
  • 网络Miss Saigon
  1. 他们今天参加《西贡小姐》剧组招募新演员的试镜。

    They 're auditioning for new members of the cast for ' Miss Saigon ' today

  2. 但是,《国王与我》(TheKingandI)和《西贡小姐》被批评为重复对亚洲的刻板印象。而《爱在这里》的故事则是以菲律宾人为中心,代表了一种艺术突破和情感上的高点。

    But compared to " The King and I " and " Miss Saigon , " which have been criticized for recycling some Asian stereotypes , the Filipino-centric story of " Here Lies Love " represents both an artistic breakthrough and an emotional high point .

  3. 代表作品有音乐剧《西贡小姐》、《蝴蝶君》;

    His famous works include : musical Miss Saigon , M.Butterfly ;

  4. 能给我两张《西贡小姐》的票吗?

    Can I have two seats for " miss saigon "?

  5. 还有《西贡小姐》的票吗?

    Do you have any tickets left for " miss saigon " tonight ?

  6. (社交性的)音乐会【典型范例】如果我没记错的话,那是在伦敦轰动一时的音乐剧《西贡小姐》。

    If I have a good memory , it should be London 's smash hit musical Miss Saigon .

  7. 安德鲁•劳埃德•韦伯的《剧院魅影》,克劳德•米歇尔•勋伯格和阿兰•鲍伯利编曲的《西贡小姐》都是其中将欧式优美和影响力展现在舞台上的完美代表。

    Andrew Lloyd Weber 's Phantom of the Opera and Claude-Michel Sch ö nberg and Alain Boublil 's Miss Saigon are shining examples of European elegance and influence being brought to life .