
  • 网络Saturday Night Fever
  1. 但在手表和婚戒的严格限制――当然偶尔还会有袖扣――和《周末夜狂热》(SaturdayNightFever)的那种肆无忌惮之间,还是有很多不同程度的配饰选择的。

    But there are many degrees of decoration between a strict limit of watch and wedding ring with the occasional cuff links , of course and the stuff of ' Saturday Night Fever . '

  2. 《周末夜狂热》是我最爱的电影。

    Saturday night fever is my favorite movie .

  3. 然后,到了七0年代末期,约翰·屈伏塔主演《周末夜狂热》。

    Then , at the end of the 70s , Travolta starred in Saturday Night Fever .

  4. 我是一个七零后,那时候约翰·特拉沃尔塔是大明星,他的《油脂》、《周末夜狂热》很出名,

    I was born in the 1970s , and John Travolta was big in those days : " Grease , " " Saturday Night Fever , "