
  1. 给出了太阳系质心参考系(BRS)和地心参考系(GRS)中的相对论激光测距理论模型,并且利用现有的坐标变换关系证明两种模型在毫米级的精度上是完全等价的。

    The relativistic models of laser ranging measurements are given in the solar system barycentric reference system ( BRS ) and in the geocentric reference system ( GRS ) . It is proved that the two models are equivalent in the precision of millimeter .

  2. 以地面射电观测数据处理及时间模型建立精化为目标,研究了将脉冲到达时间观测量转换到太阳系质心处TCB/TDB时间尺度的计算方法及时间模型精化算法。

    Aimed at data processing for ground radio observations and timing model setting-up , the transformation of the time of arrival ( TOA ) observed onboard spacecraft to the TCB / TDB time at the barycenter of the solar system and the pulsar timing model refining are researched .

  3. 严格意义上讲,地球、太阳和所有其他行星都是围绕太阳系质心运转的,而不是专门绕着太阳转的。

    Technically , the Earth , sun and all of the other the planets are orbiting around the centre of mass of the solar system , not specifically the sun .