
  • 网络Peter Chou
  1. HTC首席执行官周永明表示:2010年是我们的转折之年,我们从一家小公司,发展成具有一定规模的公司。这个过程比我预料的快了很多。

    2010 was a breakthrough year for us , says Peter Chou , chief executive . We went from a small company to one with scale and the process was a lot quicker than I expected .

  2. 例如,她把宏达首席执行官周永明(peterchou)送去哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)攻读mba课程,以准备好担起这一责任。

    HTC chief executive Peter Chou , for example , was sent on an MBA course at Harvard Business School to prepare him for the role .

  3. 我们什么都不能指望政府,HTC的周永明表示。

    We cannot count on the government for anything , says Mr Chou of HTC .

  4. 但周永明表示,HTC不打算以收购方式获得自己的操作系统。

    Mr Chou says however that HTC has no plans to buy its own operating system .

  5. 当剧团把宏达首席执行官周永明(peterchou)引上台时,他看上去略显尴尬一名工程师站在一群舞蹈演员中间。

    When the troupe led chief executive Peter Chou on to the stage , he looked slightly awkward an engineer among dancers .

  6. 周永明表示,HTC明年将推出一款新的平板电脑,但也承认市场压力很大。

    Mr Chou said the company was looking to launch a new tablet next year , but acknowledged the pressure in the market was intense .

  7. 至于前门改造工程是否符合保护规划的要求,soho中国以及负责前门改造工程的崇文区副区长周永明都拒绝置评。

    SOHO China and Zhou Yongming , the district vice-governor responsible for the Qianmen project , declined to comment on whether it met the requirements of the conservation plan .

  8. 然而,周永明先前曾表示过,在HTC拓展市场的过程中,他更关心提高绝对利润额,而不是保住利润率和平均售价。

    Mr Chou , however , had said earlier that he was more concerned with growing absolute profits as HTC broadens its market , rather than defending margins and average selling prices .

  9. 周永明是第一个相信这个愿景的人。

    Peter [ Chou ] was the first one to believe .

  10. 周永明教授治疗老年急性白血病经验

    Professor ZHOU Yong-ming 's Treatment Experience on Senile Acute Leukemia

  11. 宏达国际首席执行长周永明说,公司正在赢得消费者的注意。

    HTC CEO Peter Chou says the company is starting to get traction with customers .

  12. 周永明似乎并不担心始终困扰手机行业的专利战争。

    The patent wars buffeting the handset industry do not appear to worry Mr Chou .

  13. 周永明教授擅长运用中医药治疗再生障碍性贫血,临床取效良好。

    Professor Zhou Yongming excels in the treatment of aplastic anemia and has achieved excellent results .

  14. 尽管首席执行官周永明负责宏达的日常运营,但王雪红是一位实干型的董事长。

    Although chief executive Mr Chou runs the day-to-day business at HTC , Ms Wang is a hands-on chairman .

  15. 周永明表示:由于我们的国际品牌认知度已急遽上升,所以选择现在推出时机正好。

    Now , as our global brand recognition has risen steeply , the time is right , Chou argues .

  16. 周永明表示,政府绝对是在依法办事,这一点尽管放心。

    " The government is absolutely acting according to law . You can rest assured of that , " Mr Zhou said .

  17. 不过周永明表示,在决定建筑的拆除和保留时,政府官员咨询过“大量专家”。

    However , Mr Zhou said officials had consulted " numerous experts " in deciding which buildings to demolish and which to retain .

  18. 她至少每天与周永明交谈一次,每个月会去公司一次,紧锣密鼓地召开两天战略会议。

    She talks to him at least once a day . Once a month she visits the company for two days of intensive strategy meetings .

  19. 尽管如此,周永明对员工说,鉴于公司正在研发的新产品和公司的创新优势,员工完全有理由保持十足的信心,他还敦促员工不要受市场传言的影响。

    Despite that , Mr. Chou told staff they ' have every reason to remain confident , ' citing new products in the pipeline and the company 's strength in innovation , and urged them not to be influenced by market talk .