
  1. JNK有两个普遍表达的同源异构体,JNK1和JNK2。

    JNK has two ubiquitously expressed isoforms , JNK 1 and JNK 2 .

  2. 本文讨论多维力传感器的两个普遍性的问题:标定及其试验设计。

    The calibration and experiment design of multivariate force sensors are discussed .

  3. 两个普遍的方法是键盘和鼠标。

    The two most common ways are the key board and the mouse .

  4. 他们忽略了两个普遍存在的误解,而是去根据平等和个人价值观有关的真相做出行动。

    They ignore two common misconceptions and act instead on truths about equality and individual value .

  5. 所有语言都有两个普遍的使用层次——正式层面和非正式层面。

    All languages have two general levels of usage - a fomallevel and an informal level .

  6. 在对现有国内外文献梳理的过程中,很少将两个普遍存在的热点而敏感的问题综合起来讨论。

    In the existing literature at home and abroad combing process , rarely two prevalent issues together discuss .

  7. 综合数据,这组研究人员测量了两个普遍报道的血液替代品的危险:死亡和心脏病发作。

    Pooling the data , the team gauged two commonly reported risks of blood substitutes : death and heart attacks .

  8. 在许多成像系统当中,噪声干扰和信号不完整是两个普遍存在的问题。这两个问题是某些成像系统固有的,它们使得成像分辨率和图像质量都大大降低。

    Noisy signal and incomplete data which are detrimental to resolution and image quality are two unavoidable problems in some imaging systems .

  9. 名词和动词被认为是两个普遍的词类范畴,在分布上存在一系列的对立。

    Nouns and verbs are considered to be two universal grammatical categories , and they are opposed to each other in distribution .

  10. 近年来,教师的难教和学生厌学已成为中小学思想政治教学中两个普遍存在的问题。

    Recently , the instruction difficulty of teachers and the dislike of learning of students have become two prevalent problems in ideology education .

  11. 提出和阐明了两个普遍的逻辑规律&代数替换公理与对偶原理。

    The article puts forward and sets out clearly algebraic substitution axiom and the principle of duality , which are both universal logic laws .

  12. 本文介绍两个普遍流行的虚拟化服务器虚拟化和应用程序虚拟化以及各个类型可能提供的优势。

    This article looks at two prevalent flavors of virtualization server virtualization and application virtualization and the benefits that each of these types can provide .

  13. 基于价值的管理(VBM)和价值管理(VM)是两个被普遍混同的概念。

    Value-based management and value management are often thought as two puzzling concepts .

  14. 因此它涵盖了西方(或许所有)文学中两个最普遍的话题:爱情与战争。

    It therefore covers two of the most common topics in Western ( and perhaps all of ) literature : love and war .

  15. 我国涉外税收优惠政策分为两个阶段:普遍优惠阶段和目前两税合并后税收优惠阶段。

    Our country foreign tax preference policy divides into two stages : After general preferences stage and present two tax merge , tax preference stage .

  16. 本文所探讨的是两个引起人们普遍关注和争议的起源解释,一是延续两千多年的基督教所提倡的设计论,二是近代兴起的以达尔文为代表的进化论。

    This article researches the two aroused widespread concerns and controversy about the explanation of the origin . The one is design theory , which is promoted by Christianity two thousand years .

  17. 当代语言学研究涉及两个重要问题&普遍交际准则和具体语言规约。

    Modern linguistic research deals with two major matters & universal comunication norms and concrete language conventions .

  18. 两者是现代性话语的两个方面,共同构筑了现代化实践中两个普遍基本的主题。

    They are two aspects of the modern words , have constructed two universal basic topics in the practice of modernization .

  19. 这两个项目都旨在开发灵活的JavaIDE,而且两个项目都从普遍的业界支持中受益。

    Both projects aim to develop a flexible Java IDE , and both benefit from large industry support .