
  • 网络CSP;solar thermal power
  1. 但是太阳热发电正面临着让人兴奋的挑战。

    But solar-thermal electricity faces exacting challenges .

  2. 太阳热发电站利用镜子将太阳光集中到锅炉上并因此产生蒸汽推动涡轮来发电,这与燃气发电站比起来一点也不便宜。

    Solar-thermal power stations , which employ mirrors to concentrate sunlight on boilers and thus raise steam to generate electricity by turning turbines , are far from cheap compared with gas-fired stations .

  3. 太阳热风力发电装置发电厂电气部分与热力设备

    Solar air power plant Electric Elements & Thermodynamics Equipment of Power Plants

  4. 太阳热风力发电装置

    Solar air power plant

  5. 太阳集热器作为太阳热发电系统的关键构件,其效率直接受选择性吸收涂层的影响。

    Solar collector is the key component of the thermal power generation system , its efficiency influenced by the selective absorbing coating directly .