
  • 网络Gamma Cygni;Sadr
  1. 天津一次突发性局地大暴雨中尺度分析

    Mesoscale Analysis of a Sudden Heavy Rain in Tianjin

  2. 此填加剂来源于浙江一加工厂,及天津一工厂。据湖南警方说。

    The additive came from a manufacturer in Zhejiang and another in Tianjin , according to Hunan police .

  3. 我很喜欢,这是一个不错的天津一日游。高速列车很快!

    Its also a nice day trip out to Tianjin , I just love that high speed train line !

  4. 那天晚上回家后,我打开电视,调到天津一电视台,并做好了心理准备,以为自己会看到更多恐怖镜头。

    At home that evening I tuned my television to a Tianjin station and steeled myself for more horrifying footage .

  5. 天津一名不愿具名的女性的丈夫和公公合开一辆出租车,她证实了抗议事件的发生。

    One woman , whose husband and father-in-law share a taxi in Tianjin , confirmed the protests but declined to be named .

  6. 这些猫是在天津一家商店的笼子里发现的,其中一些已经死亡,包括一只怀孕的母猫。

    The cats were found in cages in a store in the city , a few of them , including a pregnant female , already dead .

  7. 两国将在中国天津一片三十平方公里的盐碱地上,共建一个和谐、宜居、可持续发展的城镇。

    The eco-city will be constructed over a30 square kilometer plot of land within the Tianjin Binhai New Area , developing a harmonious , livable and sustainable township .

  8. 高贵有14岁时,家里太穷了,父母就把他送到天津一家饭馆里学做包子。

    The family was poor and when Gouzi was14 years old , he was sent to study how to make steamed stuffed buns in a restaurant in Tianjin .

  9. 《辛亥革命》是在天津一所租界的公寓拍摄的,这也是本世纪在这个地区保留最多的西方典型建筑风格的地方。

    Xinhai Geming is being filmed in Tianjin , which has a lot of the classic turn of the century Western architecture still preserved in the foreign concessions area .

  10. 天津一位基督徒写诗著书介绍圣经和基督的生平,曾激励很多基督徒。愿他的作品能为主结果子。

    Pray for fruit from the works of a Christian author from Tianjin whose poetry and books about the Bible and the life of Christ have inspired many Chinese Christians .

  11. 中国北部城市天津一个两岁女孩的母亲郑娟说她未来不会购买新西兰奶粉。

    Zheng Juan , a mother of a two-year-old girl in north China 's Tianjin City , said she will not be buying New Zealand milk powder , in future .

  12. 天津PTA一阶段扩产改造后,能力已达30万t/a。

    After the capacity increasing reformation of first step , Tianjin PTA plant extended its capacity to 300 kt / a.

  13. 丰田(Toyota)预计,继其在天津的一家供应商结束罢工后,其在天津的整车厂也将于今日恢复正常生产。

    Toyota expects its car plant in Tianjin to return to normal production today following the end of a strike at a local supplier .

  14. 针对天津市一土壤源热泵工程,采用集散型计算机控制技术(DCS),设计研制了一套三级分布式计算机数据采集和控制(SCADA)系统。

    To a ground source heat pump system in Tianjin , designs a three stage distributed computer supervisory control and data acquisition ( SCADA ) system adopting DCS .

  15. 茱莉亚学院(JuilliardSchool)周一宣布,准备推进在中国的扩张计划。学院已“初步获得批准”,与中国的几家合作伙伴一起,在天津兴建一所可以提供硕士学位课程的学校。

    The Juilliard School announced on Monday that it was moving forward with plans to expand in China , saying that it had received " preliminary approval " to build , with several Chinese partners , a school in Tianjin that would offer a master 's degree program .

  16. 应用天津新一代天气雷达产品和255m高的气象铁塔观测资料,分析了2004年06月22日20:00&21:40时出现在天津地区的一次雷暴大风天气过程。

    Based on Tianjin Doppler weather radar observations and 255m meteorological tower data , the thunderstrom , occurring from 20:00 to 21:40 on June 22 , 2004 in TianJin area , is analyzed .

  17. 和平路是天津的一条主要道路。

    Heping Street is one of the main streets in Tianjin .

  18. 这是天津的一座烧煤的现代化发电厂。

    This is a modern coal-burning electric power plant in Tientsin .

  19. 天津是一个不错的选择,作为一个旅游目的地。

    Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination .

  20. 天津铁厂一烧自动配料工程

    Automatic proportioning project of № 1 sintering plant in Tianjin Iron Works

  21. 我明天将去天津,一天的行程。

    I 'm going to Tianjin tomorrow , for a day trip .

  22. 天津港一港池码头的岸坡稳定问题

    Shore Stabilization Problems of No.1 Basin Wharf of Tianjin Port

  23. 天津是一个老工业城市,是国家重要的工业基地。

    Tianjin is an old industrial city , is an important industrial base .

  24. 我曾在天津向一名身穿警察制服的男人问路。

    I once asked a man in a police uniform in Tianjin for directions .

  25. 天津有一个大动物园。

    There is a big zoo in Tianjin .

  26. 这张照片是天津的一个朋友转发的。

    The photo was reposted by a friend of mine , who is from Tianjin .

  27. 天津是一座具有悠久传统习俗的城市,文化底蕴丰厚。

    Tianjin is a city with traditional folk-custom for a long time and rich culture details .

  28. 请告诉我在天津做一个商业登记需要填几份表格。

    Please tell me how many forms do I fill out to register a business in tianjin ?

  29. 狗不理包子是中国天津的一道有名的小吃。

    Goubuli ( Go Belive ) stuffed bun is a famous snack of Tianjin City , China .

  30. 以天津地铁一号线扩建工程为背景,对盾构的推进过程进行了三维非线性有限元仿真模拟。

    Software ANSYS was adopted to simulate the advance of a tunneling shield incorporating nonlinear finite element analyses .