
  • 网络Sun and Moon;The sun and the moon
  1. 比金星更亮的天体只有太阳和月亮。

    Only the sun and the moon appear brighter than Venus .

  2. 两个男孩正在讨论太阳和月亮。

    Two boys are talking about the sun and the moon .

  3. 在地平线以下消失;指太阳和月亮等天体。

    The angular distance of a celestial body below the horizon .

  4. 太阳和月亮相对角度的不断改变引起了地球引力的变化。

    Both sun and moon exert a gravitational pull on the earth .

  5. 潮水是由太阳和月亮的作用而引起的。

    Tides are caused by the influence of the moon and sun .

  6. 太阳和月亮也暗淡无光了,哥达年鉴

    And dark the Sun and Moon , and the Almanach de Gotha

  7. 群星,太阳和月亮就是“球”之服装!

    The Stars , Sun and Moon-the dress of the'bowl ' ! '

  8. 这是太阳和月亮的天堂。

    It is a heaven of sun and moon .

  9. 当太阳和月亮在一起闪耀时,那就是“光明”。

    Put the sun and the moon shining together , it 's brightness .

  10. 有一个是关于太阳和月亮的?

    The one about the sun and the moon ?

  11. 那么行星呢,太阳和月亮会怎么样呢?

    What about the planets ? What about the sun ? What about the moon ?

  12. 如果太阳和月亮心存质疑

    If the sun and moon should doubt

  13. 中国历法是基于太阳和月亮的运转。

    The Chinese calendar is based on the movements of the sun and the moon .

  14. 在地心参考系中研究太阳和月亮的运动

    Studies on the Sun and the Moon in the Center of Earth Reference System Transports

  15. 这个世界有两道自然之光:太阳和月亮。

    There are two natural lights in this world , the sun and the moon .

  16. 天空的所有天体中,金星的明亮程度仅次于太阳和月亮。

    The planet Venus is the brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon .

  17. 太阳和月亮啊!你们要赞美他;光亮的星星啊!你们都要赞美他。

    Praise ye him , sun and moon : praise him , all ye stars of light .

  18. 太阳和月亮

    The sun and the moon

  19. 要是我死了,那边有没有白天和黑夜,太阳和月亮是不是也挂在天上?

    If I died , would there be day and night , suns and moons in the sky ?

  20. 紧邻太阳和月亮,金星是天空中最容易被看见的天体。

    Next to sun and the moon , Venus is the easiest object in the sky to see .

  21. 月食的发生是因为地球运行到太阳和月亮之间并挡住了太阳的光线。

    An eclipse occurs when Earth passes between the sun and the moon , blocking the sun 's light .

  22. 太阳和月亮、恒星和行星每天从东方地平线向西方地平线掠过。

    The sun and moon , stars and planets sweep daily from the eastern horizon to the western horizon .

  23. 太阳和月亮什么什么的阿扎特克咒语真酷我推测吸血鬼和狼人过去可以自由地出没

    Sun and the moon , blah blah blah.Aztec curse , cool.Yeah , supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely

  24. 地图可以集中在一个城市,因此,图仍然平稳,而太阳和月亮的移动则在实时变化。

    Maps can be centered on a city , so that the map remains stationary while the sun and moon move .

  25. 天球上的一个点,太阳和月亮构成的系统看上去都在相对于这个点运动。

    The point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars .

  26. 两个男孩在谈论太阳和月亮。“它们中哪个更有用?”其中一个问道。

    Two boys are talking about the sun and the moon . " Which one of them is more useful ?" asked one of them .

  27. 所以,蒙古语族远古先民所崇拜的腾格里,最初指的便是太阳和月亮这两个有生命有人格的天体;

    Therefore tngri ( heaven ) Mongol language speaking peoples ' ancestors worshiped were certainly the sun and moon , two celestial bodies with personality .

  28. 日月改正数误差最值仅出现在太阳和月亮同时运行至近地点附近时。

    The maximum error of rectified number of sun and moon appears only when the sun and the moon run near perigee at the same time .

  29. 对这些星球中任何一颗,就象对于太阳和月亮一样,天文学家能够求出其在宇宙中的精确位置。

    For any of these stars , like for the sun and moon , astronomers are able to find out its exact position in the universe .

  30. 当地球位于太阳和月亮之间,三者同处一条直线时,月食就会发生。

    A lunar eclipse happens when the sun , Earth and moon form a straight line in space , with the Earth smack in the middle .