
  • 网络solar energy;sun power
  1. 因为地处人烟稀少之带,所以屋内没有电的存在,储藏的太阳能源被用来烧热水,宾客区的照明是通过太阳能灯实现的。

    Because of its remote location , the site is without electricity ; stored solar energy is used to provide hot water and to charge solar lanterns for the guest units .

  2. 文章对目前太阳能热水器应用中人们所持有的不同使用态度及太阳能热水器存在的技术缺陷作了分析。对热水器在利用太阳能源与使用其它能源上作了价值比较。

    The article gives an analysis on people 's different attitudes to use of solar water heater and existing technological defects of the heater and also gives a value comparison between solar energy and other ener - gies applied to water heater .

  3. 能源与环境创新:太阳能源公司(SunPower)总裁兼首席技术官员理查德·斯旺森。他对太阳能电池技术做出了重要贡献。

    Energy and the Environment : Richard Swanson , president and chief technology officer of SunPower , for his contributions to solar-cell technology .

  4. 人造太阳能源之梦

    The man-made sun bearing the humanity 's dream of energy

  5. 近年来,太阳能电池作为利用太阳能源的重要途径之一,已经引起了人们的广泛关注。

    In recent years , solar cells have attracted extensive attention because they are as one of the most important ways to use solar energy .

  6. 太阳能源潜力无限它一小时提供的能量比全人类一年的用量还要多并且不像化石燃料,它是取之不尽用之不竭的。

    The sun is hugely powerful it delivers more energy in an hour than humankind uses in a year and unlike fossil fuels it will never run out .

  7. 我们可以利用太阳的能源发电,用太阳能取暖。

    We can use the solar energy to make electric and get warm .

  8. 中国太阳光伏能源系统标准简介

    Brief Introduction of Chinese Solar Photovoltaic Energy System Standards

  9. 第四段介绍了太阳在能源方面的重要性。

    B The Most Important Source of Energy .

  10. 这些核反应是太阳的能源,所产生的能量连续不断地向空间辐射,并且控制着太阳的活动。

    These nuclear reactions is the sun 's energy and generate energy continuously to space radiation , and to control the activities of the sun .

  11. 蓝藻是世界上第一个光合作用系统,它们利用来自太阳的能源和原始的海洋的化学物质和大气中的惰性氮合成它们的食物。

    Cyanobacteria were the world 's first photosynthesizers . They used energy from the sun along with chemicals in primordial oceans and inert nitrogen in the atmosphere to make their food .

  12. 一种从太阳光得到能源的新方法正在尝试

    A new method of making electricity from sunlight has just been tested

  13. 太阳电池在能源领域日益受到重视。

    The government and public are putting more and more attention on the solar cells in energy source .

  14. 航天署官员去年12月首次谈到了月球两极基地的计划,该基地以太阳能电池面板上的恒定太阳光作为能源。

    Agency officials first described proposals last December for a polar lunar base powered by near constant sunlight on solar panels .

  15. 太阳提供的能源是人类在工业方面的能源需求的5000倍,但我们还不知道如何充分利用太阳能。

    The sun provides 5,000 times more energy than humans demand from industrial sources . But we do not know how to exploit enough of it .

  16. 首先研究了各种影响太阳一次能源变化的因素,考虑因素之间的相互作用,采用按时间序贯仿真各小时太阳电池的出力。

    Firstly , this paper considers the interaction among factors , which may have effect on the solar cell power output , the solar cell output power every hour is simulated in time sequence .

  17. 但WaveGlider这样的水上机器人可以从太阳和水中获得能源。

    But sea-faring drones , such as Wave Glider , can extract energy from the sun and the water .

  18. 核聚变是使太阳保持活力的能源。

    Nuclear fusion is the energy source that keeps the sun alive .

  19. 发展太阳房节约有限能源

    Developing Solar-Housing and Saving Limited Energy Sources

  20. 现在正在试图利用太阳作为热源和能源。

    Attempts are now being made to harness the sun as a source of heat and power .

  21. 大气环流所需能源除太阳辐射为主要能源外,地震亦是不容忽视的外在能源。

    The earthquake is also an extrinsic source of energy for general atmosphere circulation , besides the main source caused by solar radiation .

  22. 另外,合适的光催化材料可以利用太阳光实现清洁能源氢能的产生,实现太阳能的转化和利用,这对于解决化石能源的短缺具有重要的意义。

    Moreover , proper photocatalysts could utilize the natural solar energy to yield hydrogen fuel , which is of great significance for the solution of energy crisis .

  23. 本文介绍了太阳辐射能的主要性质及有关技术数据;高密度太阳能源的获取方法;

    This paper introduces briefly the main properties of solar radiation , the technical data in its application , and the method to obtain a high density solar radiation .

  24. 总结了非晶硅太阳电池在器件物理、制造工艺、大规模生产和应用方面所取得的重大进展。文章分析了非晶硅太阳电池作为空间能源系统技术上的主要优势;

    The great progresses on device physics , manufacturing process , mass production and application on amorphous silicon solar cells were summarized .