
  1. 天体距离测量的理论依据

    Research on theories basis that measure of heavenly body distance

  2. 天体距离的测定

    Determination of distance between celestial bodies

  3. 又到了大喊答题节目环节。下面哪个天体距离你9300万英里远?

    Time for the Shoutout , which of the following objects is 93 million miles away from you ?

  4. 这颗有望成为第九大行星的天体距离太阳最近时是200亿英里,最远时可能是1000亿英里。

    The potential ninth planet , at its closest , would be about 20 billion miles away ; at its farthest , it could be 100 billion miles away .

  5. 知道天文单位和光年是用来丈量天体之间距离的单位。

    Know astronomical unit and light year are used for expressing the distance between celestial bodies .

  6. 其次,引力的强度还取决于天体之间的距离。

    Secondly , the strength of gravitation depends on the distance between the bodies .

  7. 用解球面三角形的方法,通过两天体的球面距离,求得星位角,从而求得船位的经纬度。

    Through the solution , the star position angle can be found with so-called " star distance "( Short for the spherical distance between two stars ) determined So as to have the fix solved .

  8. 测量两个天体之间的角距离;类似于八分仪。

    An instrument for measuring the angular distance between celestial objects ; resembles an octant .

  9. 通过比较表观亮度和已知的绝对亮度,即可得出该天体和我们的距离。

    The distance to such an object can be worked out by comparing its apparent brightness with its known , absolute brightness .

  10. 以太阳为中心的最远点;在天体运行轨道上距离太阳最远的点。

    Apoapsis in solar orbit ; the point in the orbit of a planet or comet that is at the greatest distance from the sun .