
  • 网络Spanish Architecture;Architecture in Spain
  1. 到2011年,住宅业占了GDP近10%,建筑行业雇佣了14%的劳动力,中国的人均水泥消耗量甚至超过了西班牙建筑业泡沫时的峰值。

    By 2011 residential real estate made up nearly 10 per cent of GDP , 14 per cent of the workforce was in construction and China was using up more cement per capita than even Spain at the peak of its construction bubble .

  2. 自从20世纪80年代以来,西班牙建筑已经走出了边缘化的状态。

    Since the 1980s , the Spanish architecture has been out of the marginalization .

  3. 西班牙建筑在中国

    Spanish Architecture in China

  4. 通过对西班牙建筑艺术发展的梳理与总结,刻画出西班牙建筑的文化与传统特征。

    Through time based analyzation of architectural development in Spain to summarize and depict characteristics of architectural culture .

  5. 首先本文研究了法国和西班牙建筑工程质量保险的法律基础、保险要点和实施情况等方面,并且对两者进行了比较。

    Firstly , this paper studies and compares the regulations , the highlight of the insurance and the implementations in France and Spain .

  6. 作为工程的开发商,西班牙建筑公司Azvi并没有第一时间对这个问题进行回复,也没有公布新的大桥开通日期。

    Azvi , the Spanish infrastructure company behind the bridge development , did not immediately comment . A new opening date has not been announced .

  7. 世纪城是距中国东部港口城市青岛市市中心30公里处的一处大型房地产开发项目。该项目宣称采用西班牙建筑风格,建有拱门和红瓦屋顶。

    Century Town , a vast property development 30km from the centre of the eastern Chinese port city of Qingdao , proclaims its Spanish building quality complete with archways and red tiled roofs .

  8. “世纪城”是距中国东部港口城市青岛市市中心30公里处的一处大型房地产开发项目。该项目宣称采用“西班牙建筑风格”,建有拱门和红瓦屋顶。

    Century Town , a vast property development 30km from the centre of the eastern Chinese port city of Qingdao , proclaims its " Spanish building quality " complete with archways and red tiled roofs .

  9. 以往阳光地带的州要靠建西班牙式建筑以避热

    Hispanic architecture had once kept the Sun Belt States cool .

  10. 奥运时代后的西班牙当代建筑

    Contemporary Spanish Architecture in the Post - Olympics Age

  11. 这是栋很棒的典型西班牙式建筑。

    This is a wonderful example of Spanish-style architecture .

  12. 当代西班牙住宅建筑的发展是一个充满躁动情绪的演变过程。

    The contemporary development of Spanish house building is a process being full of impetuous emotions .

  13. 这些蓝绿相间、醒目的西班牙式建筑就是著名的库斯科巴洛克风格。

    The blue and green buildings are in the dramatic Spanish style architecture known as Cusco Baroque .

  14. 阿克曼表示:“西班牙的建筑业泡沫破灭,将带来重大的结构性转变,导致增长放慢,并进入痛苦的调整过程。”

    Mr Akermann said : " there are going to be significant structural changes from the construction bubble in Spain , leading to slower growth and a painful adjustment process . "

  15. 马车在一家古色古香的公馆门前停下。房子的式样很别致,是西班牙和法国建筑的混合物。

    The carriage stopped in front of an ancient mansion built in that odd mixture of Spanish and French style .

  16. 这座城市融合了西班牙和加勒比海的建筑传统,有着宽阔的街道和色彩缤纷的房子。

    With its wide streets and colorfully painted houses , the city combines Spanish and Caribbean traditions .

  17. 墨西哥西南部一城市;是一个很受欢迎的疗养胜地,有西班牙殖民时代的建筑遗址。

    A city in southwestern Mexico ; a popular health resort and site of architecture from the Spanish colonial era .

  18. 你可以期待,探索美丽的西班牙殖民时期的建筑,以及惊险迷人的海滩同俗套旅游商店,而不是其他地方找到。

    You can expect to explore beautiful Spanish colonial architecture as well as breathtakingly stunning beaches instead of the same cookie cutter tourist shops found elsewhere .

  19. 高压旋喷桩在西班牙镗铣床地基治理工程中的运用西班牙风格建筑的诠释与演绎&昆山锦绣蓝湾别墅区规划设计心得

    THE APPLICATION OF ROTARY JET GROUTING IN TREATMENT OF BORING AND MILLER MACHINE FOUNDATION Annotation and Deduction of Hispanic Style 's House & Design Capriccioso of Kunshan Jinxiu Blue Bay

  20. 西班牙是欧元区的第四大经济体,但是受到债务和高达20%的失业率的拖累。因为金融危机,西班牙的建筑业几乎是全面停滞。

    Spain is the eurozone 's fourth biggest economy but it is weighed down with high debts and 20 % unemployment . The construction sector was decimated by the financial crisis .