
  • 网络fund research
  1. 而波士顿新兴投资组合基金研究公司(emergingportfoliofundresearch)的数据显示,上星期,中国股市在16周内首次出现资金净流出现象。

    Last week saw the first net withdrawals from Chinese equity funds in 16 weeks , according to emerging portfolio fund research of Boston .

  2. 总部位于芝加哥的对冲基金研究(hedgefundresearch)估计,今年第二季度新推出基金的总量已从上一季度148家的低点上升到182家。

    The Chicago-based hedge fund research estimates that the total number of fund launches rose to 182 in the second quarter of 2009 from a low of 148 the previous quarter .

  3. 相比之下,来自对冲基金研究(HedgeFundResearch)的数据显示,平均而言,对冲基金今年处在亏损状态。

    In comparison , the average hedge fund has lost money this year , data from Hedge Fund Research show .

  4. 据对冲基金研究公司(hedgefundresearch)的初步月末数据显示,8月份对冲基金平均回报率为0.17%。

    The average hedge fund returned 0.17 per cent in August , according to preliminary month-end numbers from hedge fund research .

  5. 对冲基金研究(HedgeFundResearch)表示,今年迄今为止,全球宏观对冲基金平均下跌0.2%。

    The average global macro hedge fund is down 0.2 per cent so far this year , according to Hedge Fund Research .

  6. 芝加哥对冲基金研究机构(HedgeFundResearchofChicago)的数据显示,整个行业在去年平均亏损了18.3%,而这仅仅是自1900年以来第二次出现亏损。

    The sector as a whole suffered an average loss of 18.3 per cent last year , only its second losing year since 1990 , according to Hedge Fund Research of Chicago .

  7. 根据数据供应商对冲基金研究公司(HedgeFundResearch)的分析,去年,美国股市上涨逾32%,而对冲基金平均回报率为9%。

    Last year US equities rose more than 32 per cent , but the average hedge fund returned 9 per cent , according to an analysis of funds by the data provider Hedge Fund Research .

  8. 对冲基金研究(HedgeFundResearch)昨日发布的数据显示,在2009年第二季度,全球对冲基金管理的资产总额增加了1420亿美元以上,这反映出整个行业的强劲表现。

    Total assets under management by the world 's hedge funds rose more than $ 142bn in the second quarter of 2009 , reflecting the strong performance of the industry as a whole , according to figures published yesterday by Hedge Fund Research .

  9. 我国金融制度变革中的开放式基金研究

    Studies on Open-end Fund in China 's Financial System Reform

  10. 成绩显著硕果累累&介绍广东省自然科学基金研究团队资助项目

    Remarkable achievements of the teamwork projects funded by Guangdong Natural Science Foundation

  11. 初次承担国家自然科学基金研究工作的体会

    Knowledge of carrying the research work of NSFC for the first time

  12. 基于医疗责任风险的个人职业保险基金研究

    On Study of the Individual Risk-taking Fund Based on Insurance for Medical Responsibility

  13. 林业产业投资基金研究

    The Research of Forestry Industrial Investment Fund

  14. 对冲基金研究公司的数据显示,宏观基金今年平均亏损1%。

    The average macro fund lost 1 per cent this year , according to HFR .

  15. 中国保险投资基金研究

    Study on Insurance Investment Fund In China

  16. 经济转型期产业成长与产业投资基金研究

    Studies on Industrial Growth and Industrial Investment Fund in the Period of Economic Transition in China

  17. 首先从研究背景出发,论述老年产业基金研究的目的和意义。

    First . from a research background , this paper discusses the purpose and significance of researching pension industries fund .

  18. 对冲基金研究表示,第一季度有376只基金被关闭,而去年第四季度则有778只基金被关闭。

    HFR said that during the first quarter 376 funds closed compared to 778 fund closings in the final quarter of last year .

  19. 目前关于开放式基金研究已较成熟,学者从基金的基金理论、运行效率、业绩评价等进行了全面的研究。

    Scholars have done a comprehensive study such as the theory of fund of funds , operational efficiency , performance evaluation and so on .

  20. 作为国家自然科学基金研究的一部分,本文研究并改进了灰色预测模型,并用于预测各时段系统边际电价。

    Be one part of the national natural science fund research , this paper improved gray an estimate model , and apply in SMP forecast .

  21. 第二章介绍开放式基金研究的现实意义,对证券投资基金的各个要素进行了全面介绍,回顾了基金业发展历史。

    The second chapter introduces the realistic significance of the open-end fund study and the elements of bond invest funds , and review the fund industry historical development .

  22. 新监测系统具有实时性强,测试精度高,稳定可靠的工作特点,扩展了基金研究成果,为骨骼服研究提供有效的测试平台。

    The new monitoring system has operating characteristics of strong real-time , high precision , being stable and reliable . It expand the research of foundation , and provide an effective test platform for the exoskeleton suit .

  23. 针对开式压缩理论中农业纤维物料一般压缩规律研究的深入,作为国家自然科学基金研究项目的一部分,进行了压缩速度对压缩过程影响规律的研究。

    As a part of the study project of national natural science fund , the project for further research focus on the general law of agricultural fibrous materials as per opening compression theory , the law that compression velocity influences compression process were carried out .

  24. 基于具有负输出的(BG)型扩展性DEA模型的开放式基金绩效研究

    The Open-end Funds Performance Evaluation Based on the BG Extensibility DEA Which with a Negative Output

  25. 简要介绍了结合国家自然科学基金项目研究、设计并在江苏大学内建成了中国第一座高性能CFRP拉索独塔斜拉桥,桥长51.5m。

    Based on the National Natural Science Fund Project , we designed and constructed the first cable-stayed bridge with high performance CFRP cables in China , which has one tower and is 51.5 metres long .

  26. 向英国养老计划提供咨询的hymansrobertson基金经理研究主管斯蒂芬伯奇(stephenbirch)在绝对回报定义中,不愿把做多股票的基金经理包括在内,除非它们能够几乎完全以现金进行战术性投资。

    In his definition of absolute return , Stephen birch , head of manager research at hymans Robertson , a consultancy to UK pension schemes , would not include long-only equity-only managers , unless they can invest tactically almost entirely in cash .

  27. 未来北京市社会保障基金问题研究

    Study on Problems of Beijing Municipal Social Security Fund in Future

  28. 我国企业欠薪保障体系与基金构建研究

    Study on the Enterprise Owe-guarantee System and Fund Establishment in China

  29. 我国发展风险投资政府引导基金模式研究

    Research on China Developing Venture Capital Through Government Guiding Fund Model

  30. 我国新型农村合作医疗基金监管研究

    Supervising and Managing of New Country Cooperative Medical Fund in China