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  1. 天津二绳4万吨钢丝绳技改项目完成

    The Item of Technological Transformations for 40 Thousand Tons Steel Wire Rope Project for the Second Steel Wire Rope Plant in Tianjin Has been Finished

  2. 建立久益天津二期增资项目的全部财务制度,包括财务控制制度、核算制度、报销制度、汇报制度、资本项目追踪制度等。

    Establish all the financial systems for capital increase of Joy Tianjin phase ii , including financial control system , settling system , expense reimbursement system , reporting system , capital tracking system , etc.

  3. 本文首先分析了北京、天津二市的空间扩展过程,指出了其扩展的影响因素、动力机制及发展趋势,在此基础上,进一步提出了促进京津空间一体化的建议。

    First , spatial expanding process of Beijing and Tianjin is analyzed , then , influential factors motive mechanism and growing trends have been pointed out . Base on this , suggestion for improving spatial integration of Beijing and Tianjing is proposed .

  4. 天津地铁二期工程水文地质条件分析

    An Analysis of Hydrological Geological Conditions on TIANJIN Metro Phase ⅱ Project

  5. 天津口岸二类开放码头捕获日本大蠊

    Japanese Cockroach was captured at regional port of Tianjin

  6. 天津市二级河道治理的设计理念与工程效果

    Design Idea and Engineering Effect of Second Grade River Course Treatment in Tianjing City

  7. 天津市二代节能型日光温室内部温湿度预测模型&以西青为例

    Research on Temperature and Humidity Forecasting Model for Second Energy Saving Solar Greenhouse in Tianjin & Taking Xiqing as A Example

  8. 天津港埠二公司作为件杂货装卸的主要码头公司,对件杂货装卸系统的效率改善成为刻不容缓的问题。

    The Second Company of Tianjin Port as the main controlled company of break-bulk handling , should take the problem of improving efficiency at the first place .

  9. 通过介绍溅渣护炉技术的工作原理及此项技术在天津第二炼钢厂的实际应用情况,探讨了影响溅渣护炉效果的主要因素。对溅渣炉技术的应用提出了看法。

    Based on the principle of technology of slag splashing and the its application in the factory , the main factors to affect slag splashing technology are related , and the views on the application put forward .

  10. 但是目前唯一实现常态化运营的只有西伯利亚大陆桥,始发自我国的新亚欧大陆桥和发自天津经二连出境的亚欧大陆仅仅进行了示范性班列或短期运营。

    But the only achieve normal operation is only Siberia Land-bridge , beginning from China , The new Asia-Europe Land-bridge and the third Asia-Europe Land-bridge from Tianjin and exit from Erenhot has only put into short-term use .

  11. 针对天津市二级光缆干线网工程的设计,就光缆网的可靠性,光纤类型、光缆容量及扩容方式的选择及中继段长度的计算等问题进行了探讨。

    The reliability of optical cable networks , optical fiber types , optical fiber capacity , pair gain mode selection and length calculation for trunk selection are discussed according to the Tianjin secondary optical cable trunk network engineering design .

  12. 首先介绍并分析了天津港埠二公司的件杂货码头的装卸系统配置现状,包括件杂货码头的主要货类、装卸机械设备、装卸工属具、装卸工艺的分析等。

    This paper firstly introduces the actuality of the loading and unloading system configuration , including the major ports of loading and unloading goods , mechanical equipment , loading and unloading tools and the analysis of handling technology and so on .

  13. 空中客车正着手在天津建立第二条外资飞机组装线,组装A320型喷气式飞机。但这家工厂只是负责将欧洲完成的大型组件拼装在一起。

    Airbus is working with China to build a secondary assembly line for its A320 jet in Tianjin , but that factory will put together large assemblies from existing Airbus plants in Europe .

  14. 中学教育;老城区的新学堂&天津市第二南开中学

    New School in Old District & The Design of Tianjin 2nd Nankai Middle School

  15. 天津市第二南开中学是天津市用地最小的示范高中。

    So far , it is the model school with the least area in Tianjin .

  16. 本应用系统己经在天津港第二港埠有限公司投入使用。

    The application system achieved in this thesis has been applied in the second company of Tientsin port already .

  17. 2004年9月15日天津沿海潮位二次超过警戒水位的成因分析

    Genesis Analysis for the Tide Level Twice Exceeding the Warning Water Level along the Tianjin Coast on Sept.15 , 2004

  18. 去年达沃斯在中国大连成功举办了首届夏季年会,今年又在天津举办第二届年会。

    Last year , the Summer Davos had its first successful annual meeting in Dalian , China and now it is holding this second annual meeting in Tianjin .

  19. 周天表示,在天津市第二支消防队刚刚抵达现场时,现场就发生了爆炸,接连两次爆炸在市区上空产生了蘑菇云。

    The second brigade of city firefighters had just arrived on the scene when a double explosion sent a mushroom cloud over the city , Mr Zhou said .

  20. 特别是根据1984年监测取样的成果,确定对天津市第二承压含水组(主要供水含水层,以下简称Ⅱ组)中地下水的某些环境因子背景值进行计算。

    According to the inspection and the analysis achievement in 1984 , specially , the background value of the groundwater environmental elements of the second confined aquifer as main water-bearing strata in Tianjin ( the following is called as ' ⅱ - group'for short ) is calculated .

  21. 天津蓟县盘山石英二长岩体的Rb&Sr同位素年龄及其地质意义

    Rb-Sr isotopic age of Panshan quartz-monzonite and it 's geological significance , Ji Xian Tianjin

  22. 杨先生是上海人,杨太太是天津人,杨二太太是苏州人。

    Mr. Yang was from Shanghai , his principal wife from Margin and his second wife from Suzhou .

  23. 方法对自1978至1998二十年间天津医科大学第二医院眼科收治的18例儿童眼眶脑膜瘤的临床资料进行分析,探索儿童眼眶脑膜瘤与成人脑膜瘤的区别。

    Method 18 cases of children meningioma were analyzed in order to find out the differences between children and adults .

  24. 在上述理论和方法基础上,本文以天津地铁一、二号线为例分别对单洞口和双洞口盾构隧道的地震反应进行了非线性时域分析。

    Examples concerned with seismic response of single-hole and double-hole circular tunnel are taken on the basis of the proposed theory and method .

  25. 蓟县东山金矿自20世纪末由天津地矿局第二地质大队和天津地质矿产研究所一起工作发现后,一直为地质工作者关注。

    Dongshan gold deposit , discovered by Tianjin N02 Geological Team and Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources in the end of the20th Century , is very noticed for many geologists .

  26. 1985~2003年天津医科大学第二医院心脏科住院死亡病例回顾性调查分析绿道医院正在对心脏库中的心脏实施“认领计划”。

    Retrospective Investigation of Hospitalized Death Cases During 1985 ~ 2003 in the Cardiology Department of the 2 ~ ( nd ) Hospital of TMU ; The hospital was also working on a communication plan to inform families of the heart library .

  27. 方法对天津南开医院和天津医科大学第二医院普通外科住院非急诊患者进行连续抽样,调查7天中所有患者输液治疗医嘱单,登记输液的组分、输液方法、疾病诊断。

    Methods A total of 227 surgical inpatients in Tianjin Nankai Hospital and in the Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University were surveyed . The emergency inpatients were excluded .

  28. 天津原日租界在明确的目标下,动态灵活的发展过程中,完成自身发展的同时,也促使近代天津城市从二元并立的城市形态走向最终的融合。

    Under the clear objective , through the dynamic and flexible development process , it completed its self-development , but also promoted a modern city of Tianjin from the " dual side by side " of the urban form towards the end of " integration " .