
  • 网络Horoscope;birth chart
  1. 天宫图上的动物没有一种被认为是愚笨的或丑陋的或邪恶的。

    No animal of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil .

  2. 占星术士也能绘制出更详尽的天宫图,对地表十二宫、行星和星座的复杂关系进行细致的研究,据说这样可以预测细节。

    Astrologers may also cast a complete horoscope and study the complicated relationships formed by the houses , planets , and zodiac signs .

  3. 有些人并不真的相信,但对它很感兴趣,不时读一读报纸上的天宫图专栏。

    Other people don 't take astrology seriously but have interest in it and occasionally read general advice published in newspaper " horoscope " columns .

  4. 比如说,这样的天宫图只能告诉出生于金牛座之下的人,他们的人生中会遇到重大考验。

    For example , such a horoscope might tell people born under the sign of Taurus simply that they face an important test in their career .

  5. 在一个人的天宫图上,各个行星的位置形成特殊的角度,称为“相”。

    The various planets in a person 's chart lie at particular angles to one another . These angles , called aspects , also have meaning .

  6. 看看你的天宫图,我还是觉得这个满月会让你光彩夺目,而你也会最终得到属于你的认可。

    Looking at your chart , I still feel this full moon will be your moment to shine and that you will finally get the recognition you deserve .

  7. 占星根据某一特定时刻行星与恒星的位置制成的天宫图来进行预言,例如预言一个人的未来。

    An astrological forecast , as of a person 's future , based on a diagram of the aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment .

  8. 你玩过天宫图或通灵游戏吗?也许你的小伙伴想用水晶球,或看你手掌的纹路,也许是茶的叶子,来设法告诉你的未来。

    Have you ever played with horoscopes or Ouija boards ? Maybe someone you know has tried to tell your future with a crystal ball , or the lines in your palm , or tea leaves .

  9. 例如,某人出生时在天宫图上土星位于地表第一宫、室女座,占星术士可能说此人在穿戴和生活习惯上有洁癖。

    For example , suppose that Saturn was located in the first house in the horoscope and in the sign of Virgo . An astrologer would probably conclude that the person was extremely neat both in manner of dress and habits .

  10. 为预测天象对人事的影响,占星术士须绘制出一幅图来,标明特定时刻,如一个人的诞生时刻的天象。这幅图称为天宫图。

    Astrologers learn about the influence of the heavenly bodies on what happens on the earth by casting ( drawing ) a circular chart called a horoscope , which shows the position of heavenly bodies at certain times , such as when a person in born .