任而颇为头疼。在他们看来,中国企业采用的是不公平或不道德的商业手法。

    Still , many executives and officials have been frustrated in trying to hold Chinese companies accountable for what they see as unfair or unscrupulous business practices .

  15. 我国动物地理区划向以横跨古北界和东洋界而著称,但两界在我国东部即秦岭以东地区的精确划界始终没有明确的认识。

    China is often known for bestriding Palaearctic and Oriental biogeographic realm , but the precise pision east of Qinling Mountain is not specific all the while .

  16. 海上,本名林清阳,一九五二年生,上海人。出版的诗集有《海滩儿歌》、《两界。

    Hai Shang , pseudonym for Lin Qingyang , born in1952 in Shanghai , has published books of poetry including Children 's Song on Beach , Two .

  17. 认为生死为阴阳两界,因此人们长期以来对于城市陵园总是抱持着一种回避的态度。

    For a long time , people hold an evasive attitude towards city cemetery , as they believe that life and death belongs to Yin and Yang separately .

  18. 我们须知所有这一切,不止是公开宣布的信条,而是为僧俗两界所共同坚信不疑的。

    All this , it must be understood , was genuinely and firmly believed both by priests and by laity ; it was not merely a creed officially professed .

  19. 五百年前被如来佛压在两界山下的美猴王孙悟空被唐三藏救出收为徒弟。

    Tang Sanzang has saved Monkey King Sun Wukong who had been pressed under the Mount Liangjie by the western paradise Rulai Buddha ( Tathagata ) five hundreds years ago .

  20. 属于古北界的有5种和亚种,属东洋界的有14种,其余5种为两界兼有种。

    From the regional faunistic analysis , among the 24 species , 5 species belong to Palearctic realm , 14 to Oriental realm , and 5 to the both regions .

  21. 分析人士表示,乌克兰东部地区政商两界的精英将利用此次公投的结果,要求扩大自治权,他们的最终目标是建立一个宽泛的联邦结构,将权力尽可能多的移交给这些地区。

    Analysts said the political and business elite of eastern Ukraine would use the results of the vote to demand greater autonomy , their ultimate aim being a loose federal structure that devolves maximum power to the regions .

  22. 本文认为,汉阙非独为汉代建筑艺术的形式,更重要的还在于,它是早期道教所追求的仙界的象征符号和人仙两界交通的神学媒介。

    This paper holds that the Que is not only a kind of art of the time , but also a symbolic intermediary between the human world and the immortal one which the early Taoists want to enter eagerly .

  23. 《护生画集》是近代僧俗两界共同创作的一部旨在弘扬戒杀、护生等宗教生态伦理思想的漫画丛书。

    Protection of Life Album of Painting , the religious ecology ethics thought cartoon collection is a cartoon series created together by the modern Buddhist priests and laymen for the purpose of propagating refrains from killing , protecting lives and so on .

  24. 结论超声测量胎儿腹围可鉴别巨大儿,了解胎儿腹围测量的两个界值(35CM,38CM)有助于临床医生避免或处理如肩难产等与巨大儿相关的产科问题。

    Conclusion Fetal AC is of great benefit to identify potential macrosomic infants . Fetal AC measurements of 35 and 38 cm have useful predictive value in helping to avoid and manage shoulder dystocia of having a macrosomic infant .

  25. 同向共轭曲线与两类界点

    Conjugate Curves of Same Direction and Two Kinds of Boundary Points

  26. 本文对n阶和二阶具有变系数的线性常微分方程组证明了解的两个先验界值公式。

    In this paper , we obtain two formulas of priori bounds of solu - tions of n-order and second order linear differential equations with variable coefficients .

  27. 论文将这两个理论界与目前已有的另一个NHZ跳频序列理论界进行了比较,分析和数值结果表明,本文提出的第二个理论界比其他两个界更紧。

    These two bounds are compared with an existing NHZ FH sequences bound , showing that the second bound proposed in this thesis is tighter than the others .

  28. 两个有界线性算子的联合数值域

    The Joint Numerical Range of Two Bounded Linear Operators

  29. 他摧毁了两个时尚界的互联网大公司

    He crashed out of two pretty big Internet companies in spectacular fashion ,

  30. 其次对特征空间和奇异空间分别给出了两个扰动界(见§3.3,§3.4);

    Secondly two perturbation bounds are presented for eigenspace and singular space ( see § 3.3 , § 3.4 );